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Journal Water Pollution Control Federation

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Health risk assessment of individual environmental chemicals, risks of drinking water supplies, methods for evaluating toxicity, and structure-activity relationships and response-surface methodology represent the focus for 1986. A report of the Steering Committee on Identification of Toxic and Potentially Toxic Chemicals for Consideration by the National Toxicology Pro gram found that, for the majority of substances they examined, data essential for human health hazard assessment were lacking.1 Milestone publications concerning human health effects aspects include works by Mortelmans et al,2 Busch et al,3 Hartman et al,4 Rein,5 Gentile,6 Hodgson,7 and Tagashira and Omura.8 Public health aspects of hazardous waste disposal were addressed at a meeting of the Universities Associated for Research and Education in Pathology.9 Baram and Kenyon10 discussed several areas of the law that provide rights of access and duties to disclose risk with regard to chronic health and environmental hazards arising from exposure to chemical substances under "routine" operations.


Reprinted with permission from Water Environment Research Journal, Copyright ©1982-1988, Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, Virginia, These papers may be downloaded for personal uses only. Any other use requires prior permission of the Water Environment Federation.



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