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A Comparative Study of the Integument of Colubrid and Viperid Snakes, V. R. Townsend, Jr. and Alan H. Savitzky; Virginia J. Sci.

Effects of fire and grazing in an arid grasslandecosystem, T. J. Valone, S. E. Nordell, and S.K. Morgan Ernest; Southwestern Naturalist

Biodegredation ofdissolved free simple carbohydrates in surface, hyporheic and riparian waters ofa large river, P. Vervier, L. Roques, Michelle A. Baker, F. Garabetian, and P. Auriol; Archiv für Hydrobiologie

Comparison of Susceptibility of Five Cutthroat Trout Strains to Myxobolus Cerebralis Infection, Eric Wagner, Ronney Arndt, Mark Brough, and Donald W. Roberts; Journal of Aquatic Animal Health

Talk given at Joint Meetings: American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, the Herpetologist’s League, Becky L. Williams

Talk given at Joint Meetings: Society for the Study of Evolution, Society of Systematic Biologists, Becky L. Williams


Comparisons Between Toxic Effects of Tetrodotoxin Administered Orally and by Intraperitoneal Injection to the Garter Snake Thamnophis sirtalis, Becky L. Williams, Edmund D. Brodie Jr., and Edmund D. Brodie Jr.; Journal of Herpetology


Genetic Relationships and Population Structure of the Endangered Steamboat Buckwheat, Eriogonum ovalifolium var. williamsiae (Polygonaceae), J. K. Archibald, Paul G. Wolf, V. J. Tepedino, and J. Bair; American Journal of Botany


A Critical Evaluation of Research Techniques in Animal Ecology, Michelle A. Baker; Ecology

Ecology readings from the University of Wisconsin, Michelle A. Baker; Ecology

Hydrologic linkages and ecosystem function, Michelle A. Baker; Department of Botany and Range Science, Brigham Young University

Tricks of the trade: how to succeed in graduate school, Michelle A. Baker; North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting, La Crosse, WI

Effect of UV-b on Conidia and Germlings of the Entomopathogenic Hyphomycete Metarhizium Anisopliae, Gilberto U. L. Braga, Stephan D. Flint, Claudio L. Messias, Anne J. Anderson, and Donald W. Roberts; Mycological Research

Effects of UVB Irradiance on Conidia and Germinants of the Entomopathogenic Hyphomycete Metarhizium Anisopliae: a Study of Reciprocity and Recovery, Gilberto U. L. Braga, Stephan D. Flint, Claudio L. Messias, Anne J. Anderson, and Donald W. Roberts; Photochemistry and Photobiology

Both Solar UVA and UVB Radiation Impair Conidial Culturability and Delay Germination in the Entomopathogenic Fungus Metarhizium Anisopliae, Gilberto U. L. Braga, Stephan D. Flint, Charles D. Miller, Anne J. Anderson, and Donald W. Roberts; Photochemistry and Photobiology

Variability in response to UV-B among species and strains of Metarhizium isolated from sites at latitudes from 61° N to 54° S, Gilberto U. L. Braga, Stephan D. Flint, Charles D. Miller, Anne J. Anderson, and Donald W. Roberts; Journal of Invertebrate Pathology

Regulation of diversity: maintenanceof species richness in changing environments, J. H. Brown, S.K. Morgan Ernest, J. M. Parody, and J. P. Haskell; Oecologia

Complex species interactionsand the dynamics of ecological systems: long-term experiments, J. H. Brown, T. G. Whitham, S.K. Morgan Ernest, and C. A. Gehring; Science

Small Animal Surveys on the Ouray National Wildlife Refuge, Utah, B. Campbell and Rich Carl Etchberger; Utah State Legislature

Small Animal Surveys on the Ouray National Wildlife Refuge, Utah, B. Campbell and Rich Carl Etchberger; Uintah Basin Research Conference


Density-dependent invariance, dimensionless life-histories and the energy-equivalence rule, E. L. Charnov, J. P. Haskell, and S.K. Morgan Ernest; Evolutionary Ecology Research

Ecological guidelines for land use and management, V H. Dale, S Brown, R A. Haeuber, N T. Hobbs, Nancy J. Huntly, R J. Naiman, W E. Riebsame, M G. Turner, and T J. Valone; Applying Ecological Principles to Land Management

Delayed compensation for missing keystone species bycolonization, S.K. Morgan Ernest and J. H. Brown; Science

Homeostasis and compensation: the role of species andresources in ecosystem stability, S.K. Morgan Ernest and J. H. Brown; Ecology

Preliminary evidence of alteration of the plant communities by prehistoric Aleuts on the lower Alaskan Peninsula, D R. Johnson, Nancy J. Huntly, and HD G. Maschner; Arctic Research Symposium

Evidence and possible mechanisms for source-sink population dynamics in pikas (Ochotona princeps), M PJr Kreuzer and Nancy J. Huntly; American Society of Mammalogists Annual Meeting

Fungo Batkoa Sp. (Entomophthorales): Potencial De Uso Para O Controle Da Cigarrinha-da-raiz Da Cana-de-acucar, Luis G. Leite, Sérgio B. Alves, Antonio Batista Filho, J. E. M. Almeida, and Donald W. Roberts

Offspring Size and Number, Frank J. Messina and S. M. Sorenson; Evolutionary Ecology: Concepts and Case Studies

Effectiveness of Lacewing Larvae in Reducing Russian Wheat Aphid Populations on Susceptible and Resistant Wheat, Frank J. Messina and Suzann M. Sorenson; Biological Control


High Frequency of Extra-Pair Paternity in Eastern Kingbirds, Michael T. Murphy, Diane L. Rowe, Robert C. Fleischer, and Paul G. Wolf; Biology Faculty Publications and Presentations

Charcoal rot of melon, Claudia Nischwitz

Factors influencing charcoal rot (Macrophomina phaseolina) on melon in Arizona, Claudia Nischwitz

Herpetology, Second Edition, F. Harvey Pough, Robin M. Andrews, John E. Cadle, Martha L. Crump, Alan H. Savitzky, and Kentwood D. Wells; Herpetology, Second Edition

Ecology: Achievement and Challenge, M C. Press, Nancy J. Huntly, and S A. Levin; Ecology: Achievement and Challenge

Horsetails and Ferns are a Monophyletic Group and the Closest Relatives to Seed Plants, Kathleen M. Pryer, Herald Schneider, Alan R. Smith, Raymond Cranfill, Paul G. Wolf, Jeffrey S. Hunt, and Sedonia D. Sipes; Nature

The Closest Living Relative to Seed Plants: Insights from Four Genes and Morphology, K. M. Pryer, H. Schneider, A. R. Smith, and Paul G. Wolf; Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America

Vasculature of the Lepidosaur Nasal Cavity: Do Iguanas Have a Bloody Nose?, Susan J. Rehorek, Alan H. Savitzky, and Lawrence M. Witmer; Vasculature of the Lepidosaur Nasal Cavity: Do Iguanas Have a Bloody Nose?

Talus fragmentation mitigates the effects of pikas, Ochotona princeps, on alpine meadows, W J. Roach, Nancy J. Huntly, and R S. Inouye; Oikos


High Frequency of Extra-Pair Paternity in Eastern Kingbirds, D. L. Rowe, M. T. Murphy, R. C. Feischer, and Paul G. Wolf; Condor

The Success of the Black-Footed Ferret Reintroduction in Northeastern Utah, D. R. Sadlier, H. Kempenich, and Rich Carl Etchberger; Utah State Legislature

The Success of the Black-Footed Ferret Reintroduction in Northeastern Utah, D. R. Sadlier, H. Kempenich, and Rich Carl Etchberger; Uintah Basin Research Conference

Detección De Hongos Entomophthorales Patógenos a Insect Fitófagos, Al Sur De Bahia, Brasil, Saúl E. M. Sánchez, Adriano L. Freitas, and Donald W. Roberts; Entomotropica

Phylogenetic Relationships Within Diadasia, a Group of Specialist Bees, S. D. Sipes and Paul G. Wolf; Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution

Metaxya lanosa, a Second Species in the Genus and Fern Family Metaxyaceae, A. R. Smith, H. Tuomisto, K. M. Pryer, J. S. Hunt, and Paul G. Wolf; Systematic Botany

Relationships Among Northern Hemisphere Pteridium: Some New Perspectives, W. D. Speer, E. Sheffield, and Paul G. Wolf; The Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America

North American Pteridium: Insights on Population Structure and Systematic Relationships from Morphology, Isozymes, and Chloproplast DNA, W. D. Speer, C. R. Werth, E. Sheffield, and Paul G. Wolf; Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America

Errors in "Overestimation of Gross N Transformation Rates in Grassland Soils...", John M. Stark and J. Schimel; Soil Biology & Biochemistry


Effects of recording media on echolocation data from broadband bat detectors, Ethan P. White and S. D. Gehrt; Wildlife Society Bulletin

The effects of isolation on red-backed volves (Clethrionomys gapperi) and deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) in a sage-steppe matrix, W C. Witt and Nancy J. Huntly; Journal of Zoology

Conservation Genetics of Penstemon bicolor ssp. Bicolor, A. D. Wolfe, R. Reiland, C. R. Randle, F. J. Smith, and Paul G. Wolf; Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America

Tests of Pre- and Post-Pollination Barriers to Hybridization Between Sympatric Species of Ipomopsis (polemoniaceae) , Paul G. Wolf, D. R. Campbell, N. M. Waser, S. D. Sipes, T. R. Toler, and J. K. Archibald; American Journal of Botany

Genetic Structure of Alpine Rhododendron Across a Wide Range of Spatial Scales, Paul G. Wolf, B. Doche, L. Gielly, and P. Taberlet; Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America

Geographic Distributions of Homosporous Fern Taxa: Does Dispersal Obscure Evidence of Vicariance?, Paul G. Wolf, H. Schneider, and T. A. Ranker; Journal of Biography


Beyond the riparian zone: Aquatic-terrestrial linkages in watersheds, Michelle A. Baker; Utah State University, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, and Civil and Environmental Engineering

How to begin teaching a course for the first time beginning with nothing…filling the void, Michelle A. Baker; Graduate Resources Committee Workshop. North American Benthological Society, Keystone, CO

Anoxia, anaerobic metabolismbiogeochemistry of the stream water- ground water interface, Michelle A. Baker, C. N. Dahm, and H. M. Valett; Streams and Ground Waters

Organic carbon supply and metabolismin a near-stream groundwater ecosystem, Michelle A. Baker, H. M. Valett, and C. N. Dahm; Ecology


Identification of Fungal Pathogens of Grasshoppers, M. J. Bidochka and Donald W. Roberts; Grasshopper Integrated Pest Management User Handbook

Plant Species Effects and Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in a Sagebrush -- Crested Wheatgrass Soil, J. Chen and John M. Stark; Soil Biology & Biochemistry

Spatio-temporal niches in annual plants: theory on the role of spatial and temporal environmental variation in diversity maintenance, P Chesson and Nancy J. Huntly; Joint Symposium Meeting of Ecological Society of America and British Ecological Society

Dissolved organic carbon dynamics and the groundwater and surface water interface, C. N. Dahm and Michelle A. Baker; Geological Society of America 2000 Annual Meeting

Organic matter dynamics at the groundwater - surface water interface of a mountain stream, C. N. Dahm and Michelle A. Baker; American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Copenhagen

Ecological principles and guidelines for managing the use of land, V H. Dale, S Brown, R Haeuber, N T. Hobbs, Nancy J. Huntly, R Naiman, W Riebsame, M Turner, and T J. Valone; Ecological Applications

Rodents, plants, and precipitation: Spatialand temporal dynamics of consumers and resources, S.K. Morgan Ernest, J. H. Brown, and R. R. Parmenter; Oikos

Hierarchical structure in a desert plant community, A Forman and Nancy J. Huntly; National Conference on Undergraduate Research

Comparison of Fleas and their Small Mammal Hosts in Coyote Basin, L. Hatfield-Etchberger, B. Stroh, Rich Carl Etchberger, T. Lemon, and M. Slater; Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting

Ecological Principles for Managing Land Use, Nancy J. Huntly; Ecological Principles for Managing Land Use

Thirty questions for ecology in the 21st century, Nancy J. Huntly; Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting

Evidence for benefits to occupants of sink habitats, M PJr Kreuzer and Nancy J. Huntly; Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting

Factors affecting the population growth of Ochotona princeps: behavioral trade-offs or climate?, M PJr Kruezer and Nancy J. Huntly; American Society of Mammalogists Annual Meeting

In Vitro Production of Hyphal Bodies of the Mite Pathogenic Fungus Neozygites Floridana, Luis G. Leite, L. Smith, G. J. Moraes, and Donald W. Roberts; Mycologia

Geographic Distribution: Deirochelys Reticularia Reticularia, Michael W. McCoy, Donald J. Schwab, and Alan H. Savitzky; Herpetolological Review

Total Lipids and Fatty Acids of Strains of Metarhizium Anisopliae, Antonio M. Pupin, Claudio L. Messias, Aquiles E. Piedrabuena, and Donald W. Roberts; Brazilian Journal of Microbiology

PARC Symposium, Alan H. Savitzky; PARC Symposium

Rattlesnake: Portrait of Predator, Alan H. Savitzky; Copeia

Organization of Elastic Fibers in the Vocal Sac of Frogs, Alan H. Savitzky, Kathleen A. Roberts, and A. Stanley Rand; Organization of Elastic Fibers in the Vocal Sac of Frogs

Phylogeny of Vascular Plants and the Evolution of their Body Plans, H. Schneider, K. M. Pryer, A. R. Smith, Paul G. Wolf, and R. C. Cranfill; Symposium on Developmental Genetics and Plant Evolution, Natural History Museum, London, UK


Direct and indirect effects of herbivores on nitrogen dynamics: voles in riparian areas, J M. Sirotnak and Nancy J. Huntly; Ecology

Selective herbivory byt the desert woodrat, Neotoma lepida, on the joshua tree, Yucca brevifolia, M Stanford and Nancy J. Huntly; National Conference on Undergraduate Research

Nutrient Transformations, John M. Stark; Methods in Ecosystem Science

Varietal Resistance, James E. Throne, James E. Baker, Frank J. Messina, Karl J. Kramer, and John A. Howard; Alternatives to Pesticides in Stored-Product IPM


Organic Carbon Supply and Metabolism in a Near-Stream Groundwater Ecosystem, H. M. Valett, C. C. Dahm, and Michelle A. Baker; Ecology

Poster at Joint Meetings: American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, the Herpetologist’s League, Becky L. Williams


Organic carbon retention and metabolism in near-stream groundwater, Michelle A. Baker; DIALOG Symposium, American Society for Limnology and Oceanography, BBSR, St. George, Bermuda

Role of hydrologic linkages in fluvial ecosystem structure and function, Michelle A. Baker; University of Washington Tacoma, Utah State University, University of New Hampshire

Acetate retention and metabolism in thehyporheic zone of a mountain stream, Michelle A. Baker, C. N. Dahm, and H. M. Valett; Limnology and Oceanography

Identification of Roots of Woody Species Using Polymerase Chain Reaction, B. R. Bobowski, David Hole, Paul G. Wolf, and L. Bryant; Molecular Ecology

Frequency of Birth and Lambing Sites of a Small Population of Mountain Sheep, Rich Carl Etchberger and P. R. Krausman; The Southwestern Naturalist

Evaluation of the Herbicide Escort for the Control of Greasewood in the Book Cliffs, Utah - Final Report, Rich Carl Etchberger, J. Lytle, S. Walker, S. Madsen, and S. Cranney; Northeastern Utah Coordinating Meeting

Evaluation of the Herbicide Escort for the Control of Greasewood in the Book Cliffs, Utah - Final Report, Rich Carl Etchberger, J. Lytle, S. Walker, S. Madsen, and S. Cranney; Book Cliffs Management Meeting

Evaluation of the Herbicide Escort for the Control of Greasewood in the Book Cliffs, Utah - Final Report, Rich Carl Etchberger, J. Lytle, S. Walker, S. Madsen, and S. Cranney; Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society

Mule Deer Movements in Northeastern Utah, Rich Carl Etchberger, S. C. Madsen, T. A. Dabbs, S. Cranney, D. R. Sadlier, and T. L. Fabian; Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society

A Comparison of the Genetic Structure of Mid-Atlantic Populations of the Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus), Maria V. Gonzalez, Howard K. Reinert, Alan H. Savitzky, and Lauretta M. Bushar; A Comparison of the Genetic Structure of Mid-Atlantic Populations of the Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus)

Fern DNA Database: Using Filemaker Pro to Coordinate DNA-Availability, DNA-Sequence Data, Vaoucher and Source Information for Large-Scale and Collaborative Phylogeny Studies, J. S. Hunt, K. M. Pryer, A. Vaghani, A. R. Smith, and Paul G. Wolf; American Journal of Botany

Mechanisms of coexistence of desert annual plants, Nancy J. Huntly; Symposium on Annual Plants, Annual Meeting of the Desert Tortoise Council

The role of temporal storage effects in a desert plant community, Nancy J. Huntly and P Chesson; Winter and General Annual Meeting of the British Ecological Society

Hinged Teeth in the Enigmatic Colubrid, Iguanognathus Werneri, K. Jackson, G. Underwood, E. N. Arnold, and Alan H. Savitzky; Copeia

Desert Bighorn Sheep: Natural History, P. R. Krausman, A. Sandoval, and Rich Carl Etchberger; Mountain Sheep of North America

How does use of sink habitat benefit pikas (Ochotona princeps)? , M P. Kreuzer and Nancy J. Huntly; Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America

Expression of a Life-History Trade-Off in a Seed Beetle Depends on Environmental Context, Frank J. Messina and A. F. Slade; Physiological Entomology