The Price of Indifference
Document Type
News Article
Journal/Book Title/Conference
The Chronicle of Higher Education
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Publication Date
Junior scholars devote an inordinate amount of time and energy to scrutinizing the job-search process. If we're lucky enough to garner a few conference interviews or, even better, an elusive campus visit, we're plied with sage counsel about what to wear, what to say, how to deliver a crackerjack job talk, how to navigate meetings with deans and provosts, and even how to share a meal with the search committee. In a tight labor market, with dozens of qualified candidates eager to fill each vacant position, our scrutiny rarely turns to the search committees. But maybe it should on occasion. If the burden of proof falls on the job candidate, it's worth remembering that the host institution is also on display during the search process.
Recommended Citation
Raymond, H. (2005). The price of indifference. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 51(37), C1.
Originally published by The Chronicle of Higher Education. HTML fulltext available through remote link.