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Vaccinology, Kerry A. Rood; BYU-I Animal Science Class
Halogeton (H. glomeratus) Poisoning in Cattle. Poisonous Plants: Toxicology, Ecology, Management, and Medicine, Kerry A. Rood, K. E. Panter, D. R. Gardner, Bryan L. Stegelmeier, R. T. Skirpstunas, and J. O. Hall; ISOPP9 Committee
Halogeton (H. Glomeratus) Poisoning in Cattle: Case Report, Kerry A. Rood, Kip E. Panter, Dale R. Gardner, Bryan L. Stegelmeier, and Jeffery O. Hall; International Journal of Poisonous Plant Research
Effect of Single-Chain Ovine Gonadotropins With Dual Activity on Ovarian Function in Sheep, Heloisa M. Rutigliano, Betty M. Adams, Albina Jablonka-Shariff, Irving Boime, and Thomas E. Adams; Reproduction
Effect of time and dose of recombinant follicle stimulating hormone agonist on the superovulatory response of sheep, Heloisa M. Rutigliano, Betty M. Adams, Albina Jablonka-Shariff, Irving Boime, and Thomas E. Adams; Theriogenology
Gene Targeting in Non-Murine Species for Biomedical Applications, Zhongde Wang; Seminar at Department of Animal Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Gene Targeting in Non-Murine Species for Modeling Human Diseases, Zhongde Wang; Seminar at Knight Cardiovascular Institute, Oregon Health and Science University
Genetically Engineered Golden Syrian Hamsters as Animal Models of Human Diseases, Zhongde Wang; Seminar at Collge of Veterinary Medicine, China Agricultural University
Genetically Enginered Golden Syrian Hamsters as Animal Models of uman Diseases, Zhongde Wang; Annual International Symposium, Korean Society of Animal Reproduction
Genetic Engineering in Golden Syrian Hamsters and Cats: Developing Better Animal Models for Human Diseases, Zhongde Wang; The 4th International Symposium of Center for the Animal Bioreactor & Xenotransplantation (CABX): Transgenic Animals for Human Disease. Jeju, Republic of Korea
Genetic Engineering in Golden Syrian Hamsters and Cats: Developing Better Animal Models for Human Diseases, Zhongde Wang; Seminar at Laboratory of Reproductive Biotechnology, Department of Animal Science, Division of Applied Life Science, Gyeongsang National University
Genetic Inactivation of the Sry Gene in Argali Wild and Romney Domestic Sheep with CRISPR/Cas and TALEN Systems for Producing Sex-Reversed Female Animals, Zhongde Wang; 40th Annual Conference of the International Embryo Transfer Society
Genome Engineering for Biomedical Applications, Zhongde Wang; Seminar at College of Veterinary Medicine, Zhengzhou University
Johne's disease, mycoplasma and BVD surveillance of Utah dairy herds and changes in herd infectious status over time, David J. Wilson; Proceedings of the Utah Veterinary Medicine Association
Johne's Disease, mycoplasma and BVD in Utah - bulk tank milk testing and comparison to previous regional prevalence and individual herd results over time, David J. Wilson, Kerry A. Rood, J. Bunnell, C. Whitehouse, G. M. Goodell, and T. M. Byrem; Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology
Mycoplasma, Johne’s Disease and BVD – Bulk Tank Milk Results Over Time in the U.S. Intermountain West, D. J. Wilson, Kerry A. Rood, G. Goodell, and T. Byrem; Mast Res Workers
Effect of embryo culture length on production of cloned transgenic goats, J. Hall, Qinggang Meng, Benjamin R. Sessions, Z. Fan, X. Wang, R. Stott, Heloisa M. Rutigliano, Chris J. Davies, K. Panter, T. Bunch, Kenneth L. White, and Irina A. Polejaeva; The 39th International Embryo Transfer Society Annual Conference
Knockout of Goat Nucleoporin 155 (nup155) Gene Using CRISPR/Cas9 Systems, S. Hu, Zhongde Wang, and I. A. Polejaeva; The IX Transgenic Animal Research Conference, ISTT, Tahoe City, California, USA
Multiple Recombinant Adeno-Associated Viral Vector Serotypes Display Persistent In Vivo Gene Expression in Vector-Transduced Rat Stifle Joints, Jeffrey B. Mason, Brittney L. Gurda, Julie B. Engiles, Kurt D. Hankenson, James M. Wilson, and Dean W. Richardson; Human Gene Therapy Methods
In vivo Gene Therapy of the Equine Distal Extremity with Recombinant Adeno-Associated Viral Vectors for the Treatment of Laminitis, Jeffrey B. Mason, Brittney L. Gurda, Julie B. Engiles, James M. Wilson, and Dean W. Richardson; Journal of Equine Veterinary Science
Generation of cloned transgenic goats with cardiac specific overexpression of transforming growth factor β1, Qinggang Meng, J. Hall, Heloisa M. Rutigliano, X. Zhou, Benjamin R. Sessions, R. Stott, K. Panter, Chris J. Davies, Ravi Ranjan, D. Dosdall, R. Mcleod, N. Marrouche, Kenneth L. White, Zhongde Wang, and Irina A. Polejaeva; The 39th International Embryo Transfer Society Annual Conference
Influence of Cloning by Chromatin Transfer on Placental Gene Expression at Day 45 of Pregnancy in Cattle, F. S. Mesquita, S. A. Machado, Jenny J. Drnevich, Pawel Borowicz, Zhongde Wang, and R. A. Nowak; Animal Reproduction Science
Increased Susceptibility to Atrial Fibrillation in Transgenic Goats With Cardiac Specific Overexpression of TGF-b1, I. Polejaeva, R. Ranjan, J. Hall, H. Rutigliano, A. Thomas, D. Dosdall, R. MacLeod, N. Marrouche, Zhongde Wang, A. Olsen, K. L. White, and C. J. Davies; Sientific Sessions, American Heart Association
Cardiac specific overexpression of transforming growth factor beta1 (TGF-beta1) increases susceptibility to atrial fibrillation in transgenic goats, Irina A. Polejaeva, Ravi Ranjan, J. Hall, Heloisa M. Rutigliano, Aaron J. Thomas, D. Dosdall, R. McLeod, N. Marrouche, Z. Wang, A. Olsen, Kenneth L. White, and Chris J. Davies; Best of Basic Sciences session at the Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association annual conference
Animal Health and ROI, Kerry A. Rood; Box Elder County Cattlemen
BVDv, Kerry A. Rood; BYU-I Animal Science Class
Current Animal Health Issues: Calf Scours, Kerry A. Rood; Ogden Area Beef Feeders
Expression of MHC-I Proteins by the Placenta of Domestic and Laboratory Animals., Heloisa M. Rutigliano, Aaron J. Thomas, and Christopher J. Davies; Immunology of Pregnancy 2013
Aberrant Gene Expression at the Fetal-Maternal Interface in Sheep and Goats Produced by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer, Heloisa M. Rutigliano, Amanda Wilhelm, J. Hall, Benjamin R. Sessions, Qinggang Meng, Kenneth L. White, T. D. Bunch, Chris J. Davies, and Irina A. Polejaeva; American Society for Reproductive Immunology Meeting
Physiological level Production of Antigen-Specific Human Immunoglobulin in Cloned Transchromosomic Cattle, A. Sano, H. Matsushita, H. Wu, J. Jiao, P. Kasinathan, E. J. Sullivan, Z. Wang, and Y. Kuroiwa; PLOS One
Acid Ceramidase Maintains the Chondrogenic Phenotype of Expanded Primary Chondrocytes and Improves the Chondrogenic Differentiation of Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Calogera M. Simonaro, Sylvain Sachot, Yi Ge, Xingxuan He, Victor A. DeAngelis, Efrat Eliyahu, Daniel J. Leong, Hui B. Sun, Jeffrey B. Mason, Mark E. Haskins, Dean W. Richardson, and Edward H. Schuchman; PLoS ONE
Commercializing Genetically Engineered Cloned Cattle, E. J. Sullivan, Jerry Pommer, and Zhongde Wang; Principle of Cloning
Animal Transgenesis and Cell Reprogramming in Livestock: Creating New Biomedical Models, Zhongde Wang; Spring Seminar Series, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of South Dakota,Graduate Education and Applied Research Center, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
Animal Transgenesis for Biomedical Applications, Zhongde Wang; Research Seminar at National Institute of Animal Science, Korean Society of Animal Reproduction
Creating Transgenic Animal Models for Human Diseases, Zhongde Wang; Seminar at Division of Applied Life Science, Gyeongsang National University
Genome Engineering in Cattle for Biomedical Applications, Zhongde Wang; Seminar at College of Bioengineering, Dalian Polytech University
Transchromosomic Cattle for Fully Human Antibody Production, Zhongde Wang; The 13th International Symposium on Developmental Biochemistry. Korean Society of Animal Reproduction
Extreme cold weather is resulting in livestock losses. Genetic evaluations of dairy animals - private industry will now calculate and provide them. Is antibiotic treatment of clinical coliform mastitis cost effective?, David J. Wilson; Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
Update on Utah Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory testing of milk samples including developments in milk pregnancy testing, David J. Wilson; Utah Dairy Convention, St. George, UT
Dermatopathy in Juvenile Angus Cattle Due to Vitamin A Deficiency, Thomas J. Baldwin, Kerry A. Rood, E. Jane Kelly, and Jeffery O. Hall; Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation
Pathology in Practice, E. Jane Kelly, Thomas J. Baldwin, and Kerry A. Rood; Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association
Abscesses in Captive Elk Associated with Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, Utah, USA, E. Jane Kelly, Kerry A. Rood, and Roamona Skirpstunas; Journal of Wildlife Diseases
Respiratory Insufficiency Correlated Strongly With Mortality of Rodents Infected With West Nile Virus, John D. Morrey, V Siddharthan, H Wang, and Jeffery O. Hall; PLoS ONE
Development of a Transgenic Goat Model with Cardiac-Specific Overexpression of Human Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 to Study the Relationship Between Atrial Fibrosis and Atrial Fibrillation, I. A. Polejaeva, J. Hall, Q. Meng, X. Zhou, R. B. Sessions, R. Stott, K. Panter, H. Rutigliano, C. J. Davies, Zhongde Wang, R. Ranjan, D. Dosdall, R. MacLeod, N. Marrouche, and K. L. White; Basic Cardiovascular Sciences conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2012
Development of a transgenic goat model with cardiac-specific overexpression of human transforming growth factor beta 1 to study the relationship between atrial fibrosis and atrial fibrillation, Irina A. Polejaeva, J. Hall, Qinggang Meng, X. Zhou, Benjamin R. Sessions, K. Panter, Rusty Stott, Heloisa M. Rutigliano, Chris J. Davies, Z. Wang, Ravi Ranjan, D. Dosdall, R. MacLeod, N. Marrouche, and Kenneth L. White; The Basic Cardiovascular Sciences conference
Advances in Sheep Genomics, Kerry A. Rood; Sheep and Goat Day
Creating Profitable and Sustainable Beginning Utah Ranchers, Kerry A. Rood; Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Annual Meeting
Current Beef Health Issues, Kerry A. Rood; Box Elder County Cattlemen’s Meeting
Current Health Topics for Beef Producers, Kerry A. Rood; Ogden Area Beef Feeders
Effects of BRD on Production, Kerry A. Rood; BRD Symposium. USU Extension
Equine Wellness, Kerry A. Rood; Utah Horse Expo 2012
Horse Health, Kerry A. Rood; 4-H Leadermeet: Centennial Celebration
Managing Risk in the Dairy Industry: Dairy Health, Kerry A. Rood; Cache County Dairy Producers
Parasite Control and FAMACIA, Kerry A. Rood; Utah Sheep and Goat Day
Proper Trichomoniasis Sampling, Handling, and Shipping, Kerry A. Rood; Utah Department of Agriculture and Food
Trichomoniasis, Kerry A. Rood; Emery County Producers
Working with Veterinarians in Emergency Planning, Kerry A. Rood; 3rd Annual Animals in Disasters Workshop
Zoonotic Animal Diseases: Prevention, Kerry A. Rood; Goshute Indian Nation
Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus and Psuedomonas Aeruginosa Abscesses in an Angus Calf, Kerry A. Rood, T. Baldwin, and E. J. Kelly; Canyonlands Veterinary Conference
Combinations of favipiravir and peramivir for the treatment of pandemic influenza A/California/04/2009 (H1N1) virus infections in mice, E B. Tarbet, M Maekawa, Y Furuta, Y S. Babu, John D. Morrey, and Donald F. Smee; Antiviral Research
Resistance to Genotoxic Stresses in Arctica islandica, the Longest Living Noncolonial Animal: Is Extreme Longevity Associated With a Multistress Resistance Phenotype?, Zoltan Ungvari, Danuta Sosnowska, Jeffrey B. Mason, Heike Gruber, Star W. Lee, Tonia S. Schwartz, Marishka K. Brown, Nadia J. Storm, Kristen Fortney, Jessica Sowa, Alexandra B. Byrne, Tino Kurz, Erik Levy, William E. Sonntag, Steven N. Austad, Anna Csiszar, and Iain Ridgway; Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences
Engineering Trans-Chromosome (Tc) Bovine For Fully Human Polyclonal Antibody Production, Zhongde Wang; 2nd SKLAB International Symposium, Beijing, China
Genome Engineering in Livestock: Biomedical Applications, Zhongde Wang; Livestock Biotech Summit, Biotechnology Industry Organization, Kansas City, MO, USA
Producing Better and Safer Biomedical Products from Livestock Species, Zhongde Wang; 7th Annual Biotech Summit & Meeting, South Dakota Biotechnology Association, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
4 quarts of colostrum fed to calves using an esophageal feeder if necessary – should it be divided into two feedings, or is it better to ensure intake? Utah Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory now offering BioPRYN® bovine pregnancy test, David J. Wilson; Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
Can the dairy industry live without “cleanup” bull breeding? Could improved fertility of each AI straw make cleanup bulls less necessary?, David J. Wilson; Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
Certification of organic milk – some room for improvement identified. Non-lactating dairy cattle are different than dry cows according to the FDA, David J. Wilson; Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
Drought year issues include aflatoxin testing and nitrate testing of feed. New FSIS testing for more drugs in meat of dairy cattle, David J. Wilson; Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
Heat treating colostrum. Colostrum replacer. Will the industry return to group housing of calves? Can profitability be increased and methane reduced? Is routine ketosis therapy beneficial?, David J. Wilson; Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
Johne’s disease milk ELISA test strategy. SPC in pasteurized milk for calves – time, season, and temperature, David J. Wilson; Proceedings of the Utah Veterinary Medicine Association
Navel dipping – an important factor in reducing calf death loss. Treatment of bovine mastitis with vitamin D, David J. Wilson; Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
Utilization of the new bovine pregnancy test offered at the Utah Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, David J. Wilson; Utah Dairy Convention, St. George, UT
Influence of season, ambient temperature and time until feeding on bacteria counts in pasteurized milk for dairy calves, David J. Wilson and G. Goodell; American Association of Bovine Practitioners, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
SPC in pasteurized milk for calves – effects of milk handling and questions for the future, David J. Wilson and G. Goodell; Mastitis Research Workers, Chicago, IL
PetrifilmTM measurement of bacteria counts (SPC) in pasteurized waste milk for feeding to dairy calves and association of SPC with time until feeding, season and temperature, David J. Wilson and G. M. Goodell; Proceedings of the 55th Annual Conference of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians
On-Farm Pasteurized Milk Fed to Dairy Calves – Association of Bacteria Counts Following Pasteurization with Season, Temperature and Time until Feeding, David J. Wilson, G. M. Goodell, and T. Kelly; Journal of Veterinary Science & Technology
Contagious ecthyma in a Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep from Utah, David J. Wilson and L. McFarlane; Human-Wildlife Interactions
Bacteria counts in on-farm pasteurized milk for dairy calves vs. season and time post-pasteurization, David J. Wilson, K. A. Rood, and G. Goodell; Journal of Dairy Science
Bacteria counts in on-farm pasteurized milk for dairy calves versus season and time post-pasteurization, David J. Wilson, K. A. Rood, and G. M. Goodell; Utah State University Dairy Newsletter
Bovine Viral Diarrhea Milk ELISA Test Detecting Anti-p80 Antibody – Association with Milk Handling Methods and Cow Characteristics, David J. Wilson, Kerry A. Rood, and G. M. Goodell; Journal of Veterinary Science & Technology
Use of pre-s protein-containing hepatitis B virus surface antigens and a powerful adjuvant to develop an immune therapy for chronic hepatitis B virus infection, J S. Yum, B C. Ahn, H J. Jo, D Y. Kim, K H. Kim, H S. Kim, Y C. Sung, J Yoon, John D. Morrey, and H M. Moon; Clin Vaccine Immunol
Recent developments in anti-severe acute respiratorysyndrome coronavirus chemotherapy, Dale L. Barnard and Y. Kumaki; Recent developments in anti-severe acute respiratorysyndrome coronavirus chemotherapy
Commentary on immune system associated diseases caused byviruses: The Role of EBV, Dale L. Barnard and J. K. Li; Commentary on immune system associated diseases caused byviruses: The Role of EBV
Maporal virus as asurrogate for pathogenic New World hantaviruses and its inhibition by favipiravir, K. K. Buys, K. H. Jung, Donald F. Smee, Y. Furuta, and Brian B. Gowen; Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy
Interrogation of early pregnancy using a bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer model of immune-mediated abortion, Chris J. Davies, Heloisa M. Rutigliano, Aaron J. Thomas, Amanda Wilhelm, Benjamin R. Sessions, Qinggang Meng, X. Wu, and Kenneth L. White; American Society for Reproductive Immunology Meeting
Acute toxicity of selenium compounds commonly found in selenium accumulator plants, T. Z. Davis, B. L. Stegelmeier, B. T. Green, K. D. Welch, K. E. Panter, and Jeffery O. Hall; Poisoning by Plants, Mycotoxins, and Related Toxins
The Fate of Oral Glucosamine Traced by 13C Labeling in the Dog, G. R. Dodge, R. R. Regatte, E. A. Noyszewski, Jeffery O. Hall, A. V. Sharma, D. A. Callaway, and R. Reddy; Cartilage
Ruminal fermentation, milk fatty acid profiles, and productive performance ofHolstein dairy cows fed two different safflower seeds, C. Dschaak, C. T. Noviandi, Jong-Su Eun, V. Fellner, Allen J. Young, Dale R. ZoBell, and C. E. Israelsen; Journal of Dairy Science
Effects of tannin extracts on invitro growth of pathogenic and ruminal acidosis-causing bacteria, Jong-Su Eun, B. R. Min, B. Min, Dale R. ZoBell, and Allen J. Young; Effects of tannin extracts on invitro growth of pathogenic and ruminal acidosis-causing bacteria
Progress in the experimental therapy of severe arenaviralinfections, Brian B. Gowen and M. Bray; Future Microbiology
Use ofrecombinant adenovirus vectored 1 consensus IFN-α to avert severe arenavirus infection, Brian B. Gowen, J. Ennis, A. Russell, E. J. Sefing, M. H. Wong, and J. Turner; PLoS ONE
Forage kochia for western rangelands in the United States, L. K. Greenalgh, Dale R. ZoBell, B. L. Waldron, and K. C. Olson; Forage kochia for western rangelands in the United States
Diagnosing Common Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies in Cattle, Jeffery O. Hall; Proceedingsof the Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Association
Iron, Jeffery O. Hall; Blackwell’s 5 Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Toxicology
Iron Poisoning. Mini Disease in Toxicology Topics, Jeffery O. Hall; The 5 Minute Veterinary Consult Canine and Feline
Lily Poisoning. Mini Disease in Toxicology Topics, Jeffery O. Hall; The 5 Minute Veterinary Consult Canine and Feline
Strychnine Poisoning. Mini Disease in Toxicology Topics, Jeffery O. Hall; The 5 Minute Veterinary Consult Canine and Feline
Strychnine Rodenticides, Jeffery O. Hall; Blackwell’s 5 Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Toxicology
Selenium, Jeffery O. Hall and T. Z. Davis; Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology
Detection of multipleMycoplasma species in bulk tank milk samples using real-time PCR andconventional culture and comparison of test sensitivities, A. Jastice-Allen, J. Trujillo, G. Goodell, and David J. Wilson; Journal of Dairy Science