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Perspectives and Research on Livestock Odor and Waste Treatment in Missouri, Craig D. Adams; Macon County Special Meeting on County Health Ordinances

Pesticide Byproducts Formation during Disinfection of Drinking Water, Craig D. Adams; Environmental Seminar

UMR and ERC Perspectives and Research on Energy and Waste, Craig D. Adams; Testimony presented to Missouri Special Senate Committee on Fuel, Waste, and the Environment

Veterinary Antibiotics: Fate, Effects, Transport and Treatment, Craig D. Adams; Environmental Seminar

What Drinking Water Utilities Need to Know About Atrazine: Regulation Occurrence, and Mitigation, Craig D. Adams; Water Quality Technology Conference of the American Water Works Association

Laccase and Horseradish Peroxidase in Oxidation of the Synthetic Steroid Estrogen - 17α - ethinylestradiol, Craig D. Adams, M Auriol, Y Filali-Meknassi, and R Tyagi; International Water Association Conference

Impacts of Ozonation on the Surface and Adsorption Characteristics of Activated Carbon, Craig D. Adams, A Cheeti, and D Ludlow; 2006 AiChE Annual Conference

Removal of Steroid Estrogens from a Municipal Wastewater by the Enzyme Horseradish Peroxidase, Craig D. Adams, Y Filali-Meknassi, M Auriol, and R Tyagi; International Water Association Conference

Effectiveness of Control Measures on Trihalomethanes and Haloacetic Acids in Drinking Water for 1997-2005, Craig D. Adams and T Timmons; Water Quality Technology Conference (AWWA Conference)

Pesticide Degradate Formation in Water Treatment: Oxidative Formation and Partition Parameter Estimation, Craig D. Adams, T Wang, E Chamberlain, Y Ma, H Shi, and M Meyer; Water Quality Technology Conference (American Water Works Association Conference)

Center for the Study of Metals in the Environment Final Report, H Allen, T Church, D Di Toro, J Ranville, P Ross, K Farley, P Imhoff, S Dentel, D Sparks, J Capitani, D Wronkiewicz, C Mendoza, Craig D. Adams, and J Meyer; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Experimentally Determined Inlet Loss Coefficients for Buried-Invert, Circular Culverts, D S. Anderson and Blake P. Tullis; ASCE-EWRI

Lower east coast subregional groundwater flow model and draft model documentation, P. F. Anderson, J. M. Shafer, and Richard C. Peralta


Multi-time scale stream flow predictions: The support vector machines approach, T. Asefa, M. Kemblowski, M. Keblowski, and Mac McKee; Journal of Hydrology


Natural and Synthetic Hormone Degradation using Horseradish Peroxidase Enzyme: Temperature and pH Effects, M Auriol, Y Filali-Meknassi, Craig D. Adams, and R D. Tyagi; Water Research


Endocrine Disrupting Compounds Removal From Wastewater, A New Challenge, M Auriol, Y Filali-Meknassi, R Tyagi, Craig D. Adams, and R Surampalli; Process Biochemistry

Examination of the Relationship Between Plot Scale Soil Properties and Catchment Scale Streamflow Recession Properties, Christina J. Bandaragoda and David G. Tarboton; Eos. Trans. AGU

Hydrology's effort towards the Cyberfrontier, Christina J. Bandaragoda, David G. Tarboton, and D. R. Maidment; EOS

Evaluation of GSTARS Model for Simulation of Sedimentation in Detention Basins, M. E. Banihabib, Y. Hassanzadeh, and Leila Hassan-Esfahani; Iranian Hydraulic Conference


Reducing Long-Term Remedial Costs by Transport Modeling Optimization, David Becker, Barbara Minsker, Robert Greenwald, Yan Zhang, Karla Harre, Kathleen Yager, Chunmiao Zheng, and Richard Peralta; Groundwater


Performance of Venturi Meters Intalled Downstream of Bends, J. Bradford, Michael C. Johnson, and G. Gilbert; Journal AWWA

Air Venting Requirements for Low-Level Outlet Works, Does Size Really Matter , C H. Brown, Blake P. Tullis, and M C. Lindon; Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO)

Oxidation of Sulfonamides, Macrolides, and Carbadox with Free Chlorine and Monochloramine, E Chamberlain and Craig D. Adams; Water Research

AWWARF Project Update-Pesticide Degradates in Water Treatment: Oxidative Formation and Partitioning Parameter Estimation, E Chamberlain, Craig D. Adams, Y Ma, T Wang, W Lin, and H Shi; Missouri Water Environment Association/American Water Works Association Annual Conference

Impacts of Ozonation on the Adsorption and Surface Characterization of the Powdered Activated Carbon, A Cheeti, D Ludlow, and Craig D. Adams; American Institute of Chemical Engineers National Meeting

Treating Soil Pentachlorophenol (PCP) at Optimal Conditions Using Heme and Peroxide, Shyi Tien Chen, David King Stevens, Guyoung Kang, and M. J. Hsieh; Journal of Environmental Engineering

Predicting Hydrologic Extremes for Biological Assessment at Ungauged Basins in the Western United States, Kiran J. Chinnayakanahalli, David G. Tarboton, and Yi He; AGU Hydology Days

A tool to delineate watersheds and river network for multiple sites spread over large Digital Elevation Models, Kiran J. Chinnayakanahalli, David G. Tarboton, J. R. Olson, Ryan A. Hill, and C. Kroeber; AGU Hydology Days

Demonstration and Evaluation of Highway Improvements to Aid Older Road Users, J. Collura, Kevin Heaslip, and M. Knodler; U.S. Department of Transportation

Relationship between chemical structure, plant uptake, translocation, and transfer to fruit and vegetables, William J. Doucette, E. M. Dettenmaier, B. Chard, and Bruce Bugbee; 12th International Workshop on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships in Human Health and Environmental Sciences

Accumulation of polar compounds in leaves and fruits – questioning the suitability of widely used TSCF–log Kow regressions, William J. Doucette, E. M. Dettenmaier, and S. Trapp; 27th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

Quantitative Natural Attenuation Evaluation for a Chlorinated Solvent Plume, OU1, Hill AFB, Utah, Ryan Dupont

Engineers Without Borders at Utah State University, H. Ferrara, J. Hirschi, C. Nelson, S. Theurer, J. Wilde, Laurie S. McNeill, and W. Grenney; Engineers Without Borders International Conference

Estrogen Removal in Drinking Water Treatment Processes, Y Filali-Meknassi, M Auriol, and Craig D. Adams; Missouri Water Environment Association/American Water Works Association Annual Conference

Ionic and isotopic ratios for identification of salinity and missing data in the Gaza aquifer, S. Ghabayen, Mac McKee, and M. Kemlowski; Journal of Hydrology

Soil moisture prediction using support vector machines, M. K. Gill, T. Asefa, M. W. Kemblowski, and Mac McKee; Journal of American Water Resources Association


Multiobjective Particle Swarm Optimization for Parameter Estimation in Hydrology, M. K. Gill, Y. H. Kaheil, A. Khalil, Mac McKee, and L. Bastidas; Water Resources Research

Using the ELISA Method to Track Atrazine Occurrence in a National Monitoring Program, N Graziano, M McGuire, Craig D. Adams, A Roberson, H Jiang, and N Blute; J. American Water Works Association


2004 National Atrazine Occurrence Monitoring Program Using the Abraxis ELISA Method, N Graziano, M McGuire, A Roberson, Craig D. Adams, H Jiang, and N Blute; Environmental Science and Technology

Economic value of water in planning and management, W. Hasan and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi; American Geophysical Union

Impacts of land use changes and population growth in water resources management: A case study in Salt Lake Valley, Utah. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Environmental and Water Resources Institute, W. H. Hassan and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi

A Pedestrian Safety Audit of the UMass Amherst Campus, Kevin Heaslip; ITE District One Stantec Award Winning Paper

Automated Speed Enforcement in Work Zones, Kevin Heaslip; Automated Speed Enforcement in Work Zones

Modeling Driver Behavior in Work Zones, Kevin Heaslip; Modeling Driver Behavior in Work Zones

Modeling Impacts of Driver Behavior on Highway Performance and Safety During Forced Merges in Work Zones, Kevin Heaslip; Modeling Impacts of Driver Behavior on Highway Performance and Safety During Forced Merges in Work Zones

The Value and Benefits of HOT Lanes, FAIR Lanes and Toll Roads to the Toll-Paying Driver, Kevin Heaslip; The Value and Benefits of HOT Lanes, FAIR Lanes and Toll Roads to the Toll-Paying Driver

"Modeling Impacts of Driver Behavior on Highway Performance and Safety During Forced Merges in Work Zones", Kevin Heaslip, J. Collura, and W. Louisell; Proceedings of the 2006 Intelligent Transportation Systems World Congress

A Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring Network for Investigating the Strengths and Weaknesses of Existing Monitoring Techniques, Jeffery S. Horsburgh and David King Stevens

Time Series Analyst – An Internet Based Application for Analyzing Environ-mental Time Series, Presented at the AWRA Spring Specialty Conference on GIS and Water Resources IV, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, David King Stevens, and J. Goodall

A Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring Network for Investigating the Strengths and Weaknesses of Existing Monitoring Techniques. Little Bear River Basin, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, David King Stevens, Darwin L. Sorensen, Nancy O. Mesner, and R. Ryel

Impacts of the 2004 Tsunami on groundwater in Sri Lanka, T. Illangasekare, S. W. Tyler, T. P. Clement, K. G. Villholth, A. P.G.R.L. Perera, J. Obeysekera, A. Gunatilaka, C. R. Panabokke, D. W. Hyndman, K. J. Cunningham, W-G. Yeh, Jagath J. Kaluarachchi, M-Rien Van Genuchten, and K. Jensen; Water Resources Research

Treatability of Chloro-s-triazines by Conventional Drinking Water Treatment Technologies, H Jiang and Craig D. Adams; Water Research

Enzyme Linked Immunoassay Analysis (ELISA) of Atrazine in Raw and Finisher Drinking Water, H Jiang, Craig D. Adams, N Graziano, A Roberson, and M McGuire; Environmental Engineering Science

Occurrence and Removal of Total and Individual Chloro-s-triazines in Full-Scale Water Treatment Plants, H Jiang, Craig D. Adams, N Graziano, A Roberson, M McGuire, and M Frey; Environmental Science and Technology

Physical and Numerical Comparison of Flow Over Ogee Spillway in the Presence of Tailwater, Michael C. Johnson and B. M. Savage; Journal of Hydraulic Engineering

Phosphorus removal for Logan City wastewater treatment facility, Amber Spackman Jones, R. Winters, and G. Sullivan

A new Bayesian recursive technique for parameter estimation, Y, Kaheil; M. K. Gill; Mac McKee; and L. Bastidasa; Water Resources Research

Human capacity building in the water sector of Middle East using Distance Education Technology, Jagath J. Kaluarachchi, Mac McKee, Wynn R. Walker, C. Fawson, M. Whitaker, E. Price, and C. A. Jones; Presented at the 3rd Arab Water Conference

Simulation/optimization modeling for robust pumping strategy design, I. Kalwij and Richard C. Peralta; Groundwater


Terrestrial-LIDAR Visualization of Surface and Structural Deformations of the 2004 Niigata Ken Chuetsu, Japan Earthquake, R. Kayen, Robert T. Pack, J. Bay, S. Sugimoto, and H. Tanaka; Earthquake Spectra

Analysis of trade-offs between cost minimization and equity in water quality management in agricultural watersheds, I. Khadam and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi; Water Resources Research


Water Quality Modeling Under Hydrologic Variability and Parameter Uncertainty Using Export Coefficients, I. Khadam and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi; Journal of Hydrology

Multiobjective analysis of chaotic dynamic systems with sparse learning machines, A. F. Khalil, Mac McKee, M. Kemblowski, T. Asefa, and L. Bastidas; Advances in Water Resources

Multi-objective groundwater quality monitoring network design, Summer Specialty Conference on Adaptive Management of Water Resources, American Water Resources Association, A. Khalil, A. Khalil, Mac McKee, and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi

Conditional generation of monthly precipitation., U. Kim and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi; American Geophysical Union

Regional aquifer assessment using linear programming, U. Kim and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi; Subsurface Science Symposium

A Simplified Algorithm to Assess the Impacts of Driver Behavior on Delay andSafety in Work Zone Areas, W. Louisell, J. Collura, M. Knodler, and Kevin Heaslip; Proceedings of the 85th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting

Advancing the physical basis of depletion curves to improve curve estimation and snowmelt modeling, C. Luce, David G. Tarboton, and J. McNamara; Eos Trans. AGU

Reconnaissance Report of the Post-Katrina Hurricane Disaster, R Luna, G Chen, Craig D. Adams, D Hoffman, D Summers, J Wang, D Rogers, A Sevi, C Watkins, D Karadeniz, E Witt, D Shaver, and J Spooner; NHMI-UMR-USGS File Report

Modeling Integrated Water User Decisions in Intermittent Supply Systems, Jay Lund and David E. Rosenberg; American Geophysical Union Annual Conference

Disinfection of Swine Wastes Using Chlorine and Ultraviolet Light, J Macauley, Z Qiang, Craig D. Adams, R Surampalli, and M Mormile; Water Research

Hydrologic data access using web services, D. R. Maidment, Ilya Zaslavsky, and Jeffery S. Horsburgh; Southwest Hydrology

CUAHSI Hydrologic Information Systems, D. Maidment, I. Zaslavsky, David G. Tarboton, and J. Goodall; Eos. Trans. AGU

Iron and arsenic release from aquifer solids in response to biostimulation, Joan E. McLean, Ryan Dupont, and Darwin L. Sorensen; Journal of Environmental Quality

Microbial reduction of structural iron in aquifer solids: role of iron reducing microbial community, production of electron shuttles, and iron mineralogy, H. L. Mickelson, Joan E. McLean, Y. Xu, Darwin L. Sorensen, J. M. Norton, and Ryan Dupont

Virgin River Temperature and endangered species, Bethany T. Neilson and David King Stevens

Simulation/optimization modeling post-audits, Richard C. Peralta

Simulation/optimization modeling: well field optimization in water and environmental system design and management, Richard C. Peralta

Optimization modeling for sustainable groundwater and conjunctive use policy development, Richard C. Peralta, A. M. Bennett, A. W. Peralta, R. N. Shulstad, P. J. Killian, and K. Asghari; Water Resources Sustainability

Irrigation water quality monitoring of the Jordan River, 2006, Richard C. Peralta and B. Timani

A GIS Tool to Analyze Forest Road Sediment Production and Stream Impacts, A. Prasad, David G. Tarboton, C. H. Luce, and T. A. Black; AGU Hydrology Days

A Tool to Analyze Environmental Impacts of Forest Roads on Forest Watersheds, A. Prasad, David G. Tarboton, C. H. Luce, and T. A. Black; Eos. Trans. AGU

Treatment of Antibiotics and Resistant Bacteria in Swine Wastewater, Z Qiang, Craig D. Adams, J Macauley, and M Mormile; Missouri Water Environment Association/American Water Works Association Annual Conference

Treatment of Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria in Swine Wastewater with Free Chlorine, Z Qiang, J Macauley, M Mormile, R Surampalli, and Craig D. Adams; J. Agriculture and Food Chemistry

The Yarmouk River Agreements: Jordan-Syrian Transboundary Water Management, 1953–2004, David E. Rosenberg; Arab World Geographer


Derived Operating Rules for Allocating Recharges and Withdrawals among Unconnected Aquifers, David E. Rosenberg and Jay R. Lund; Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

Integration of socio-economic measures in benefit-cost analysis for groundwater remediation, A. Shaqadan and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi; American Geophysical Union

Closure to discussion on Optimal in-situ bioremediation design by hybrid genetic algorithm-simulated annealing, H. J. Shieh and Richard C. Peralta; Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

Integrating historical and real time monitoring data into an internet based watershed information system, David King Stevens, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, Nancy O. Mesner, T. Glover, Arthur J. Caplan, and Amber Spackman Jones

Investigation Of The Changes In Water Quality In The Little Bear River Watershed In Response To The Implementation Of Best Manage-ment Practices, David King Stevens, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, Darwin L. Sorensen, Nancy O. Mesner, Douglas B. Jackson-Smith, R. Ryel, M. Allred, and J. Hardman

Little Bear River Test-Bed: Tools for Environmental Observatory Design and Implementation, David King Stevens, David G. Tarboton, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, and Nancy O. Mesner; Eos. Trans. AGU

Hydrologic Terrain Analysis in ArcGIS, David G. Tarboton

CUAHSI Community Observations Data Model Working Design Specifications Document - Version 4, David G. Tarboton, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, D. R. Maidment, and B. Jennings

Testing a Community Data Model for Hydrologic Observations, David G. Tarboton, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, D. R. Maidment, I. Zaslavsky, D. Valentine, and B. Jennings; Spring Specialty Conference, GIS and Water Resources IV

A Community Data Model for Hydrologic Observations, David G. Tarboton, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, I. Zaslavsky, D. R. Maidment, D. Valentine, and B. Jennings; Eos. Trans. AGU

Developing a Community Hydrologic Information System, David G. Tarboton, D. R. Maidment, and I. Zaslavsky; AGU Hydology Days

What Makes the Great Salt Lake Level go Up and Down, David G. Tarboton and Ibrahim Nourein Mohammed; Utah State University Spring Runoff Conference

Building towards a Hydrologic Observatory in the Great Salt Lake Basin, David G. Tarboton, David King Stevens, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, and Nancy O. Mesner


A New Method for Determination of Most Likely Landslide Initiation Points and the Evaluation of Digital Terrain Model Scale in Terrain Stability Mapping, P. Tarolli and David G. Tarboton; Hydrology and Earth System Sciences


A Methodology to Assess the Risk of an Existing Pesticide and Potential Future Pesticides in Regulatory Decision-Making, Aklilu A. Tesfamichael and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi; Environmental Science and Policy