"Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Powder River Coal Lease A" by United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management

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This Final Environment Impact Statement (FEIS) assesses the environmental consequences of a federal decision to offer two federal coal tracts in southeastern Campbell County, Wyoming for lease at separate, competitive, sealed bid sales, subject to standard and special lease stipulations. The Powder River Lease By Application (LBA) Tract as applied for by Powder River Coal Company includes approximately 4,020 acres containing approximately 515 million tons of federal coal. Powder River coal company operates the adjacent North Antelope and Rochelle Mines. The Thundercloud LBA Tract, which is located approximately 9 miles north of the Powder River LBA Tract, was applied for by Kerr-McGee Coal Company, the operator of the adjacent Jacobs Ranch Mine. It includes approximately 3,400 acres containing about 427 million tons of federal coal as applied for. This FEIS describes the physical, biological, cultural, historic, and socioeconomic resources in and surrounding the project area. The focus for impact analysis was based upon resource issues and concerns identified during public scoping. Potential concerns related to development include impacts to groundwater, air quality, and wildlife and cumulative impacts related to ongoing surface coal mining and other proposed development in the Powder River Basin of wyoming.


SuDocs call # I 53.59:P 87/FINAL
