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Cytokine-Supplemented Maturation Medium Enhances Cytoplasmic and Nuclear Maturation in Bovine Oocytes, Renata Blocher, Ying Liu, Tayler Patrick, and Irina A. Polejaeva; Animals


Effects of Premortem Stress on Protein Expression, Steak Color, Oxidation, And Myofibrillar Fragmentation Index in the Longissimus Lumborum, Reganne K. Briggs, Jerrad F. Legako, Paul R. Broadway, Jeff A. Carroll, Nicole C. Burdick Sanchez, Nikole E. Ineck, Zachary K. Smith, Ranjith Ramanathan, and Kara J. Thornton; Animals


Differences in Susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Transgenic hACE2-Hamster Founder Lines, Scott A. Gibson, Yanan Liu, Rong Li, Brett L. Hurst, Zhiqiang Fan, Venkatraman Siddharthan, Deanna P. Larson, Ashley Y. Sheesley, Rebekah Stewart, Madelyn Kunzler, Irina A. Polejaeva, Arnaud J. Van Wettere, Stefan Moisyadi, John D. Morrey, E. Bart Tarbet, and Zhongde Wang; Viruses


Safety, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of a Recombinant Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Vectored Vaccine Against Severe Fever With Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus and Heartland Bandavirus, Philip Hicks, Tomaz B. Manzoni, Jonna B. Westover, Raegan J. Petch, Brianne Roper, Brian B. Gowen, and Paul Bates; Vaccines


Differential Hepatic Expression of miRNA in Response to Aflatoxin B1 Challenge in Domestic and Wild Turkeys, Kade Jorud, Kristelle M. Mendoza, Thomas Kono, Roger A. Coulombe, and Kent M. Reed; Toxins


A Retrospective Analysis of Sheep Generated by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer, Ying Liu, Rusty Stott, Misha Regouski, Zhiqiang Fan, Iuri Viotti Perisse, Tayler Patrick, Jacob Keim, Qinggang Meng, and Irina A. Polejaeva; Theriogenology


Expression and Secretion of SPARC, FGF-21 and DCN in Bovine Muscle Cells: Effects of Age and Differentiation, Katie A. Shira, Kara J. Thornton, Brenda M. Murdoch, Gabrielle M. Becker, Gwinyai E. Chibisa, and Gordon K. Murdoch; PLoS One


Influence of Steroidal Implants and Zinc Sulfate Supplementation on Growth Performance, Trace Mineral Status, Circulating Metabolites, And Transcriptional Changes in Skeletal Muscle of Feedlot Steers, Dathan T. Smerchek, Emma L. Rients, Amy M. McLaughlin, Kara J. Thornton, and Stephanie L. Hansen; Journal of Animal Science



Equine Polyclonal Antibodies Prevent Acute Chikungunya Virus Infection in Mice, Douglas Barker, Xiaobing Han, Eryu Wang, Ashley Dagley, Deborah M. Anderson, Aruni Jha, Scott C. Weaver, Justin Julander, Cory Nykiforuk, and Shantha Kodihalli; Viruses


Mice as an Animal Model for Japanese Encephalitis Virus Research: Mouse Susceptibility, Infection Route, and Viral Pathogenesis, Jordan C. Frank, Byung-Hak Song, and Young-Min Lee; Pathogens


Understanding the Effects of Trenbolone Acetate, Polyamine Precursors, and Polyamines on Proliferation, Protein Synthesis Rates, and the Abundance of Genes Involved in Myoblast Growth, Polyamine Biosynthesis, and Protein Synthesis in Murine Myoblasts, Laura A. Motsinger, Lillian L. Okamoto, Nikole E. Ineck, Brynne A. Udy, Christopher L. Erickson, Youssef Harraq, Caleb C. Reichhardt, Gordon K. Murdoch, and Kara Jean Thornton-Kurth; Biology


Basal Diet Fed to Recipient Mice Was the Driving Factor for Colitis and Colon Tumorigenesis, Despite Fecal Microbiota Transfer From Mice With Severe or Mild Disease, Daphne Michelle Rodriguez Jimenez, Korry J. Hintze, Giovanni Rompato, Eliza C. Stewart, Abbey H. Barton, Emily Mortensen-Curtis, Porter A. Green, Arnaud J. Van Wettere, Aaron J. Thomas, and Abby D. Benninghoff; Nutrients



Senolytic Treatment Reverses Obesity-Mediated Senescent Cell Accumulation in the Ovary, Jéssica D. Hense, Driele N. Garcia, José V. Isola, Joao A. Alvarado-Rincón, Bianka M. Zanini, Juliane B. Prosczek, Michael B. Stout, Jeffrey B. Mason, Patrick T. Walsh, Miguel A. Brieño-Enríquez, Ines Schadock, Carlos C. Barros, Michal M. Masternak, and Augusto Schneider; GeroScience


GH Deficiency Confers Protective Advantages Against Alzheimer’s Disease Through Rescued miRNA Expression Profile in APP/PS1 Mice, Sarah Noureddine, Tatiana Saccon, Trina Rudeski-Rohr, Adam Gesing, Jeffrey B. Mason, Augusto Schneider, Joseph Dhabhi, Kendra L. Puig, Sharlene Rakoczy, Holly M. Brown-Borg, and Michal M. Masternak; GeroScience



Comparison of Bovine Mammary Involution and Intramammary Infections Following Intramammary Treatment with Casein Hydrolysate and Other Conventional Treatments at Dry-Off, Justine E. Britten, Kerry A. Rood, and David J. Wilson; Animals


Specific PIWI-Interacting RNAs and Related Small Noncoding RNAs are Associated with Ovarian Aging in Ames Dwarf (df/df) Mice, Joseph M. Dhahbi, Joe W. Chen, Supriya Bhupathy, Hani Atamna, Marcelo B. Cavalcante, Tatiana D. Saccon, Allancer D.C. Nunes, Jeffrey B. Mason, Augusto Schneider, and Michal M. Masternak; Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences


Lymphocyte Soluble Factors from Pregnant Cows Modulate mRNA Transcript Abundances Encoding for Proteins Associated with Trophoblast Growth and Development, Kelsy A. Leppo, Preston Collins, Kira Morgado, Ana C. Silva, Aaron Thomas, and Heloisa M. Rutigliano; Animal Reproduction Science


The Interrelationship Between Female Reproductive Aging and Survival, Jeffrey B. Mason, Tracy L. Habermehl, Kaden B. Underwood, Augusto Schneider, Miguel A. Brieño-Enriquez, Michal M. Masternak, and Kate C. Parkinson; Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences


Effects of Feeding a Novel Alfalfa Leaf Pellet Product (ProLEAF MAX) and Alfalfa Stems (ProFiber Plus) on Performance in the Feedlot and Carcass Quality of Beef Steers, Laura A. Motsinger, Allen Young, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, Tevan J. Brady, Reganne K. Briggs, Brett R. Bowman, Chris Pratt, and Kara J. Thornton; Translational Animal Science


Sheep Models of F508del and G542X Cystic Fibrosis Mutations Show Cellular Responses to Human Therapeutics, Iuri Viótti Périssé, Zhiqiang Fan, Arnaud J. Van Wettere, Ying Liu, Shih-Hsing Leir, Jacob Keim, Misha Regouski, Michael D. Wilson, Kelly M. Cholewa, Sara N. Mansback, Thomas J. Kelly, Zhongde Wang, Ann Harris, Kenneth L. White, and Irina A. Polejaeva; The FASEB Journal


Growth Hormone Increases DNA Damage in Ovarian Follicles and Macrophage Infiltration in the Ovaries, Tatiana D. Saccon, Monique T. Rovani, Driele N. Garcia, Jorgea Pradiee, Rafael G. Mondadori, Luis Augusto X. Cruz, Carlos C. Barros, Yimin Fang, Samuel McFadden, Jeffrey B. Mason, Andrzej Bartke, Michal M. Masternak, and Augusto Schneider; GeroScience


Cranial Cruciate Ligament Desmotomies in Sheep Resulting in Peroneus Tertius Injury, Peter J. Welsh, Crystal G. Collier, Holly M. Clement, Michael N. Vakula, and Jeffrey B. Mason; Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine



Consumption of the Total Western Diet Promotes Colitis and Inflammation-Associated Colorectal Cancer in Mice, Abby D. Benninghoff, Korry J. Hintze, Stephany P. Monsanto, Daphne Michelle Rodriguez Jimenez, Ashli H. Hunter, Sumira Phatak, James J. Pestka, Arnaud J. Van Wettere, and Robert E. Ward; Nutrients


Comparison of In Vitro Inactivation of SARS CoV-2 with Hydrogen Peroxide and Povidone-Iodine Oral Antiseptic Rinses, Avinash S. Bidra, Jesse S. Pelletier, Jonna B. Westover, Samantha Frank, Seth M. Brown, and Belachew Tessema; Journal of Prosthodontics


Rapid In-Vitro Inactivation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Using Povidone-Iodine Oral Antiseptic Rinse, Avinash S. Bidra, Jesse S. Pelletier, Jonna B. Westover, Samantha Frank, Seth M. Brown, and Belachew Tessema; Journal of Prosthodontics


A Molecularly Engineered Antiviral Banana Lectin Inhibits Fusion and is Efficacious Against Influenza Virus Infection in Vivo, Evelyn M. Covés-Datson, Steven R. King, Maureen Legendre, Auroni Gupta, Susana M. Chan, Emily Gitlin, Vikram V. Kulkarni, Jezreel Pantaleón García, Donald F. Smee, Elke Lipka, Scott E. Evans, E. Bart Tarbet, Akira Ono, and David M. Markovitz; National Academy of Sciences. Proceedings


Influence of Total Western Diet on Docosahexaenoic Acid Suppression of Silica-Triggered Lupus Flaring in NZBWF1 Mice, Kristen N. Gilley, Kathryn A. Wierenga, Preeti S. Chauhaun, James G. Wagner, Ryan P. Lewandowski, Elizbeth A. Ross, A. L. Lock, Jack R. Harkema, Abby D. Benninghoff, and James J. Pestka; PL o S One


Association between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in SIRT1 and SIRT2 Loci and Growth in Tibetan Sheep, Lin-sheng Gui, Sayed Haidar Abbas Raza, Li Zhou, Matthew Garcia, Ayman Hassan Abd El-Aziz, Dawei Wei, Shengzhen Hou, Jianlei Jia, and Zhiyou Wang; Animals


Type I Interferon Underlies Severe Disease Associated with Junín Virus Infection in Mice, Brady T. Hickerson, Eric J. Sefing, Kevin W. Bailey, Arnaud J. Van Wettere, Manuel L. Penichet, and Brian B. Gowen; eLife


Guinea Pig Transferrin Receptor 1 Mediates Cellular Entry of Junín Virus and Other Pathogenic New World Arenaviruses, Brady T. Hickerson, Jonna B. Westover, Zhongde Wang, Young-Min Lee, and Brian B. Gowen; Journal of Virology


Theoretical Risk of Genetic Reassortment Should Not Impede Development of Live, Attenuated Rift Valley Fever (RVF) Vaccines Commentary on the Draft WHO RVF Target Product Profile, Thomas P. Monath, Jeroen Kortekaas, Douglas M. Watts, Rebecca C. Christofferson, Angelle Desiree LaBeaud, Brian B. Gowen, Clarence J. Peters, Darci R. Smith, Robert Swanepoel, John C. Morrill, Thomas G. Ksiazek, Phillip R. Pittman, Brian H. Bird, and George Bettinger; Vaccine: X


Characterization of a Novel STAT 2 Knock Out Hamster Model of Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Pathogenesis, Charlene Ranadheera, Emelissa J. Valcourt, Bryce M. Warner, Guillaume Poliquin, Kyle Rosenke, Kathy Frost, Kevin Tierney, Greg Saturday, Jinxin Miao, Jonna B. Westover, Brian B. Gowen, Stephanie Booth, Heinz Feldmann, Zhongde Wang, and David Safronetz; Scientific Reports


Understanding the Influence of Trenbolone Acetate and Polyamines on Proliferation of Bovine Satellite Cells, Caleb C. Reichhardt, Amir Ahmadpour, Rachael G. Christensen, Nikole E. Ineck, Gordon Murdoch, and Kara Thornton-Kurth; Domestic Animal Endocrinology


The Interconnections Between Somatic and Ovarian Aging in Murine Models, Augusto Schneider, Tatiana D. Saccon, Driele N. Garcia, Bianka M. Zanini, José V.V. Isola, Jéssica D. Hense, Joao A. Alvarado-Rincón, Marcelo B. Cavalcante, Jeffrey B. Mason, Michael B. Stout, Andrzej Bartke, and Michal M. Masternak; Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences


Memantine Treatment Reduces the Incidence of Flaccid Paralysis in a Zika Virus Mouse Model of Temporary Paralysis With Similarities to Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Venkatraman Siddharthan, Hong Wang, Alexandre LR de Oliveria, Xin Dai, and John D. Morrey; Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy


Food Matrix and the Microbiome: Considerations for Preclinical Chronic Disease Studies, Robert E. Ward, Abby D. Benninghoff, and Korry J. Hintze; Nutrition Research


Development, Characterization, and Application of Two Reporter-Expressing Recombinant Zika Viruses, Sang-Im Yun, Byung-Hak Song, Michael E. Woolley, Jordan C. Frank, Justin G. Julander, and Young-Min Lee; Viruses


Evolutionary Selection Against Short Nucleotide Sequences in Viruses and Their Related Hosts, Yoram Zarai, Zohar Zafrir, Bunpote Siridechadilok, Amporn Suphatrakul, Modi Roopin, Justin G. Julander, and Tamir Tuller; DNA Research

Utah Agritourism: Operator Attitudes and Behaviors Toward Zoonotic Disease, C. Zesiger, Kerry A. Rood, D. J. Wilson, A. Walker-Bravo, D. Minor, K. Hepworth, D. Peterson, K. Davis, and M. Stock; USU Extension Annual Conference


Raman Spectroscopy Characterization Extracellular Vesicles from Bovine Placenta and Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells, Han Zhang, Ana Caroline Silva, Wei Zhang, Heloisa M. Rutigliano, and Anhong Zhou; PL o S One



Mapping of Dynamic Transcriptome Changes Associated With Silica-Triggered Autoimmune Pathogenesis in the Lupus-Prone NZBWF1 Mouse, Melissa A. Bates, Abby D. Benninghoff, Kristen N. Gilley, Andrij Holian, Jack R. Harkema, and James J. Pestka; Frontiers in Immunology


Docosahexaenoic Acid Consumption Impedes Early Interferon- and Chemokine-Related Gene Expression While Suppressing Silica-Triggered Flaring of Murine Lupus, Abby D. Benninghoff, Melissa A. Bates, Preeti S. Chauhan, Kathryn A. Wierenga, Kristen N. Gilley, Andrij Holian, Jack R. Harkema, and James J. Pestka; Frontiers in Immunology


Incomplete Urethral Duplication Associated with a Dermoid Cyst within a Vascular Hamartoma in a Female Dog, Chad S. Clancy, Gordon A. Hullinger, and Arnaud J. Van Wettere; Veterinary Sciences


Zika Virus Associated Pathology and Antigen Presence in the Testicle in the Absence of Sexual Transmission During Subacute to Chronic Infection in a Mouse Model, Chad S. Clancy, Arnaud J. Van Wettere, John D. Morrey, and Justin G. Julander; Scientific Reports


Effect of Caloric Restriction and Rapamycin on Ovarian Aging in Mice, Driele N. Garcia, Tatiana D. Saccon, Jorgea Pradiee, Joao A.A. Rincón, Kelvin R.S. Andrade, Monique T. Rovani, Rafael G. Mondadori, Luis A.X. Cruz, Carlos C. Barros, Michal M. Masternak, Andrzej Bartke, Jeffrey B. Mason, and Augusto Schneider; GeroScience


Decreased Sarcopenia in Aged Females with Young Ovary Transplants was Preserved in Mice that Received Germ Cell-Depleted Young Ovaries, Tracy L. Habermehl and Jeffrey B. Mason; Journal of Clinical Medicine


Efficacy of a ML336 Derivative Against Venezuelan and Eastern Equine Encephalitis Viruses, Colleen B. Jonsson, Xufeng Cao, Jasper Lee, Jon D. Gabbard, Yong-Kyu Chu, Elizabeth A. Fitzpatrick, Justin G. Julander, Dong-Hoon Chung, Jennifer Stabenow, and Jennifer E. Golden; Antiviral Research


Function and Transcriptional Regulation of Bovine TORC2 Gene in Adipocytes: Roles of C/EBPγ, XBP1, INSM1 and ZNF263, Rajwali Khan, Sayed Haidar Abbas Raza, Zainaguli Junjvlieke, Wang Xiaoyu, Matthew D. Garcia, Ibrahim Elsaeid Elnour, Wang Hongbao, and Zan Linsen; International Journal of Molecular Sciences


Zika Virus Infection Causes Temporary Paralysis in Adult Mice With Motor Neuron Synaptic Retraction and Evidence for Proximal Peripheral Neuropathy, John D. Morrey, Alexandre L. R. Oliveira, Hong Wang, Katherine Zukor, Mateus Vidigal de Castro, and Venkatraman Siddharthan; Scientific Reports


Altered Gene Response to Aflatoxin B1 in the Spleens of Susceptible and Resistant Turkeys, Kent M. Reed, Kristelle M. Mendoza, and Roger A. Coulombe Jr.; Toxins


Differential Transcriptome Responses to Aflatoxin B1 in the Cecal Tonsil of Susceptible and Resistant Turkeys, Kent M. Reed, Kristelle M. Mendoza, and Roger A. Coulombe Jr.; Toxins


Genome to Phenome: Improving Animal Health, Production, and Well-Being – A New USDA Blueprint for Animal Genome Research 2018–2027, Caird Rexroad, Jeffrey Vallet, Lakshmi Kumar Matukumalli, James Reecy, Derek Bickhart, Harvey Blackburn, Mark Boggess, Hans Cheng, Archie Clutter, Noelle Cockett, Catherine Ernst, Janet E. Fulton, John Liu, Joan Lunney, Holly Neibergs, and et al.; Frontiers in Genetics


Basal Diet Determined Long-Term Composition of the Gut Microbiome and Mouse Phenotype to a Greater Extent than Fecal Microbiome Transfer from Lean or Obese Human Donors, Daphne Michelle Rodriguez Jimenez, Abby D. Benninghoff, Niklas D.J. Aardema, Sumira Phatak, and Korry J. Hintze; Nutrients

Advances in Vaccines, Kerry A. Rood; Central Utah Grazing Expo, USU Extension

Breakout Session: One Health: People, animals and our shared environment. Panel Discussion, Kerry A. Rood; 10th Annual Cayman Islands Health Conference

BVDv, Kerry A. Rood; WY-UT Agriculture Days. Wyoming and Utah Extension

Livestock Regulatory Updates, Kerry A. Rood; Utah Cattlemen’s Annual Meeting

One Health: The Veterinarian’s Role in Combating Antibiotic Resistance, Zoonotic Disease, and Climate Change, Kerry A. Rood; 10th Annual Cayman Islands Health Conference

Post Fire Herd Health Concerns, Kerry A. Rood; Beef Cattle Field Day

The Future of Veterinary Extension and Outreach, Kerry A. Rood; College Veterinary Medicine Seminar

Veterinary School Admission Requirements and Tips, Kerry A. Rood; USU Pre-veterinary Medicine Club


Developmental and Molecular Changes Underlying the Vernalization-Induced Transition to Flowering in Aquilegia coerulea (James), Bharti Sharma, Timothy A. Batz, Rakesh Kaundal, Elena M. Kramer, Uriah R. Sanders, Valerie J. Mellano, Naveen Duhan, and Rousselene B. Larson; Genes


Human Polyclonal Antibodies Produced from Transchromosomal Bovine Provides Prophylactic and Therapeutic Protections Against Zika Virus Infection in STAT2 KO Syrian Hamsters, Venkatraman Siddharthan, Jinxin Miao, Arnaud J. Van Wettere, Rong Li, Hua Wu, Eddie Sullivan, Jinan Jiao, Jay W. Hooper, David Safronetz, John D. Morrey, Justin G. Julander, and Zhongde Wang; Viruses


Wild Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa)-Induced Photosensitization, Bryan L. Stegelmeier, Steven M. Colegate, Edward L. Knoppel, Kerry A. Rood, and Mark G. Collett; Toxicon


Manipulation of Ovarian Function Influenced Glucose Metabolism in CBA/J Mice, Kyleigh A. Tyler, Tracy L. Habermehl, and Jeffrey B. Mason; Experimental Gerontology


Lack of Selective Resistance of Influenza A Virus in Presence of Host-Targeted Antiviral, UV-4B, Kelly L. Warfield, Kaitlyn R. Schaaf, Lisa Evans DeWald, Kevin B. Spurgers, Wei Wang, Eric Stavale, Michelle Mendenhall, Meghan H. Shilts, Timothy B. Stockwell, Dale L. Barnard, Urban Ramstedt, and Suman R. Das; Scientific Reports


Vascular Leak and Hypercytokinemia Associated with Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus Infection in Mice, Jonna B. Westover, Brady T. Hickerson, Arnaud J. Van Wettere, Brett L. Hurst, Jacqueline P. Kurz, Ashley Dagley, Petra Wülfroth, Takashi Komeno, Yousuke Furuta, Thomas Steiner, and Brian B. Gowen; Pathogens

Intramammary Infusion of Casein Hydrolysate for Involution of a Single Mastitic Quarter for the Remainder of Lactation in Dairy Cows, D. J. Wilson, J. E. Britten, and Kerry A. Rood; Animal Science and Production Association Conference


Generation of H7N9-Specific Human Polyclonal Antibodies from a Transchromosomic Goat (caprine) System, Hua Wu, Zhiqiang Fan, Michelle Brandsrud, Qinggang Meng, Molly Bobbitt, Misha Regouski, Rusty Stott, Alexis Sweat, Jackelyn Crabtree, Robert J. Hogan, Ralph A. Tripp, Zhongde Wang, Irina A. Polejaeva, and Eddie J. Sullivan; Scientific Reports



Dietary Docosahexaenoic Acid Prevents Silica-Induced Development of Pulmonary Ectopic Germinal Centers and Glomerulonephritis in the Lupus-Prone NZBWF1 Mouse, Melissa A. Bates, Peyman Akbari, Kristen N. Gilley, James G. Wagner, Ning Li, Anna K. Kopec, Kathryn A. Wierenga, Daven Jackson-Humbles, Christina Brandenberger, Andrij Holian, Abby D. Benninghoff, Jack R. Harkema, and James J. Pestka; Frontiers in Immunology

Effect of Casein Hydrolysate on Bovine Mammary Involution: Changes to Milk Composition and Preliminary Histological Evaluation, J. E. Britten, D. J. Wilson, and Kerry A. Rood; Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences Student Research Symposium


Intramammary Infusion of Casein Hydrolysate for Involution of Single Mastitic Mammary Quarters Elevating Cow-Level Somatic Cell Count, Justine Britten, Kerry A. Rood, and David J. Wilson; Advances in Dairy Research


Coitus-Free Sexual Transmission of Zika Virus in a Mouse Model, Chad S. Clancy, Arnaud J. Van Wettere, John D. Morrey, and Justin G. Julander; Scientific Reports


Influence of Harvest Date on Seed Yield and Quality in Forage Kochia, Cody F. Creech, Blair L. Waldron, Corey V. Ransom, Dale R. ZoBell, and Joseph Earl Creech; Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering


Urine Volume and Nitrogen Excretion are Altered by Feeding Birdsfoot Trefoil Compared with Alfalfa in Lactating Dairy Cows, Mohammad Ghelichkhan, Jong-Su Eun, Rachael G. Christensen, Rusty D. Stott, and Jennifer W. MacAdam; Journal of Animal Science


Genetic Variants in the SIRT6 Transcriptional Regulatory Region Affect Gene Activity and Carcass Quality Traits in Indigenous Chinese Beef Cattle (Bos taurus), Lin-sheng Gui, Sayed Haidar Abbas Raza, Matthew Garcia, Yong-gang Sun, Irfan Ullah, and Yin-cang Han; BMC Genomics


Extension of Longevity and Reduction of Inflammation is Ovarian-Dependent, but Germ Cell-Independent in Post-Reproductive Female Mice, Tracy L. Habermehl, Kate C. Parkinson, Gene B. Hubbard, Yuji Ikeno, Jennifer I. Engelmeyer, Björn Schumacher, and Jeffrey B. Mason; GeroScience


Germ Cell Depletion Influenced Neuromuscular, Sensory, Renal and Metabolic Function in PostReproductive Female Mice, Tracy L. Habermehl, Kate C. Parkinson, and Jeffrey B. Mason; Obstetrics & Gynecology: Open Access


Pathogenesis of Rift Valley Fever Virus Aerosol Infection in STAT2 Knockout Hamsters, Brady T. Hickerson, Jonna B. Westover, Arnaud J. Van Wettere, Johanna D. Rigas, Jinxin Miao, Bettina L. Conrad, Neil E. Motter, Zhongde Wang, and Brian B. Gowen; Viruses


Consequences of in utero exposure to Zika virus in offspring of AG129 mice, Justin G. Julander, Venkatraman Siddharthan, Albert H. Park, Elizabeth S. Preston, Pranav Mathur, Michael Bertolio, Hong Wang, Katherine Zukor, Arnaud J. Van Wettere, Donal G. Sinex, and John D. Morrey; Scientific Reports


Immunogenicity and Protection After Vaccination With a Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara-Vectored Yellow Fever Vaccine in the Hamster Model, Justin G. Julander, Marco Testori, Cédric Cheminay, and Ariane Volkmann; Frontiers in Immunology


Gene Expression and Lymphocyte Population at the Fetal-maternal Interface in Sheep Pregnancies Established by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer, Jason A. Koroghli, Elizabeth Floyd, Misha Regouski, Kerry A. Rood, Kirsten Gash, Kip Panter, Rusty Stott, Christopher J. Davies, Irina A. Polejaeva, and Heloisa M. Rutigliano; Reproduction, Fertility and Development


Syringomyelia in an Adult American Paint Horse, Jacqueline P. Kurz, Kate E. Schoenhals, Gordon A. Hullinger, and Arnaud J. Van Wettere; Veterinary Sciences


A Genome-wide Association Study for Mastitis Resistance in Phenotypically Well-characterized Holstein Dairy Cattle Using a Selective Genotyping Approach, Jacqueline P. Kurz, Zhou Yang, Robert B. Weiss, David J. Wilson, Kerry A. Rood, George E. Liu, and Zhongde Wang; Immunogenetics


Production of Genetically Engineered Golden Syrian Hamsters by Pronuclear Injection of the CRISPR/Cas9 Complex, Rong Li, Jinxin Miao, SeokHwan Song, Il-keun Kong, Yaohe Wang, and Zhongde Wang; Journal of Visualized Experiments


A Novel Cancer Syndrome Caused by KCNQ1-Deficiency in the Golden Syrian Hamster, Rong Li, Jinxin Miao, Alexandru-Flaviu Tabaran, M. Gerard O'Sullivan, Kyle J. Anderson, Patricia M. Scott, Zhongde Wang, and Robert T. Cormier; Journal of Carcinogenesis


A Potent Lassa Virus Antiviral Targets an Arenavirus Virulence Determinant, Ikenna G. Madu, Megan Files, Dima N. Gharaibeh, Amy L. Moore, Kieh-Hoon Jung, Brian B. Gowen, Dongcheng Dai, Kevin F. Jones, Shanthakumar R. Tyavanagimatt, James R. Burgeson, Marcus J. Korth, Kristin M. Bedard, Shawn P. Iadonato, and Sean M. Amberg; Pathogens


Fetal Demise and Failed Antibody Therapy During Zika Virus Infection of Pregnant Macaques, Diogo M. Magnani, Thomas F. Rogers, Nicholas J. Maness, Nathan D. Grubaugh, Nathan Beutler, Varian K. Bailey, Lucas Gonzalez-Nieto, Martin J. Gutman, Núria Pedreño-Lopez, Jaclyn M. Kwal, Michael J. Ricciardi, Tereance A. Myers, Justin G. Julander, Rudolf P. Bohm, Margaret H. Gilbert, Faith Schiro, Pyone P. Aye, Robert V. Blair, Mauricio A. Martins, Kathrine P. Falkenstien, Amitinder Kaur, Christine L. Curry, Esper G. Kallas, Ronald C. Desrosiers, Pascal J. Goldschmidt-Clermont, Stephen S. Whitehead, Kristian G. Andersen, Myrna C. Bonaldo, Andrew A. Lackner, Antonito T. Panganiban, Dennis R. Burton, and David I. Watkins; Nature Communications


Orthotopic Ovarian Transplantation Procedures to Investigate the Life- and Health-Span Influence of Ovarian Senescence in Female Mice, Jeffrey B. Mason, Kate C. Parkinson, and Tracy L. Habermehl; Journal of Visualized Experiments


Characterization of an N-Terminal Non-Core Domain of RAG1 Gene Disrupted Syrian Hamster Model Generated by CRISPR Cas9, Jinxin Miao, Baoling Ying, Rong Li, Ann E. Tollefson, Jacqueline F. Spencer, William S.M. Wold, Seok-Hwan Song, Il-Keun Kong, Karoly Toth, Yaohe Wang, and Zhongde Wang; Viruses


Causation of Acute Flaccid Paralysis by Myelitis and Myositis in Enterovirus-D68 Infected Mice Deficient in Interferon αβ/γ Receptor Deficient Mice., John D. Morrey, Hong Wang, Brett L. Hurst, Katherine Zukor, Venkatraman Siddharthan, Arnaud J. Van Wettere, Donal G. Sinex, and E. Bart Tarbet; Viruses


Sheep Genome Functional Annotation Reveals Proximal Regulatory Elements Contributed to The Evolution of Modern Breeds, Marina Naval-Sanchez, Quan Nguyen, Sean McWilliam, Laercio R. Porto-Neto, Ross Tellam, Tony Vuocolo, Antonio Reverter, Miguel Perez-Enciso, Rudiger Brauning, Shannon Clarke, Alan McCulloch, Wahid Zamani, Saeid Naderi, Hamid Reza Rezaei, Francois Pompanon, Pierre Taberlet, Kim C. Worley, Richard A. Gibbs, Donna M. Muzny, Shalini N. Jhangiani, Noelle E. Cockett, Hans Daetwyler, and James Kijas; Nature Communications


Alpha-Amino-Beta-Carboxy-Muconate-Semialdehyde Decarboxylase Controls Dietary Niacin Requirements for NAD+ Synthesis, Laura Palzer, Jessica J. Bader, Frances Angel, Megan Witzel, Sydney Blaser, Alexis McNeil, Miles K. Wandersee, N. Adrian Leu, Christopher J. Lengner, Clara E. Cho, Kevin D. Welch, James B. Kirkland, Ralph G. Meyer, and Mirella L. Meyer-Ficca; Cell Reports


A Non-Recoverable Hybridoma Limits the Production of Monoclonal Antibodies Against Bovine Trophoblast Non-Classical NC3*00101 Protein, Parveen Parasar, Amanda Wilhelm, William C. Davis, Kenneth L. White, and Christopher J. Davies; Indian Journal of Experimental Biology


Visible-Light-Activated Quinolone Carbon-Monoxide-Releasing Molecule: Prodrug and Albumin-Assisted Delivery Enables Anticancer and Potent Anti-Inflammatory Effects, Marina Popova, Tatiana Soboleva, Suliman Ayad, Abby D. Benninghoff, and Lisa Berreau; Journal of the American Chemical Society


Comparative Response of the Hepatic Transcriptomes of Domesticated and Wild Turkey to Aflatoxin B1, Kent M. Reed, Kristelle M. Mendoza, Juan E. Abrahante, and Roger A. Coulombe; Toxins

Adding a Veterinarian to your Team, Kerry A. Rood; Utah Extension Urban and Small Farms Conference

Advances in Vaccine Strategies, Kerry A. Rood; Utah Cattlemen’s Association Annual Meeting

Cattle Health Update, Kerry A. Rood; Utah Cattlemen’s Association Summer Meeting

Equine Parasites and Deworming, Kerry A. Rood; 2018 Shiprock Agriculture Days