Aspen Bibliography

Aspen Bibliography

As the most widespread tree species in North America, Quaking Aspen systems provide an array of natural resource products and uses. Often among the most biologically diverse systems in a given landscape, the condition of aspen forests affects the status of numerous floral and faunal associates. Concern over the health, sustainability, aesthetics, and economic value of aspen has spawned a large body of literature in both basic and applied research. The Aspen Bibliography, sponsored by the Western Aspen Alliance and the Quinney Natural Resources Research Library and available from the Merrill-Cazier Digital Commons portal, provides a comprehensive and searchable database of published and unpublished aspen references. Your feedback and participation in updating this database is important to us. If there are items you are aware of related to aspen ecology that are not found in this database, please contact the Aspen Bibliography administrator at with the citation or mail a hardcopy of the document to Aspen Bibliography - Quinney Library, 5260 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322. All information is provided as-is. While every effort is being made to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date, errors may occur. Also, we provide many links to external web sites. Sometimes the links provided are moved or removed creating a broken link. If you think you have discovered a broken link or an error please notify us at

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Soil-moisture and energy relationships associated with riparian vegetation near San Carlos, Arizona, I.S. McQueen and R.F. Miller; Professional Paper, United States Geological Survey


Total tree harvesting doubles fiber tonnage from Aspen stand, D.A. Napier; Journal of Forestry


Biology of Oberea schaumii (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Trembling Aspen, Populus tremuloides, J.C. Nord, D.G. Grimble, and F.B. Knight; Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer.


Biology of Saperda inornata [S. concolor] (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Trembling Aspen, Populus tremuloides, J.C. Nord, D.G. Grimble, and F.B. Knight; Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer.


The distribution of Saperda inornata and Oberea schaumii (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) within the crowns of large trembling aspen, Populus tremuloides, J.C. Nord and F.B. Knight; Great Lakes Entomologist


The importance of Saperda inornata and Oberea schaumii (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) galleries as infection courts of Hypoxylon pruinatum in trembling aspen, Populus tremuloides, J.C. Nord and F.B. Knight; Great Lakes Entomologist


The relationship of the abundance of Saperda inornata and Oberea schaumii (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in large trembling aspen, Populus tremuloides, to site quality, J.C. Nord and F.B. Knight; Great Lakes Entomologist


The occurrence and growth of Trembling Aspen in Newfoundland, G. Page; Department of Forestry and Urban Development, Forestry Branch. Ottawa


Moose Habitat Selection and Relationships to Forest Management in Northeastern Minnesota, James M. Peek; Dissertation Abstracts International, B


Estimating Woody Dry Matter Loss Resulting From Defoliation, D. F. W. Pollard; Forest Science


Above-ground dry matter production in three stands of Trembling Aspen, D.F.W. Pollard; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Estimating woody dry matter loss resulting from defoliation, D.F.W. Pollard; Forest Science


Guide to the Identification of Poplar Cultivars on the Prairies, K. J. Roller, D. H. Thibault, and V. Hildahl


Aspen Minnesota's No. 1 Tree, George Rossman, Bob Rossman, and Allen Rossman


Respiratory and phosphatase activities in contact cells of wood rays and their possible role in sugar secretion, J.J. Sauter; Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenphysiologie


Apical dominance in multishoot cultures from Aspen roots, George A. Schier; Forest Science


Changes in glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase, glyceraldehyde-3 phosphate dehydrogenase, and peroxidase activity in Populus tremuloides after inoculation with Hypoxylon mammatum or wounding, Arthur L. Schipper, Jr; Phytopathology


Growth and yield of managed stands, Bryce E. Schlaegel; Aspen: Symposium Proceedings

A preliminary description of plant communities found on the Sawtooth, White Cloud, Boulder, and Pioneer Mountains, Edward F. Schlatterer; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Region. Ogden, Utah


Aspen: Symposium Proceedings, USDA Forest Service


The effects of deer and domestic livestock on aspen regeneration in Utah, Arthur D. Smith, Paul A. Lucas, Calvin O. Baker, and George W. Scotter; Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Logan, Utah


The Distribution of Latent Root Primordia in stems of Populus×robusta , and factors affecting the Emergence of Preformed Roots from Cuttings, N G. Smith and P F. Wareing; Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research

Suckering and soluble sugars in trembling aspen root cuttings, G.A. Steneker and R. Prasad; Canada, Forest Service


Wound healing and fungal colonization in stems of young Trembling Aspen after thinning and pruning, G.A. Steneker and R.E. Wall; Information Report, Northern Forest Research Centre, Canada


Size and Suckering of Trembling Aspen Clones in Manitoba, Gustav A. Steneker


Some effects of defoliation by gypsy moth (Porthetria dispar L.) and Elm spanworm (Ennomos subsignarius Hbn.) on water balance and growth of deciduous forest trees, G.R. Stephens, N.C. Turner, and H.C. Roo; Forest Science

Determining the terminal velocity of wood and bark chips, J.A. Sturos; US Forest Service Research Note, North Central Forest Experiment Station

Linear hygroscopic expansion of selected commercial particleboards, O. Suchsland; Forest Products Journal


Preferential use of aspen by ruffed grouse in northern Minnesota, Franklin J. Svoboda and Gordon W. Gullion; Journal of Wildlife Management


Preliminary Studies in the Terrestrial Disposition of Silver From Cloud Seeding, H.L. Teller and D.R. Cameron; Water Res Bulletin

Classification of deer habitat in the ponderosa pine forest of the Black Hills, South Dakota, John F. Thilenius; Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Colo.

Aspen studs produced on chipping headrig, R.D. Thompson; Forest Industries


Disestibility and estimated metabolizability of aspen browse for white-tailed deer, D.E. Ullrey, W.G. Youatt, H.E. Johnson, A.B. Cowan, R.L. Covert, and W.T. Magee; Journal of Range Management


Aspen Symposium Proceedings, USDA Forest Service


Genetic control of susceptibility to Hypoxylon mammatum in native Aspens, F.A. Valentine and P.D. Manion; Proceedings, 19th Northeastern Forest Tree Improvement Conference 1971

Equilibrium moisture contents of some fine forest fuels in eastern Canada, C.E. VanWagner; Information Report, Petawawa Forest Experiment Station


Effect of an Aspen Clearcutting on Water Yield and Quality in Northern Minnesota, Elon S. Verry; Watersheds in Transition; Proceedings of Symposium


Understory Characteristics Related to Site-Quality for Aspen in Utah, James H. Warner and Kimball T. Harper; Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series


Understory characteristics related to site quality for aspen in Utah, James H. Warner and K.T. Harper; Brigham Young University Science Bulletin

The relationship of soil temperature and cytokinin production in aspen invasion, K.R. Williams


Life tables for the forest tent caterpillar, J.A. Witter, H.M. Kulman, and A.C. Hodson; Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer.


A Proposal to Study Soil Nutrient Losses Resulting From Clear Cutting the Aspen Forest Type, Zanner


A rapid method for vegetative propagation of Aspens and their hybrids, L. Zufa; Forestry Chronicle



Aerially applied anti-biotics fail to control Hypoxylon canker on Aspen, G.W. Anderson; Plant Dis. Reptr.


Crosscut shearing of roundwood bolts, R.A. Arola; USDA Forest Service Research Paper, North Central Forest Experiment Station


Bacteria in the wood of living aspen, pine and alder, Marion Bacon and Clayton E. Mead; Northwest Science

Investigations on the preservative treatment of small wood from thinnings of broadleaved species, V.V. Balodis; In Informator, LatNIILKhP, Riga

Prospects for Cottonwood Utilization in Arizona, R.L. Barger and P.L. Ffolliott; Progressive Agriculture in Arizona


The effect of some environmental factors on the growth of young Aspen trees (Populus tremuloides) in controlled environments, G.C. Bate and D.T. Canvin; Canadian Journal of Botany


Vegetation management on a forested recreation site, W.G. Beardsley and J.A. Wagar; Journal of Forestry

Effect of knots on the strength and deformation of wood of broadleaved species under transverse bending, Yu A. Bedrzhitskii and M.E. Kagan; Lesn. Zh.


A new competition model for individual trees, I. E. Bella; Forest Science

Germination of Fomes igniarius var. populinus basidiospores on Aspen pith, T.S. Brown, Jr and W. Merrill; Phytopathology [Abstr]


Puckerbrush pulping studies, A.J. Chase, F. Hyland, and H.E. Young; Technical Bulletin, Life Sciences and Agriculture Experiment Station, University of Maine, Orono

Determining veneer surface inactivation by a reflectance colorimeter, S.Z. Chow; Forest Products Journal


Interception per Canopy in a Multi-Storied Largetooth Aspem Community, John R. Clements


Evaluating Summer Rainfall Through a Multilayered Largetooth Aspen Community, J.R. Clements; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Measurement of Throughfall at Two Levels in a Young Aspen Stand, J.R. Clements


Net Rainfall in a Multi-Storied Aspen Forest Community, J.R. Clements


Utilization of Mull (Forest Humus Layer) in Geochemical Exploration in the Empire District, Clear Creek County, Colorado, G.C. Curtin, H.W. Lakin, A.E. Hubert, E.L. Mosier, and K.C. Watts; Geological Survey Bulletin 1278-B

Habitat characteristics of the Silver Lake mule deer range, J.E. Dealy; USDA Forest Service Research Paper, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station


The roles of disturbance and succession in upland forest at Candle Lake, Saskatchewan, R.L. Dix and H.M.A. Swan; Can. J. Bot.


Prolonged Leaching of Orthic Black Ah Material with Water and Aqueous Extracts of Populus Tremuloides and P. Balsamifera Leaves, J.F. Dormaar; Journal of Soil Science

Growth and nutrient uptake of Aspen hybrids using sand culture techniques, Dean W. Einspahr; Silvae Genet

Basal area growth of Arizona mixed conifer species, R.S. Embry and G.J. Gottfried; US For. Serv. Res. Note Rocky Mt. For. Range Exp. Sta.


Frequency of stem features affecting [timber] quality in Arizona mixed conifers, R.S. Embry and G.J. Gottfried; US For. Serv. Res. Pap. Rocky Mt. For. Range Exp. Sta.

Height-diameter equations for Arizona mixed conifers, R.S. Embry and G.J. Gottfried; US For. Serv. Res. Note Rocky Mt. For. Range Exp. Sta.

Bark-chip segregation: key to whole-tree utilization, John R. Erickson; Forest Products Journal


Triploidy in Utah Aspen, A.D. Every and D. Wiens; Madrono


Ecological Life History of Rudbeckia Occidentalis Nutt., Juan A. Florez

Clonal Variation in Populus Tremuloides (Michx.) On the East Slope of the Front Range, Boulder County, Colorado, Joyce Gellhorn Greene; DAI-PHD


An Albino Aspen Sucker, K.A. Green, J.C. Zasada, and K. Van Cleve; For. Sci.


Air drop tests with Fire-Trol 100 and Phos-Chek 205 fire retardants, J.E. Grigel; Information Report, Northern Forest Research Centre, Canada


Mortality factors for Oberea schaumii (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) [on Populus tremuloides in N. Michigan], D.G. Grimble and F.B. Knight; Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer.


Associated insects reared from galls of Saperda inornata (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) on Trembling Aspen in Michigan, D.G. Grimble, F.B. Knight, and J.C. Nord; The Michigan Entomologist

Diseases of forest and shade trees of the United States, George H. Hepting


Rooting of Quaking Aspen Cuttings: Anatomical and Biochemical Studies, Ray Rolston Hicks, Jr

Rooting of quaking aspen cuttings: Anatomical and biochemical studies, Ray Rolston Hicks


The Size and Quality of Woodsrun Aspen Boltwood in Northern Minnesota, F.J. Hill, J.L. Bowyer, and J.G. Haygreen; Minn. For. Res. Note


Rainfall interception in a dense Utah Aspen clone, Robert S. Johnston; US For. Serv. Res. Note Intermt. For. Range Exp. Sta.


An experiment in modeling Rocky Mountain forest ecosystems, J.R. Jones; US For. Serv. Res. Pap. Rocky Mt. For. Range Exp. Sta.


Biomass Dynamics in a Moose Population, Peter A. Jordan and Daniel B. Botkin; Ecology

A density-gradient technique for obtaining wood and bark chip density, L.M. Julien, J.C. Edgar, and T.M. Conder; US For. Serv. Res. Note Nth. Cent. For. Exp. Sta.


Complete-Tree Utilization An analysis of the Literature Part II: Foliage, J. L. Keays


Complete-Tree Utilization An analysis of the Literature Part III: Branches, J. L. Keays


Complete-Tree Utilization An analysis of the Literature Part I: Unmerchantable Top of Bole, J. L. Keays


Complete-Tree Utilization An analysis of the Literature Part IV: Crown and Slash, J. L. Keays


Complete-Tree Utilization An analysis of the Literature Part V: Stump-Root System, J. L. Keays


Reproductive behavior of yellow-bellied sapsuckers. I. Preference for nesting in Fomes-infected aspens and nesthole interrelations with flying squirrels, raccoons, and other animals, Lawrence Kilham; Wilson Bulletin

Changed Resistance of Aspen Mesophyll as a Response to Rapid Leaf Drying, (in Russian), A. Laisk and V. Oya; Fiziol Rast.


A portable electronic multichannel dendrograph and environmental factor recording system, G. LaPoint and K. van Cleve; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Vegetational relationships with air mass frequencies: boreal forest and tundra, J.A. Larsen; Arctic, Montreal


Computer assessment of Poplar use potential in Ontario, H.A. Leach; The Forestry Chronicle

Weight losses of ammonia-treated wood during thermal treatment, U. Ya Lielpeteris and I.O. Ziedin'sh; Khim. Drev.

Diseases of Trembling Aspen in the Adirondack region of New York, P.D. Manion and F.A. Valentine; Plant Dis. Reptr.


The production of microbial-regulatory materials by isolated Aspen [Populus tremuloides] tissue, M.C. Mathes, E.D. Helton, and K.D. Fisher; Plant and Cell Physiology


Digestion of Aspen, alkali-treated Aspen, and Aspen bark by goats, R.W. Mellenberger and L.D. Satter; Journal of Animal Science

The application of chipless cutting of wood in tending fellings, V.N. Men'shikov; Lesn. Khoz.

Investigation of a method of continuous compression of wood, M.S. Movnin and A.G. Ermolovich; Lesn. Zh.

Soil Moisture and Temperature Regimes on the Lubrecht Experimental Forest, Thomas J. Nimlos