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How to Get Along With Toxic Prey? Possible Costs of Eating Toads in Snakes That Use Toad Toxins in Their Own Defense, Akira Mori, Alan H. Savitzky, Deborah A. Hutchinson, and Gordon M. Burghardt; How to Get Along With Toxic Prey? Possible Costs of Eating Toads in Snakes That Use Toad Toxins in Their Own Defense
How to Get Along With Toxic Prey? Possilbe Costs of Eating Toads in Snakes That Use Toad Toxins in Their Own Defense, Akira Mori, Alan H. Savitzky, Deborah A. Hutchinson, and Gordon M. Burghardt; How to Get Along With Toxic Prey? Possilbe Costs of Eating Toads in Snakes That Use Toad Toxins in Their Own Defense
Disease management in Arizona and Georgia, Claudia Nischwitz
Disease problems on vegetables in Arizona and Georgia, Claudia Nischwitz
Distribution of IYSV in onion leaves, Claudia Nischwitz
IYSV and TSWV on onion – 2006 update, Claudia Nischwitz
Review of IYSV in Georgia, Claudia Nischwitz
Effect ofdouble-cropping onions behind either pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) or corn (Zea mays), Claudia Nischwitz, G. Boyhan, F. H. Sanders, S. W. Mullis, Joseph S. Wilson, and R. D. Gitaitis
Firstreport of Iris yellow spot virus in spiny sowthistle (Sonchus asper) in the United States, Claudia Nischwitz, R. D. Gitaitis, S. W. Mullis, A. S. Csinos, D. R. Langston, and A. N. Sparks; Plant disease
Use of fatty acid methyl ester profiles to compare copper-tolerant andcopper-sensitive strains of Pantoea ananatis, Claudia Nischwitz, R. D. Gitaitis, F. H. Sanders, D. R. Langston, G. Boyhan, R. Torrence, and L. Zolobowska; Phytopathology
Analysis of Iris yellow spot virus strains from onion (Allium cepa) from Georgia (USA) and Peru, Claudia Nischwitz, D. R. Langston, A. N. Sparks, A. S. Csinos, Mullis S. W., and R. D. Gitaitis Gitatitis
First report of Peanutmottle virus in forage peanut (Arachis glabrata) in North America, Claudia Nischwitz, A. L. Mass, S. W. Mullis, A. K. Culbreath, and R. D. Gitaitis; Plant Disease
Phylogenetic Analysis of Iris yellow spot virus Isolates From Onion (Allium cepa) in Georgia (USA) and Peru, Claudia Nischwitz, H. R. Pappu, S. W. Mullis, D. R. Langston, A. N. Sparks, A. S. Csinos, and R. D. Gitaitis; Journal of Phytopathology
Inducing UV-B tolerance of Metarhizium anisopliae var. anisopliae conidia results in a trade-off between conidial production and conidial stress tolerance., D. E. N. Rangel and Donald W. Roberts; Journal of Anhui Agriculture University
The Mormon cricket, an old threat in modern day western USA: A search for fungal pathogens, Donald W. Roberts, D. E. N. Rangel, Chad A. Keyser, H. G. Bignayan, S. J. Dettenmaier, E. K. K. Fernandes, M. P. Miller, and Edward W. Evans; Journal of Anhui Agriculture University
The Complete Plastid Genome Sequence of Angiopteris evecta (G. Forst) Hoffm. (Marattiaceae), J. M. Roper, S. K. Hansen, Paul G. Wolf, K G. Karol, D. F. Mandoli, K. D. E. Everett, J. Kuehl, and J. L. Boore; American Fern Journal
Effects of cattle, an exotic species, on a Aletutian island, F Rudebusch, K Gilliland, J Knudsen, and Nancy J. Huntly; Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting
Cross-disciplinary integration of tools and knowledge to understand the long-term relationships of people and their ecosystems in the North Pacific, R Russell, Nancy J. Huntly, H Maschner, M Betts, and S Wood; Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting
Hard Times for a Suburban Viper: The Canebrake Rattlesnake in Virginia, Alan H. Savitzky; Hard Times for a Suburban Viper: The Canebrake Rattlesnake in Virginia
NEPARC Annual Symposium, Alan H. Savitzky; NEPARC Annual Symposium
Persistence and Provisioning of Bufonid Toxins in the Asian Snake Rhabdophis tigrinus (Colubridae: Natricinae), Alan H. Savitzky, Deborah A. Hutchinson, Akira Mori, Jerrold Meinwald, and Frank C. Schroeder; Persistence and Provisioning of Bufonid Toxins in the Asian Snake Rhabdophis tigrinus (Colubridae: Natricinae)
Fox impacts on avian communities of an Aleutian island, S Schoen, M Betts, Nancy J. Huntly, and H Maschner; Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting
Fox impacts on avian communities of an Aleutian island, S Schoen, Nancy J. Huntly, M Betts, and H Maschner; 15th Artic Conference
Spatiotemporal scaling of species richness: patterns, processes andimplications, Ethan P. White; ScalingBiodiversity
Relationships between body size and abundance in ecology, Ethan P. White, S.K. Morgan Ernest, A. J. Kerkoff, and B. J. Enquist; Trends in Ecology and Evolution
Effects of population level aggregation, autocorrelation,and interspecific association on the speciestimerelationship in two desert communities, Ethan P. White and M. A. Gilchrist; Evolutionary Ecology Research
The Plight of Large Animals in Tropical Forests and the Consequences for Plant Regeneration, S. Joseph Wright, Kathryn E. Stoner, Noelle Beckman, Richard T. Corlett, Rodolfo Dirzo, Helene C. Muller-Landau, Gabriela Nuñez-Iturri, Carlos A. Peres, and Benjamin C. Wang; Biotropica
Geographic Variation in the Morphology of Crotalus Horridus (Serpentes: Viperidae), John Allsteadt, Alan H. Savitzky, Christopher E. Petersen, and Dayanand N. Naik; Herpetological Monographs
Ecological basis for site-specific TMDL targets in Utah, Michelle A. Baker; EPA Region 8 Bioassessment Workshop. Utah State University
Variation in vector competence for dengue 2 virus among collections of Aedes aegypti from the Yucatan and Vera Cruz regions of Mexico, Scott A. Bernhardt, William C. Black IV, B. J. Beaty, M. F. Antolin, K. E. Olson, J. Farfan-Ale, I. Fernandez-Salas, and C. D. Blair; American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Soil Mixing Effects on Inorganic Nitrogen Production and Consumption in Forest and Shrubland Soils, M. S. Booth, John M. Stark, and S. C. Hart; Plant & Soil
Conidial pigmentation is important to tolerance against solar-simulated radiation in the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae, G. U. L. Braga, D. E. N. Rangel, S. D. Flint, Anne J. Anderson, and Donald W. Roberts; Photochemistry and Photobiology
The offspring/clutch size tradeoff in mammals, E. L. Charnov and S.K. Morgan Ernest; American Naturalist
A Global Phylogeographic Study of the Chloroplast Genome in Bracken (Pteridium: Dennstaedtiaceae), Joshua P. Der, J. A. Thomson, and Paul G. Wolf; The Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America
First report of Pantoea agglomeranscausing a leaf blight and bulb rot of onions in Georgia, D. G. Eden, R. D. Gitaitis, F. H. Sanders, and Claudia Nischwitz; Plant Disease
Possible Plague Vectors in a White-Tailed Prairie Dog Ecosystem, L. Etchberger, M. R. Dzialak, W. E. Stroh, B. D. Bibles, Rich Carl Etchberger, and A. Lamb; Journal of The Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters
Possible Plague Vectors in a White-Tailed Prairie Dog Ecosystem, Lianna K. Etchberger, M. R. Dzialak, W. E. Stroh, B. D. Bibles, Rich Carl Etchberger, and A. Lamb; Utah Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts Annual Conference
Small Mammal Host and Flea Distributions in a White-Tailed Prairie Dog Ecosystem, Lianna K. Etchberger, M. R. Dzialak, W. E. Stroh, B. D. Bibles, Rich Carl Etchberger, and A. Lamb; International and Southwest Conferences on Diseases in Nature Transmissible to Man
Fleas and Small Mammal Hosts Within and Adjacent to a Coyote Basin White-Tailed Prairie Dog Colony in Northeastern Utah, Lianna K. Etchberger, W. E. Stroh, B. D. Bibles, M. R. Dzialak, and Rich Carl Etchberger; Proceedings, Symposium on the Status of the Black-Footed Ferret and its Habitat, Fort Collins, Colorado, U.S.G.S. Scientific Investigations Report 2005- 5293.
Fleas and Small Mammal Hosts Within and Adjacent to a Coyote Basin White-Tailed Prairie Dog Colony in Northeastern Utah, Rich Carl Etchberger; U.S.G.S. Scientific Investigations Report
Use of Multimedia Such as Podcasting in Classes, Rich Carl Etchberger; Uintah Basin Education Conference
Accuracy and Precision of Digital Elevation Models for Habitat Modeling, Rich Carl Etchberger, D. A. Evans, M. J. Hawk, and D. Emmett; Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting
Age and population structure of Joshua trees (Yucca brevifolia) in the northwestern Mojave Desert, K D. Gilliland, Nancy J. Huntly, and J E. Anderson; Western North American Naturalist
Burkholderia, R. D. Gitaitis and Claudia Nischwitz; Plant-Associated Bacteria
Intra-guild Compensation Regulates Species Richness in Desert Rodents: Reply, J. R. Goheen, Ethan P. White, S.K. Morgan Ernest, and J. H. Brown; Ecology
Intra-guild compensation regulatesspecies richness in desert rodents: reply, J. R. Goheen, Ethan P. White, S.K. Morgan Ernest, and J. H. Brown; Ecology
The biogeography of mammals of fragmented sagebrush steppe landscapes, S Hanser and Nancy J. Huntly; Journal of Mammalogy
Direct and indirect effects of mustard amendments on two entomopathogenic nematode genera, Steinernema and Heterorhabditis, D R. Henderson, Ricardo A. Ramirez, E Riga, and W E. Snyder; Journal of Nematology
The persistence of human legacies: consequences for plant-animal interactions linger after 1000 years of abandonment by people, Nancy J. Huntly, HD G. Maschner, K Gilliland, and J Knudsen; Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting
Plasid Genome Evolution in Lycophytes, K. G. Karol, J. A. Banks, J. M. Roper, S. K. Hansen, and Paul G. Wolf; The Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America
Exotic Plant Communities Shift Water-Use Timing in a Shrub-Steppe Ecosystem, A. Kulmatiski, Karen H. Beard, and John M. Stark; Plant & Soil
Protect Kids from Science, Frank J. Messina; Logan Herald Journal
Satire Has Place in Debate, Frank J. Messina; Logan Herald Journal
First report of onion (Allium cepa) naturally infected with Iris yellow spot virus (FamilyBunyaviridae, Genus Tospovirus) in Peru, S. W. Mullis, R. D. Gitaitis, Claudia Nischwitz, A. S. Csinos, Z. C. Rafael Mallaupoma, and E. H. Inguli Rojas; Plant Disease
Location evaluation of tomato spotted wilt virus at the Bowen farm, S. W. Mullis, Claudia Nischwitz, A. S. Csinos, and R. D. Gitaitis
Age study 2006, Claudia Nischwitz
Factors affecting TSWV infection of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), Claudia Nischwitz
New host and location reports of Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) and Iris yellow spot virus (IYSV), Claudia Nischwitz
Effect of plant age on tomato spotted wilt virus in flue-cured tobacco, Claudia Nischwitz, A. S. Csinos, L. L. Hickman, S. W. Mullis, S. S. LaHue, and M. G. Stephenson
First report of Tomato spotted wilt virus insoybean (Glycine max) in Georgia, Claudia Nischwitz, S. W. Mullis, R. D. Gitaits, and A. S. Csinos; Plant Disease
First report of Tomatospotted wilt virus in leek (Allium porrum) in the United States, Claudia Nischwitz, S. W. Mullis, R. D. Gitaits, A. S. Csinos, and S. M. Olson; Plant Disease
Granivores modify the seed bank-plant community relationship, L Qvarnemark and Nancy J. Huntly; Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting
Queen weights of polygyne Solenopsis invicta and S. xyloni suggest reduced competitive ability, Ricardo A. Ramirez and D C. Thompson; Southwestern Entomologist
The influence of low humidity, Pseudacteon flies, and competition by Solenopsis xyloni on Solenopsis invicta, Ricardo A. Ramirez, D C. Thompson, and M D. Remmenga; Environmental Entomology
Growth of Metarhizium anisopliae on non-preferred carbon sources yields conidia with increased UV-B tolerance, D. E. N. Rangel, Anne J. Anderson, and Donald W. Roberts; Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
Mutants and isolates of Metarhizium anisopliae are diverse in their relationships between conidial pigmentation and stress tolerance, D. E. N. Rangel, M. J. Butler, J. Torabinejad, Anne J. Anderson, G. U. L. Braga, A. W. Day, and Donald W. Roberts; Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
Structural Evolution of Fern Chloroplast Genomes, J. M. Roper, S. K. Hansen, and Paul G. Wolf; The Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America
Comment on “The Illusion of Invariant Quantities in Life Histories”, V. M. Savage, Ethan P. White, M. E. Moses, S.K. Morgan Ernest, B. J. Enquist, and E. L. Charnov; Science
Comment on “The Illusion of Invariant Quantities in Life Histories”, V. M. Savage, Ethan P. White, M. E. Moses, S.K. Morgan Ernest, B. J. Enquist, and E. L. Charnov; Science
Chemical Defense in the Japanese Yamakagashi: Do Snakes Use Prey Toxins for Their Own Defense?, Alan H. Savitzky; Chemical Defense in the Japanese Yamakagashi: Do Snakes Use Prey Toxins for Their Own Defense?
New Directions in Snake Biology, Alan H. Savitzky; New Directions in Snake Biology
Sequestration of Dietary Toxins by Rhabdophis tigrinus: Recent Chemical and Physiological Studies, Alan H. Savitzky, Deborah A. Hutchinson, Akira Mori, Gordon M. Burghardt, Jerrold Meinwald, and Frank Schroeder; Sequestration of Dietary Toxins by Rhabdophis tigrinus: Recent Chemical and Physiological Studies
Cardiac Response to Bufonid Prey in Rhabdophis tigrinus (Colubridae), A Snake that Sequesters Dietary Toxins, Alan H. Savitzky, Deborah A. Hutchinson, Akira Mori, Frank Schroeder, and Jerrold Meinwald; Cardiac Response to Bufonid Prey in Rhabdophis tigrinus (Colubridae), A Snake that Sequesters Dietary Toxins
A Classification for Extant Ferns, A. R. Smith, K. M. Pryer, E. Schuettpelz, P. Korall, H. Schneider, and Paul G. Wolf; Taxon
Urban food webs: predators, prey, and the people who feed them, P Warren, C Tripler, D Bolger, S Faeth, Nancy J. Huntly, C Lepczyk, J Meyer, T Parker, E Shochat, and J Walker; Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America
A comparison of the species-time relationship across ecosystems and taxonomic groups, Ethan P. White, P. B. Adler, W. K. Lauenroth, R. A. Gill, D. Greenberg, D. M. Kaufman, A. Rassweiler, J. A. Rusak, M. D. Smith, J. R. Steinbeck, R. B. Waide, and J. Yao; Oikos
Towards a Complete Chloroplast Genome Sequence of the Non-Photosynthetic Liverwort Cryptothallus Mirabilis (Metzgeriales, Marchantiophyta), N. J. Wickett, Y. Zhang, J. M. Roper, S. K. Hansen, J. L. Boore, J. V. Kuehl, S. A. Plock, B. Goffinet, C. W. dePamphilis, Paul G. Wolf, and J. Boore; The Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America
Talk given at Joint Meetings: American Malacological Society, Western Society of Malacologists, Becky L. Williams
Talk given at the Triennial Meeting of the Malacological Society of Australasia, Becky L. Williams
Evidence for a general species time arearelationship, P. B. Adler, Ethan P. White, W. K. Lauenroth, D. M. Kaufman, A. Rassweiler, and J. A. Rusak; Ecology
Evaluation of novel fungus and nematode isolates for control of Conotrachelus nenuphar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) larvae., D. G. Alston, D. E. N. Rangel, L. A. Lacey, H. G. Golez, J. J. Kim, and Donald W. Roberts; Biological Control
Fluvial discontinua- influence on flowpaths and ecosystem processes, Michelle A. Baker; Stream Ecology Symposium. Idaho State University
Controls on Nitrogen Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems: A Synthetic Analysis of Literature Data, M. S. Booth, E. Rastetter, and John M. Stark; Ecological Monographs
Evolutionary Response of Predatorsto Dangerous Prey: Parallel Arms Races Between Garter Snakes and NewtsInvolving Tetrodotoxin as the Phenotypic Interface of Coevolution, Edmund D. Brodie Jr., C. R. Feldman, C. T. Hanifin, J. E. Motychak, D. G. Mulcahy, Becky L. Williams, and Edmund D. Brodie Jr.; Journal of Chemical Ecology
The fungal past, present and future: Germination, ramification and reproduction., L. A. Castrillo, Donald W. Roberts, and J. D. Vandenberg; Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
Genetic Analyses of Eriogonum corymbosum population, M. W. Ellis, J. M. Roper, R. E. Gainer, and Paul G. Wolf; The Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America
Body size, energy use, and community structure of small mammals, S.K. Morgan Ernest; Ecology
Possible Plague Vectors in a White-Tailed Prairie Dog Ecosystem, Lianna K. Etchberger, M. R. Dzialak, W. E. Stroh, B. D. Bibles, Rich Carl Etchberger, and A. Lamb; The Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters
Cooperative Learning in General Education, Rich Carl Etchberger; Annual Conference for Continuing Education
Cooperative Learning in General Education, Rich Carl Etchberger; Western Regional Teaching Workshop
Experiential Education in Natural Resources, Rich Carl Etchberger; Uintah Basin Education Conference
The Use of the Global Positioning System in Education, Rich Carl Etchberger; Davis Elementary School
Forest Carnivore Research in the Uintah Mountains of Utah, D. A. Evans, M. R. Dzialak, W. Stroh, and Rich Carl Etchberger; US Forest Service
Forest Carnivore Research in the Uintah Mountains of Utah, D. A. Evans, M. R. Dzialak, W. Stroh, and Rich Carl Etchberger; Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society
The effects of domestic grazers on soil nutrients and plant community composition of ancient Aleut village sites, K Gilliland, Nancy J. Huntly, and J Knudsen; Alaska Anthropological Association Annual Meeting
The relationships between human settlement, soil nutrients, plant diversity and productivity, and grazing in a tundra landscape, K Gilliland, Nancy J. Huntly, and J Knudsen; Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting
Intra-guild compensation regulatesspecies richness in desert rodents, J. Goheen, Ethan P. White, S.K. Morgan Ernest, and J. H. Brown; Ecology
Intra-guild compensation regulatesspecies richness in desert rodents, J. Goheen, Ethan P. White, S.K. Morgan Ernest, and J. H. Brown; Ecology
Insects in sagebrush communities: ecological function and natural history, N Hampton and Nancy J. Huntly; Great Rift Science Symposium
Post-outbreak densities of the sagebrush defoliator moth (Aroga websteri) on two Artemisia hosts, N Hampton and Nancy J. Huntly; Great Rift Science Symposium