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Modeling Soil Depth Based Upon Topographic and Lanscape Attributes, Teklu K. Tesfa, David G. Tarboton, G. G. Chandler, and J. P. McNamara; Eos. Trans. AGU

Changes in Hydraulic Roughness Coefficients for Circumferentially Strained M294 Pipe, Blake P. Tullis, Steven L. Barfuss, and R T. Christensen; Transportation Research Board (TRB)

Changes in Hydraulic Roughness Coefficients for Circumferentially Strained M294 Pipe, Blake P. Tullis, Steven L. Barfuss, and Ryan T. Christensen; 2006 Transportation Research Board Conference

Predicting Submergence Effects on Labyrinth Weirs, Blake P. Tullis, J C. Young, and M A. Chandler; International Committee on Large Dams (ICOLD)

Arsenic in ground waters of conterminous United States: Assessment, health risk, and cost, N. K.C. Twarakavi and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi; Journal of American Water Resources Association

Sustainability of ground water quality considering land use changes and public health risks, N. K.C. Twarakavi and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi; Journal of Environmental Management

Providing the Reliability of a Labyrinth Weir at Half the Cost, V Vasques, J Wolfhope, R Garrett, and Blake P. Tullis; International Committee on Large Dams (ICOLD)

Improved Calibration of Cutthroat Flumes, Ryan C. Weber, Gary P. Merkley, Gaylord V. Skogerboe, and Alfonso F. Torres-Rua; Irrigation Science

Uncertainty in biokinetic parameters on bioremediation, C. Wethasinghe, S. T.S. Yuen, Jagath J. Kaluarachchi, and R. Hughes; Environment International

Selected Chemical Composition of Deposited Sediments in the Flooded Areas of New Orleans, Louisiana following Hurricane Katrina, E Witt, Craig D. Adams, J Wang, D Shaver, and Y Filali-Meknassi; In Science and the storms: the USGS Response to the Hurricanes of 2005

Soil and Sediment Chemistry in the Mississippi Delta Following Hurricane Katrina, E Witt, Craig D. Adams, J Wang, D Shaver, and Y Filali-Meknassi; In Science and the storms: the USGS Response to the Hurricanes of 2005

Separation and Quantification of N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) and N-acetyl-cysteine-amide (AD4) by HPLC with Fluorescence Detection, W Wu, G Goldtein, Craig D. Adams, R Mathews, and N Ercal; Biomedical Chromatography

TCE contaminated aquifer core characterization and possible factors restricting dehalorespiration in biostimulation microcosms, C. Yupanqui-Zaa, Joan E. McLean, H. L. Mickelson, Darwin L. Sorensen, J. M. Norton, M. Roginshe, and Ryan Dupont

Molecular characterization of dechlorinating bacteria and competitive iron-reducing bacteria to enhance bioaugmentation strategies, J. Zhou, Joan E. McLean, Ryan Dupont, J. M. Norton, and Darwin L. Sorensen


Applicability of statistical learning algorithms in groundwater quality modeling, K. Abedalrazq, M. N. Almasri, Mac McKee, and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi; Water Resources Research

Environmental Modeling and Risk Assessment of Pharmaceuticals, Craig D. Adams; University of York/Central Sciene Laboratory

Environmental Risk Assessment of Pharmaceuticals, Craig D. Adams; SETAC Annual Conference

Fate, Effects and Transport of Veterinary Antibiotics at Livestock Operations, Craig D. Adams; Environmental Engineering Science Program Seminar

Formation and Control of Pesticide Degradates, DBPs and Estrogenic Compounds in Drinking Water, Craig D. Adams; Missouri Safe Drinking Water Commission

Modeling Fate of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Sewage Treatment, Craig D. Adams; 2005 First International Conference on Sustainable Water Environment: Water Resource and Quality Management

Oxidant and Disinfection Chemistry, Craig D. Adams; Technical Workshop "Chem 101/102: Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry" at the Water Quality Technology Conference (American Water Works Association)

Round Table Discussion Topic: Sediment, Turbidity and Water Supply Problem in Taoyun Area (Shin-men Reservoir), Craig D. Adams; 2005 First International Conference on Sustainable Water Environment: Water Resource and Quality Management

Sustainable Approaches for Antibiotics in Municipal Sewage and Animal Agriculture, Craig D. Adams; 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Water Environment: Integrated Water Resources Management

Natural and Synthetic Hormones Degradation Ozone, Craig D. Adams, Y Filali-Meknassi, M Auriol, and R Surampalli; International Ozone Association 17th World Congress

Trihalomethane and Haloacetic Acid Disinfections Byproducts in Full-scale Drinking Water Systems, Craig D. Adams, T Seitz, J Lane, T Timmons, and S Levotch; J. Environmental Engineering

Calibration and verification of an integrated nitrogen fate and transport for an agriculture-dominated watershed under data limitations and uncertainty, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Calibration and Reliability of Groundwater Modeling from Uncertainty to DecisionMaking, M. Almasri and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi


Modular neural network to predict the distribution of nitrate in ground water using on-ground nitrogen loading and recharge data, M. Almasri and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi; Environmental Modelling and Software

A conceptual framework for managing nitrate contamination of the Gaza coastal aquifer, Palestine. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Environmental and Water Resources Institute, M. N. Almasri, S. Ghabayen, Jagath J. Kaluarachchi, A. Jarrar, A. Jayyousi, and Mac McKee

Assessment of groundwater vulnerability to nitrate contamination in Gaza strip, Palestine, M. N. Almasri, Jagath J. Kaluarachchi, S. Ghabayen, A. Jarrar, and Mac McKee; EWRI Conference, Alaska, USA

Assessment of groundwater vulnerability to nitrate contamination in the West Bank, Palestine. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Environmental and Water Resources Institute, M. N. Almasri, N. Qamheyeh, Jagath J. Kaluarachchi, A. Jayyousi, A. Jarrar, Mac McKee, and A. Aliewi


Multi-criteria decision analysis for the optimal management of nitrate contamination of aquifers, Mohammad N. Almasri and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi; Journal of Environmental Management

Using Bayesian networks to model watershed management decisions: an East Canyon Creek case study, Daniel Ames, Bethany T. Neilson, David King Stevens, and Upmanu L. Lall; Hydroinformatics

Biosensing materials used in nanotechnology, A. J. Anderson, Joan E. McLean, C. D. Miller, B. Pettee, and M. L. Wouden

Support Vector Machines (SVMs) for Monitoring Network Design, T. M. Asefa, M. Kemblowski, G. Urroz, and Mac McKee; Ground Water

HRP-Catalyzed Oxidation of Steroid Estrogens in Synthetic Water vs. Wastewater Effluent, M Auriol, Y Filali-Meknassi, Craig D. Adams, and R D. Tyagi; CAWQ/ACQE 20th Annual Conference

User Needs Assessment, Chapter 4, Christina J. Bandaragoda, David G. Tarboton, and D. R. Maidment; Hydrologic Information System Status Report, Version 1

Evaluation of HEC-RAS Model for Simulation of Sedimentation in Detention Basins, M. E. Banihabib, Y. Hassanzadeh, and Leila Hassan-Esfahani; National Conference of Watershed Engineering and Management

Stormwater Catch Basin Insert Performance Evaluation, Steven L. Barfuss; Stormwater Management for Transportation Research Board AFB60 Hydrology, Hydraulics and Water Quality Committee

Oxidation of Sulfonamides and Macrolides with Free Chlorine and Monochloramine, E Chamberlain and Craig D. Adams; Missouri American Water Works Association Annual Conference

Predicting Hydrologic Flow Regime for Biological Assessment at Ungauged Basins in the Western United States, Kiran J. Chinnayakanahalli, David G. Tarboton, and Yi He; Eos. Trans. AGU

Impact of Food Disinfection using Ozone and other Oxidants on the Beneficial Antioxidant Thiol Content in Fruits and Vegetables, O Demirkol, Craig D. Adams, Z Ziang, and N Ercal; International Ozone Association 17th World Congress

Sorption and biodegradation of MTBE and TBA at a full-scale site, M. H. Greeenwood, Joan E. McLean, and R. C. Sims

Biodegradation and sorption of TBA and MTBE in near-surface sediments at a full-scale site in Montana, M. H. Greenwood, Joan E. McLean, A. Swank, and R. C. Sims

Sustainable water resource management considering population growth and land use changes, W. Hassan and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi; American Geophysical Union

Making Work Zones Safer for Older Drivers, Kevin Heaslip; Making Work Zones Safer for Older Drivers

Pedestrian Safety Audit of the UMass Amherst Campus, Kevin Heaslip; Pedestrian Safety Audit of the UMass Amherst Campus

A Community Data Model for Hydrologic Observations, Chapter 6, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, David G. Tarboton, and D. R. Maidment; Hydrologic Information System Status Report, Version 1

Decision Support System for integrated water and land management in agriculture-dominated watersheds: A conceptual study to Faria Watershed, Palestine, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Environmental and Water Resources Institute, J. Jarrar, N. Jayasuriya, M. Othman, M. N. Almasri, A. Jayyousi, Jagath J. Kaluarachchi, and Mac McKee

Analysis, Occurrence and Control of Triazine Endocrine Disruptors in Drinking Water, H Jiang and Craig D. Adams; Missouri American Water Works Association Annual Conference

Learning with kernels: An application to Great Salt Lake Volume Time Series, A. F. Khalil and Mac McKee; The Hydrosystem of the Great Salt Lake Basin: New Frontiers for Observing and Modeling Human-impacted Hydrologic, Climatic, and Geomorphologic Processes II, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Salt Lake City, Utah

Basin-scale water management and forecasting using artificial neural networks, A. F. Khalil, Mac McKee, M. Kemblowski, and T. Asefa; American Water Resources Association

New applications for information fusion and soil moisture forecasting, A. Khalil, M. K. Gill, and Mac McKee; In Information Fusion, 8th International Conference. IEEE

Sparse Bayesian learning machine for real-time management of reservoir releases, A. Khalil, Mac McKee, M. Kemblowski, and T. Asefa; Water Resources Research

Modeling Transport Of Sulfathiazole In Three Loamy Soils, S Kurwadkar, Craig D. Adams, M Meyer, and D Kolpin; WEFTEC '05 Water Environment Federation 78th Annual Conference and Exposition

Transport of veterinary antibiotics in three loamy soils, S Kurwadkar, Craig D. Adams, M Meyer, and D Kolpin; Missouri Groundwater Association 2005 Annual Conference

Evaluation of a modeling approach for water movement through fractured porous media using mesoscale experiments, R. J. Lenhard, P. Mekins, H. Huang, A. M. Tartakovsky, and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi; Annual Meeting of the Soil Science Society of America

Inhibition of Microbial Metabolism in Anaerobic Lagoons by Selected Sulfonamides, Tetracyclines, Lincomycin, and Tylosin Tartrate, K Loftin, C Henny, Craig D. Adams, R Surampalli, and M Mormile; Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry


Reply to Comment by Jonathan J. Rhodes on ‘‘Modeling of the Interactions between Forest Vegetation, Disturbances, and Sediment Yields’’, Charles H. Luce, David G. Tarboton, Erkan Istanbulluoglu, and Robert T. Pack; Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface

The Need for Strategic Planning in Palestinian Water Development, Mac McKee; International Conference on Water: Value and Rights, sponsored by the Palestine Academy for Science and Technology

Transformation of iron phases and electron shuttle production during anaerobic biostimulation for TCE degradation, H. L. Mickelson, Joan E. McLean, Ryan Dupont, and Darwin L. Sorensen

Electron shuttle activity affects iron availability in non-dehalogenating TCE contaminated sediments, H. L. Mickelson, Joan E. McLean, J. M. Norton, Ryan Dupont, and Darwin L. Sorensen

Transformation of iron phases and identification of known iron-reducing bacteria during anaerobic biostimulation for trichloroethylene degradation, H. L. Mickelson, Joan E. McLean, J. Zhou, Darwin L. Sorensen, J. M. Norton, Y. Q. Xu, and Ryan Dupont

The development of metal biosenors using mutants of Pseudomonas putida, C. D. Miller, Joan E. McLean, M. L. Wouden, and A. J. Anderson

Connecting the Dynamics of the Great Salt Lake Volumes to the Volume – Area Relationship, Ibrahim Nourein Mohammed and David G. Tarboton; Geological Society of America Annual Meeting

Modeling the Dynamics of the Great Salt Lake as an Integrator of Regional Hydrologic and Climate Processes, Ibrahim Nourein Mohammed and David G. Tarboton; Eos. Trans. AGU

TMDL Development Approaches, Bethany T. Neilson, David King Stevens, and Jeffery S. Horsburgh; Total Maximum Daily Load: Approaches and Challenges

Humic acid toxicity in biologically treated soil contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and pentachlorophenol., J. K. Nieman, Joan E. McLean, R. C. Sims, and Darwin L. Sorensen; In-situ and On-site Bioremediation

Application of Airborne and Spaceborne Remote Sensing Methods, Robert T. Pack; Debris-flow hazards and Related Phenomena


System and Method for Improving Lidar Data Fidelity Using Pixel-Aligned Lidar/Electro-Optic Data, Robert T. Pack and Scott E. Budge


SINMAP 2.0 for ArcGIS - A Stability Index Approach to Terrain Stability Hazard Mapping, User's Manual, Robert T. Pack, David G. Tarboton, C. N. Goodwin, and A. Prasad


Optimizing integrated water resources management: data, tools, and examples, Richard C. Peralta

Practical aspects of remediation optimization, Richard C. Peralta

Software for optimal integrated water resources management, Richard C. Peralta

Analysis of Forest Road Sediment Production and Stream Impacts, A. Prasad, C. Luce, David G. Tarboton, and T. Black; Proceedings, 25th ESRI International Users Conference


Impact of Food Disinfection Using Ozone and Other Oxidants on the Beneficial Antioxidant Biothiol Contents in Vegetables, Z Qiang, O Demirkol, N Ercal, and Craig D. Adams; J. Agriculture and Food Chemistry

Quantifying Culvert Exit Loss, R C. Robinson and Blake P. Tullis; Transportation Research Board Annual Conference


Land-Use System Modeling and Analysis of Shaded Cacao Production in Belize, David E. Rosenberg and Travis P. Marcotte; Agroforestry Systems

Optimal in-situ bioremediation design by hybrid genetic algorithm-simulated annealing, H. J. Shieh and Richard C. Peralta; Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

An application of Ensemble Kalman Filter in integral-balance subsurface modeling, Q. Shu, M. W. Kemblowski, and Mac McKee; Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

Treatability of Alternative Fuel Oxygenates using Advanced Oxidation, Air Stripping and Carbon Adsorption, J Sutherland, Craig D. Adams, and J Kekobad; J. Environmental Engineering

User Needs for a Community Hydrologic Information System, David G. Tarboton, Christina J. Bandaragoda, and D. R. Maidment; Eos. Trans. AGU

The Great Salt Lake Basin Hydrologic Observatory, David G. Tarboton, W. P. Johnson, D. Marks, C. Luce, and T. Link; MTNCLIM 2005, A Science Conference on Mountain Climates & Effects on Ecosystems

What Makes the Great Salt Lake Level Go up and Down, David G. Tarboton, Ibrahim Nourein Mohammed, and Upmanu L. Lall; Geological Society of America Annual Meeting

A New Method for Determination of Most Likely Initiation Points and the Evaluation of Digital Terrain Model Scale in Terrain Stability Mapping, P. Tarolli and David G. Tarboton; Eos. Trans. AGU

Risk-cost-benefit analysis of atrazine in drinking water from agricultural activities and policy implications, Aklilu A. Tesfamichael, Arthur J. Caplan, and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi; Water Resources Research

The Hydraulic Characteristics of Buried-Invert, Elliptical Culverts, Blake P. Tullis and R C. Anderson; Transportation Research Board Annual Conference

Reducing Required Detention Volumes with Improved Outlet Structure, Blake P. Tullis, E C. Olsen, and K Gardner; 10th International Conference on Urban Drainage

Hydraulic Characteristics of Buried-Invert, Elliptical Culverts, Blake P. Tullis and S C. Robinson; Transportation Research Board (TRB)

Improving Performance of Low-Head Labyrinth Weirs, Blake P. Tullis, C M. Wllmore, and J S. Wolfhope; ASCE-EWRI

You Don't Have to Live with Noisy Valves, J P. Tullis and Blake P. Tullis; Plant Services Magazines

Ground water quality vulnerability and uncertainty assessment under changing land use scenarios. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Calibration and Reliability of Groundwater Modeling from Uncertainty to Decision-Making, N. Twarakavi and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi

Assessment of aquifer vulnerability due to heavy metals using ordinal logistic regression analysis, N. K. Twarakavi and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi; Ground Water

River Restoration, Ellen Wohl, Paul L. Angermeier, Brian Bledsoe, G. Mathias Kondolf, Larry MacDonnell, David M. Merritt, Margaret A. Palmer, N. LeRoy Poff, and David G. Tarboton; Water Resources Research

Adsorption of MTBE and Alternative Fuel Oxygenates on Granular Activated Carbon, L Yu, Craig D. Adams, and D Ludlow; Journal of Environmental Engineering

Phylogenetic analysis of dechlorinating culture and a TCE-contaminated aquifer, J. Zhou, Joan E. McLean, Ryan Dupont, Darwin L. Sorensen, and J. M. Norton


Antiobiotics in The Environment: Occurrence, Analysis, Fate, Effects, and Treatment, Craig D. Adams; School of Environmental Science and Engineering Seminar

Drinking Water Treatment: Formation and Removal of Pesticide Degradates, Craig D. Adams; International Symposium on Pesticide Degradates and Adjuvants

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, Craig D. Adams; Department of Envrionmental Science and Engineering Seminar

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, Craig D. Adams; School of Environmental Science and Engineering Seminar

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, Craig D. Adams; School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering Seminar