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Livestock Market Outlook, Dillon M. Feuz; Livestock Market Outlook

Marketing Workshop, Dillon M. Feuz; Marketing Workshop

Pricing Opportunities & Private Market Risk Management, Dillon M. Feuz; Pricing Opportunities & Private Market Risk Management

Private Market Alternatives for Feeder Cattle, Dillon M. Feuz; Private Market Alternatives for Feeder Cattle

Using Futures, Options or LRP Insurance, Dillon M. Feuz; Using Futures, Options or LRP Insurance

Bioeconomics and International Trade: The Case of the Great Salt Lake, Utah, David Finnoff and Arthur J. Caplan; Frontiers in Economics and Globalization


Comparative Assessment of Water markets: Insights from the Murray-Darling Basin of Australia and the Western USA, R. Quentin Grafton, Gary D. Libecap, Eric Edwards, R. J. O'Brien, and Clay Landry; Water Policy

Modeling Behavioral Changes in Reservoir Operations in the Tennessee Valley Region, Paul Mark Jakus, John C. Bergstrom, Marty Phillips, and Kelly O'Brien; Preference Data for Environmental Valuation

Impact of Regulating Greenhouse Gas Emissions on US Cattle Industry and Trade Competitiveness, Man-Keun Kim and A. Pang; Impact of Regulating Greenhouse Gas Emissions on US Cattle Industry and Trade Competitiveness

Dynamic Interaction Between Economic Indicators and SO2 Emission in the US, Man-Keun Kim and T-H Yu; Dynamic Interaction Between Economic Indicators and SO2 Emission in the US

Captive Supply Impact on the U.S. Fed Cattle Price: An Application of Nonparametric Approach, A. C. Lee and Man-Keun Kim; Journal of Rural Development


GIS-Based Estimation of Housing Amenities: The Case of High Grounds and Stagnant Streams, Shibashis Mukherjee and Arthur J. Caplan; Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences

An Elementary Proposition on Technical Progress and Non-Traded Goods, Reza Oladi and H. Beladi; Journal of Mathematical Economics

Does Trade Liberalization Increase Global Pollution?, Reza Oladi and H. Beladi; Resource and Energy Economics

Excel Models for International Trade Theory and Policy: An Online Resource, Reza Oladi and John Gilbert; Journal of Economic Education

Monopolistic Competition and North-South Trade, Reza Oladi and John Gilbert; Review of International Economics


Foreign Direct Investment, Non-Traded Goods and Real Wages, Reza Oladi, John Gilbert, and H. Beladi; Pacific Economic Review

Listing from the Emerging Economies: An Opportunity for Reputable Stock Exchanges, Reza Oladi and N. Tay; International Review of Economic and Finance

Ways to Evaluate Your Business to Make Better Decisions to Lower Risk and Increase Profits, J. Olsen and Ruby Ward; Ways to Evaluate Your Business to Make Better Decisions to Lower Risk and Increase Profits

Late Season Strawberry Production Using Day-Neutral Cultivars in High-Elevation High Tunnels, Daniel Rowley, B. L. Black, Daniel Drost, and Dillon M. Feuz; HortScience

Optimal Timing of Salvage Harvest in Response to a Stochastic Infestation, Charles B. Sims; Optimal Timing of Salvage Harvest in Response to Stochastic Infestation

Optimal Timing of Salvage Harvest in Response to a Stochastic Infestation, Charles B. Sims; Natural Resource Modeling

The Role of Spatial Scale in the Timing of Uncertain Environmental Policy, Charles B. Sims and D. Finnoff; Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control

The Role of Spatial Scale in the Timing of Uncertain Environmental Policy, Charles B. Sims and D. Finnoff; The Role of Environmental and Economic Uncertainty in Invasive Species Control Decisions

Horticultural and Economic Considerations in the Sustainability of Three Cold-Climate Strawberry Production Systems, M. D. Stevens, B. L. Black, J. D. Lea-Cox, and Dillon M. Feuz; HortScience

Modeling the Impact of New Information on Consumer Preferences for Specialty Meat Products, X. Wang, Kynda Curtis, and K. Moeltner; Modeling the Impact of New Information on Consumer Preferences for Specialty Meat Products

1099G Training: Federal Income Tax Basics, Ruby Ward; 1099G Training: Federal Income Tax Basics

Agricultural Taxation Issues, Ruby Ward; Agricultural Taxation Issues

Agricultural Taxation Issues for Western States, Ruby Ward; Agricultural Taxation Issues for Western States

AGR-LITE: Whole Farm Revenue Protection, Ruby Ward; AGR-LITE: Whole Farm Revenue Protection

Business and Marketing Issues for High Tunnel Crops, Ruby Ward; Business and Marketing Issues for High Tunnel Crops

Farm Income Tax Basics, Ruby Ward; Farm Income Tax Basics

Farm Income Taxes 101: What You Need to Know About Income Taxes and New Farm Business, Ruby Ward; Farm Income Taxes 101: What You Need to Know About Income Taxes and New Farm Business

Farm Income Tax Issues and Financial Analysis, Ruby Ward; Farm Income Tax Issues and Financial Analysis

Farm Taxation Issues, Ruby Ward; Farm Taxation Issues

Internal Revenue Service 1099G Form Discussion for Tribal Trust Lands and Individual Trust Land, Ruby Ward; Internal Revenue Service 1099G Form Discussion for Tribal Trust Lands and Individual Trust Land New Website for Farm and Ranch Federal Income Tax Management Information, Ruby Ward; New Website for Farm and Ranch Federal Income Tax Management Information

Small Farm Profit, Ruby Ward; Small Farm Profit

Taxes, Ruby Ward; Taxes

Tax Issues for Small Farms, Ruby Ward; Tax Issues for Small Farms

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Understanding Interest and Money, Ruby Ward; Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Understanding Interest and Money

Assessing Profitability of Selected Specialty Crops Grown In High Tunnels, Ruby Ward, Daniel Drost, and Anne Whyte; Journal of Agribusiness

Can a Farmer Really Make a Living on a Small Acreage?, Ruby Ward, Daniel Drost, and Anne Whyte; Can a Farmer Really Make a Living on a Small Acreage?

Ag and the Tax Relief Act of 2010- Key Changes for Farmers and Ranchers, Ruby Ward and G. Hoff; Ag and the Tax Relief Act of 2010- Key Changes for Farmers and Ranchers

Agribusiness Extension: The Past, Present, and Future?, Ruby Ward, T. Woods, and A. Wysocki; Agribusiness Extension: The Past, Present and Future?

Agribusiness Extension: The Past, Present, and Future?, Ruby Ward, T. Woods, and A. Wysocki; International Food and Agribusiness Management Review

Potential Benefits of Extended Season Sales Through Direct Markets, I. Yeager, Kynda Curtis, B. Black, and Daniel Drost; Potential Benefits of Extended Season Sales Through Direct Markets

Does Trade Liberalization Induce More Greenhouse Gas Emissions? The Case of Mexico and the United States Under NAFTA, T-H Yu, Man-Keun Kim, and S-H Cho; American Journal of Agricultural Economics

Modeling US Counties' Innovation Capacity with a Focus on Natural Amenities, E. Zhu, Man-Keun Kim, and T. R. Harris; Modeling US Counties' Innovation Capacity with a Focus on Natural Amenities


Stronger Economies Together: A Guide for Local Practitioners, Marion T. Bentley and Sharon Gulick; Stronger Economies Together: A Guide for Local Practitioners

Live Well Utah: a Multi-Media, Web-Based Guide to Sustainable Living, Marion T. Bentley and Susan Haws; Live Well Utah: A Multi-Media, Web-Based Guide to Sustainable Living

Evaluating Alternative Low-Water-Use Crops For the Great Basin, C. Bishop, Kynda Curtis, and S. Emm; University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Curriculum

Conserving Water in Arid Regions: Exploring the Economic Feasibility of Alternative Crops, C. Bishop, Kynda Curtis, and Man-Keun Kim; Agricultural Systems

Is an Ounce of Prevention Worth a Pound of Cure? Comparing Demand for Public Prevention and Treatment Policies, Ryan Bosworth, Trudy Ann Cameron, and J. R. DeShazo; Medical Decision Making

An Empirical Basis for Allocating Enterprise and Personal Goodwill, Tyler Bowels and Ryan Bosworth; Business Valuation Review

Conservation Clubs, Arthur J. Caplan; Conservation Clubs


GIS-Based Estimation of Marginal Implicit Prices of Housing Amenities: The Case of High Ground and Stagnant Streams, Arthur J. Caplan; GIS-Based Estimation of Marginal Implicit Prices of Housing Amenities: The Case of High Ground and Stagnant Streams

Sharing the Surplus Generated from Non-Cooperative Cost Sharing: The Case of Nonpoint Associations and Water Quality Trading, Arthur J. Caplan; Sharing the Surplus Generated from Non-Cooperative Cost Sharing: The Case of Nonpoint Associations and Water Quality Trading


Estimating Hypothetical Bias in Economically Emergent Africa: A Generic Public Good Experiment, Arthur J. Caplan, David Aadland, and Anthony Macharia; Agricultural and Resource Economics Review


Can Fighting Grade Inflation Help the Bottom Line?, Arthur J. Caplan and John Gilbert; Applied Economics Letters


Does "Free Sampling" Enhance the Value of Public Goods?, Arthur J. Caplan, Douglas Jackson-Smith, and Sandra Marquart-Pyatt; Applied Economics Letters

Are Direct Market Consumers Created Equal?, Kynda Curtis; Are Direct Market Consumers Created Equal?

Are Homeowners Willing to Pay for "Origin-Certified" Plants in Water Conserving Residential Landscaping?, Kynda Curtis and M. W. Cowee; Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Evaluating Returns to Cool Season Grass Quality Characteristics for Niche Equine Feed Markets, Kynda Curtis, M. W. Cowee, Man-Keun Kim, and T. H. Harris; Journal of Agribusiness

Incorporating Risk Into Quality Characteristic Evaluation: A Cold Season Grass Production Example, Kynda Curtis, M. W. Cowee, Man-Keun Kim, and T. R. Harris; Journal of Agribusiness

Farmer's Market Consumers: Is Local or Organic Important?, Kynda Curtis, M. W. Cowee, M. Velcherean, and H. Gatzke; Journal of Food Distribution Research

Economic Viability of Low Water-Use Crops in the Walker River Basin, Kynda Curtis, M. Kobayashi, C. Bishop, S. Emm, and Man-Keun Kim; Economic Viability of Low Water-Use Crops in the Walker River Basin

Concreting the Student Learning Experience in Agricultural Economics Through Field Research Projects, Kynda Curtis and J. Mahon; North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Journal

Using Extension Fieldwork to Incorporate Experiential Learning Into University Coursework, Kynda Curtis and J. Mahon; Journal of Extension [online]

Importance of Interviewer Effects on Face-to-Face Survey Design, Implementation, and Analysis, Kynda Curtis, X. Wang, and M. Price; Importance of Interviewer Effects on Face-to-Face Survey Design, Implementation, and Analysis

Defining and Meeting the Demand for Agricultural Machinery in China: A Case Study of John Deere, Garrett D. Davis, DeeVon Bailey, and Kathy Chudoba; International Food and Agribusiness Management Review

The Effect of Regulatory Uncertainty on Water-Right Prices: The Case of the Loa Basin in the Antofagasta Region of Chile, Eric Edwards

Agricultural Commodity Marketing: Futures, Options & Insurance, Dillon M. Feuz; Agricultural Commodity Marketing: Futures, Options & Insurance

Agricultural Marketing and Risk Management, Dillon M. Feuz; Agricultural Marketing and Risk Management

Agriculture Market Outlook, Dillon M. Feuz; Agriculture Market Outlook

Cattle Market Outlook, Dillon M. Feuz; Cattle Market Outlook

Cull Cow Marketing and Feeding Alternatives, Dillon M. Feuz; Cull Cow Marketing and Feeding Alternatives

Economic Analysis of Alternative Cattle Production Systems, Dillon M. Feuz; Economic Analysis of Alternative Cattle Production Systems

Fed and Feeder Cattle Outlook, Dillon M. Feuz; Fed and Feeder Cattle Outlook

Feed Grains and Fed Cattle Outlook, Dillon M. Feuz; Feed Grains and Fed Cattle Outlook

Hay & Cattle Market Outlook, Dillon M. Feuz; Hay & Cattle Market Outlook

Risk Management and Marketing Club, Dillon M. Feuz; Risk Management and Marketing Club

Understanding Feeder Cattle Markets, Dillon M. Feuz; Understanding Feeder Cattle Markets

Understanding Feeder Cattle Markets And Market Outlook, Dillon M. Feuz; Understanding Feeder Cattle Markets And Market Outlook

Using Futures, Options or LRP Insurance to Manage Feeder Cattle Price Risk, Dillon M. Feuz; Using Futures, Options or LRP Insurance to Manage Feeder Cattle Price Risk

Utah Grain, Hay & Cattle Market Outlook, Dillon M. Feuz; Utah Grain, Hay & Cattle Market Outlook

Web Based Decision Tools, Dillon M. Feuz; Web Based Decision Tools

Invasive Species and Endogenous Risk, D. Finnoff, C. McIntosh, J. Shogren, Charles B. Sims, and T. Warziniack; Annual Review of Resource Economics

Optimal Control of a Bounded Invasive Species Diffusion Process: An Application to the Emerald Ash Borer, D. Finnoff and Charles B. Sims; Optimal Control of a Bounded Invasive Species Diffusion Process: An Application to the Emerald Ash Borer

Demand for Water in Jordan, Paul Mark Jakus and John E. Keith; Demand for Water in Jordan

The Welfare Effects of Restricting Off-Highway Vehicle Access to Public Lands, Paul Mark Jakus, John E. Keith, Lu Liu, and Dale Blahna; Agricultural and Resource Economics Review

The Welfare Effects of Restricting Off-Highway Vehicle Access to Public Lands, Paul Mark Jakus, John E. Keith, Lu Liu, and Dale Blahna; The Welfare Effects of Restricting Off-Highway Vehicle Access to Public Lands

Educational Needs and Perspectives on Future of the Green Industry in Utah, H. Kratsch, Ruby Ward, Margaret Shao, and Larry Rupp; HortTechnology

An Empirical Model of Perceived Mortality Risks for Selected United States Arsenic Hot Spots, T. N. Nguyen, Paul Mark Jakus, W. Douglass Shaw, and Mary Riddel; Risk Analysis

Technical Progress and the Boundary of Non-Traded Goods, Reza Oladi and H. Beladi; Mathematical Social Sciences

Regional Trade Reform Under SAFTA and Income Distribution in South Asia, Reza Oladi and John Gilbert; Frontiers of Economics and Globalization: New Developments in Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of Trade Policy 7

Early Season Extension Using June-Bearing "Chandler" Strawberry in High-Elevation High Tunnels, Daniel Rowley, B. L. Black, Daniel Drost, and Dillon M. Feuz; HortScience

A Dynamic Bioeconomic Analysis of Mountain Pine Beetle Epidemics, Charles B. Sims, D. Aadland, and D. Finnoff; Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control

The Role of Spatial Scale in the Timing of Uncertain Environmental Policy, Charles B. Sims and D. Finnoff; The Role of Environmental and Economic Uncertainty in Invasive Species Control Decisions

Agricultural Taxation Issues, Ruby Ward; Agricultural Taxation Issues