"Final Carbon Basin Coal Project Environmental Impact Statement" by United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management

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The Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statements (DEIS and FEIS) assess the environmental consequences of a proposed coal lease sale and subsequent mine development and operation in the Carbon Basin, 11 miles southeast of Hanna, Wyoming. This abbreviated FEIS revises and supplements the DEIS for the Carbon Basin Coal project (DES-98-32) and addresses comments and concerns expressed during the public comment period for the DEIS. The DEIS was made available to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the public on August 7, 1998, and a Notice of Availability was published in the Federal Register on the same date. One public hearing was held in Hanna on September 9, 1998. The comment period closed October 6, 1998.


SuDocs call # I 53.59:C 17/FINAL
