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Modified Substrate Specificity of a Methyltransferase Domain by Protein Insertion Into an Adenylation Domain of the Bassianolide Synthetase, Fuchao Xu, Russell Butler, Kyle M. May, Megi Rexhepaj, Dayu Yu, Jiachen Zi, Yi Chen, Yonghong Liang, Jia Zeng, Joan Hevel, and Jixun Zhan; Journal of Biological Engineering



Emissions of organic compounds from produced water ponds I: Characteristics and speciation, Seth N. Lyman, Marc L. Mansfield, Huy N. Q. Tran, Jordan D. Evans, Colleen Jones, Trevor O'Neil, Ric Bowers, Ann Smith, and Cara Keslar; Science of The Total Environment


Practical and Divergent Synthesis of Three Classes of Antifungal Amphiphilic, Madher N. Alfindee, Qjan Zhang, Jaya P. Shrestha, Vincent P. N. Nziko, Yukie Kawasaki, Xinrui Peng, Jon Y. Takemoto, and Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; SBC Annual Meeting

K20, Novel Antifungal Development and Perspective, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; USTAR Confluence

Synthesis and Study of Bioactive Compounds, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; SBC Annual Meeting

Bioactive Heterocyclic Compounds: Synthesis and Mode of Action Investigation, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang, Jaya P. Shrestha, Coleman Baker, Yukie Kawasaki, Yagya Prasad Subedi, Vincent P. N. Nziko, and Jon Y. Takemoto; Heterocyclic Compounds Gordon Conference

Fluorogenic probe for Detection of Hydrogen Sulfide in Living System, Yagya Prasad Subedi, Madher N. Alfindee, and Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; SBC Annual Meeting


Structure-Activity Relationship for Antibacterial to Antifungal Conversion of Kanamycin B, Madher N. Alfindee, Marina Y. Fosso, Qjan Zhang, Vincent P. N. Nziko, Yukie Kawasaki, Sanjib K. Shrestha, Jeremiah Bearss, Rylee Gregory, Jon Y. Takemoto, and Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; SBI Annual Meeting

Amphiphilic Aminoglycosides: New Application for Old Drugs, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; 250th ACS National Meeting

Divergent Synthesis and Mode of Action Investigation of Heterocyclic Anticancer and Antibacterial Compounds, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Boise State University

Divergent Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds from 1,4-Naphthoquinone and Azides, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; NORM symposium

Synthesis and Biological Studies of Amphiphilic Kanamycins, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; 250th ACS National Meeting

Mode of Action Study of Cationic Anthraquinone Analog: A New Class of Highly Potent Anti-cancer Agent, Jaya P. Shrestha, Yagya Prasad Subedi, Liaohai Leo Chen, and Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; SBI Annual Meeting

Inhibitory Synergism Between Amphiphilic Aminoglycoside K20 and Azoles Against Invasive Fungal Pathogens, Sanjib K. Shrestha, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang, Thomas Anderson, Christine Dhiman, Michelle Grilley, and Jon Y. Takemoto; SBI Annual Meeting

Synthesis of Carbohydrate Esters as Green Antibacterial/antifungal Agents, Qjan Zhang, Madher N. Alfindee, David Webb, Thomas Anderson, Jon Y. Takemoto, and Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; SBI Annual Meeting


New Applications of Amphiphilic Aminoglycosides, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Tunghai University

Using Fluorogenic Probes for the Investigation of Selective Biomass Degradation by Fungi, Qjan Zhang, Xinrui Peng, Michelle Grilley, Jon Y. Takemoto, and Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Green Chemistry Gordon conference

Synthesis of bioactive 1-alkyl-1H-naphtho[2,3-d][1,2,3]triazole-4,9-diones and N-aryl-2-aminomethylene-1,3-indanediones using water as the solvent, Qjan Zhang, Jay Shrestha, and Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; 248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition

Synthesis of bioactive 1-alkyl-1H-naphtho[2,3-d][1,2,3]triazole-4,9-diones and N-aryl-2-aminomethylene-1,3-indanediones using water as the solvent, Qjan Zhang, Jay Shrestha, and Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; SBI Annual Meeting


Bioactive Compounds from Synergy of Chemistry and Biology, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Utah Valley University

K20, Novel Antifungal Aminoglycoside, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; SBI Science and Technology Review Winter Meeting

Reviving Old Drugs: A New Strategy for Fighting against Infectious Diseases, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Weber State University

Embedding a Student-Designed Research Experience into an Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Lab, Michael A. Christiansen; 246th Semiannual ACS National Meeting


Online Biochemistry Lectures, Michael A. Christiansen


Online Chemistry Teaching Lectures, Michael A. Christiansen


Online General Chemistry videos for Intro Chemistry Students, Michael A. Christiansen


Online Lectures for Organic Chemistry, Semester 2, Michael A. Christiansen


Online O-Chem Lectures for MCAT, PCAT, DAT, and GRE Prep, Michael A. Christiansen


Reflections on Flip-Teaching in Undergraduate Organic Chemistry, Michael A. Christiansen; 6th Annual Provost’s Series on Instructional Excellence at Utah State University

The Use of Flip-Teaching in Undergraduate Organic Chemistry, Michael A. Christiansen; 2nd Annual Uintah Basin Research Conference at Utah State University Regional Campus, Vernal, UT

Incorporating a Student-Designed Research Project into an Undergraduate Laboratory Classroom, C. L. Crawford and Michael A. Christiansen; 2nd Annual Uintah Basin Research Conference at Utah State University Regional Campus, Vernal, UT

Incorporating a Student-Designed Research Project into an Undergraduate Laboratory Classroom, C. L. Crawford and Michael A. Christiansen; 7th Annual Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research (UCUR)

Anticancer Properties of newly synthesized 1,4-Napthoquinone Analogs, Jay Shrestha and Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; SBI Science and Technology Review Winter Meeting

Synergistic Activities of Azoles and K20 against Azole-resistant Candida albicans 10231, Sanjib K. Shrestha, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang, Christine Dhiman, Michelle Grilley, and Jon Y. Takemoto; National General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology


Bioactive Compounds from Synergy of Chemistry and Biology, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Utah State University

Bioactive Compounds from Synergy of Chemistry and Biology, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Org/Bioorg Conference

Bioactive Compounds from Synergy of Chemistry and Biology, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; National Central University

Bioprospecting for Enzymes to Break Lignin-hemicellulose Bonds, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; 2012 National Conference on the Science for Biomass Feedstock Production and Utilization: the Sun Grant Initiative 2012 National Conference

Development of Bioactive Compounds, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Brigham Young University

Development of Bioactive Compounds, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Southern Illinois University

Novel Aminoglycolipids (aminoglycosides), Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; USTAR SBC Summit

Flip-Teaching: Preliminary Findings of a Study with an Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Class, Michael A. Christiansen; 23rd ACS Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting

A simple Arg to Lys mutant of protein phosphatase 1 exhibits catalytic efficiencies toward monoanionic substrates superior to wild type, Yuan Chu, Nicholas H. Williams, and Alvan C. Hengge; Annual Meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, San Diego, CA

Less Cookbook and More Research: The Total Syntheses of JBIR-94 and JBIR-125, Student-Designed Research Projects Conducted in a Sophomore Organic Chemistry Lab, C. L. Crawford and Michael A. Christiansen; 23rd ACS Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting

Synthesis and Structure optimization of Kanamycin analogs: A Potent Anti-fungi, Marina Y. Fosso, Vincent P. N. Nziko, and Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Hansen Life Sciences Retreat

The phosphoramidase competency of prototypical phosphatase motifs, Mark P. Haney and Alvan C. Hengge; Annual Meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, San Diego, CA

Production of the Industrial Feedstock Chemical HMF From Algae, Kelsey Klemm, J. Tyler Gish, Emily Measom, and Alvan C. Hengge; National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Ogden, UT

High resolution structure of the phosphatase VHZ explains unexpected substrate specificity, and suggests the presence of metavanadate at the active site, Viacheslav I. Kuznetsov, Sean J. Johnson, and Alvan C. Hengge; Annual Meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, San Diego, CA

Synthesis of 1,4-Napthoquinone derivatives and their biological activities, Jay Shrestha and Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Hansen Life Sciences Retreat

Synthesis of Fluorogenic Probes for Bioprospecting Enzymes Which Break Lignin-Hemicellulose Ether Bonds, Qjan Zhang, Vincent P. N. Nziko, and Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Hansen Life Sciences Retreat


Elucidation of promiscuous catalytic activity of pseudomonas aeruginosa sulfatase, Ryan D. Berry, Kelsey V. Klemm, and Alvan C. Hengge; National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Ithaca, NY

Development of Bioactive Agents from Small Molecules and Natural Products: a Journey from Bench Top Science to a Practical Product, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; National Tung Hua University

Development of Bioactive Agents from Small Molecules and Natural Products: a Journey from Bench Top Science to a Practical Product, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Tzu Chi University

Development of Bioactive Agents from Small Molecules and Natural Products: a Journey from Bench Top Science to a Practical Product, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Development of Bioactive Agents from Small Molecules and Natural Products: a Journey from Bench Top Science to a Practical Product, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Kaoshiung Medical University

Development of Bioactive Agents from Small Molecules and Natural Products: a Journey from Bench Top Science to a Practical Product, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Tunghai University

Development of Bioactive Agents from Small Molecules and Natural Products: a Journey from Bench Top Science to a Practical Product, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Providence University

Development of Bioactive Agents from Small Molecules and Natural Products: a Journey from Bench Top Science to a Practical Product, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Chinese Academic of Science, Institute of Microbiology

Development of Bioactive Agents from Small Molecules and Natural Products: a Journey from Bench Top Science to a Practical Product, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; University of California, San Diego

Development of Bioactive Agents from Small Molecules and Natural Products: a Journey from Bench Top Science to a Practical Product, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; National Taitung University

Development of Bioactive Compounds, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; University of Maine

Development of Novel Fungicides: Journey from Benchtop Science to Practical Product, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; BIT’s 2nd Annual International Conference of Medichem-2011

Antibacterial Mode of Action Studies for Novel Class of Cationic Anthraquinone Analogs, Ka-Yee Chan and Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; 35th Research on Capitol Hill

Synthesis and Antifungal Activity of Kanamycin B Analogs, Marina Y. Fosso, Yukie Kawasaki, Sanjib K. Shrestha, Jon Y. Takemoto, and Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Gordon Research Conference Carbohydrates Division, Colby College

Non-Cytotoxicity of Novel Antifungal Aminoglycosides in Mammalian Cells, Sanjib K. Shrestha, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang, Marina Y. Fosso, Yukie Kawasaki, Michelle Grilley, and Jon Y. Takemoto; 92nd AAAS Pacific Division Annual Meeting


Bioactive Compounds Antibacterial, Antifungal, Anticancer, and Antiviral, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Technology Commercialization Office advisory council meetings, Utah State University

Bioactive Compounds Antibacterial, Antifungal, Anticancer, and Antiviral, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Technology Commercialization Office with Brickell Biotech, Utah State University

Efficacy Study of New Antibiotics, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Innovation and Invention Awards Reception, hosted by USU’s Strategic Ventures and Economic Development

Novel Antibacterial, Antifungal, and Anticancer Agents Recently Developed at Utah State University, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Gordon Conference, Medicinal Chemistry Division

Novel Antibiotic Compounds, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Technology Commercialization Office advisory council meetings, Utah State University

Mechanistic study of phosphoryl transfer reactions catalyzed by protein phosphatase-1, Yuan Chu, Nicholas H. Williams, and Alvan C. Hengge; Spring 2010 National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, CA

Synthesis and structural optimization of antifungal kanamycin B analogs, Marina Y. Fosso, Yukie Kawasaki, Sanjib K. Shrestha, Jon Y. Takemoto, and Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; 240th ACS National Meeting & Exposition

Protein Motions in Catalysis by Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases, Alvan C. Hengge; Department of Chemistry at Queen's University, Kingston, ON

Kinetic studies of the dual-specificity phosphatase VHZ, Vyacheslav I. Kuznetsov and Alvan C. Hengge; Spring 2010 National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, CA


Analogous Mutations in Two PTP Enzymes Cause Differential Adverse Effects on Catalysis, Ryan D. Berry, Sara A. Huefner, Tiago A. Brandão, and Alvan C. Hengge; Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research (UCUR), Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT


Phase-transfer catalyzed asymmetric synthesis of S-naproxen, M. A. Binkley, Michael A. Christiansen, K. H. Harper, and M. B. Andrus; Phase-transfer catalyzed asymmetric synthesis of S-naproxen


Phase-transfer catalyzed synthesis of the Soy isoflavanoid S-Equol, A. W. Butler, A. L. Calvert, Michael A. Christiansen, and M. B. Andrus; Phase-transfer catalyzed synthesis of the Soy isoflavanoid S-Equol

Bioactive Compounds: Antibacterial, Antifungal, Anticancer, and Antiviral, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Technology Commercialization Office advisory council meetings, Utah State University

Bioactive Compounds: Antibacterial, Antifungal, Anticancer, and Antiviral, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Technology Commercialization Office advisory council meetings, Utah State University

Carbohydrates as the building blocks for diversity-oriented synthesis of bioactive compounds, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; 237th ACS National Meeting

Carbohydrates, versatile building blocks of bio-active compounds: the power of combining chemistry and biology, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Department of Biology, Utah State University

Synthesis, antibacterial activity, and new applications of aminoglycosides, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; 237th ACS National Meeting


Synthesis of 12-HETE using asymmetric phase-transfer catalysis, Michael A. Christiansen and M. B. Andrus; Synthesis of 12-HETE using asymmetric phase-transfer catalysis


Synthesis of kurasoin B analogs, J. R. Nielson, Michael A. Christiansen, and M. B. Andrus; Synthesis of kurasoin B analogs


Carbohydrates: Versatile Building Blocks for Diversity-Oriented Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Joint 63rd Northwest/21st Rocky Mountain (NORM/RMRM)

Diversity-oriented Synthesis of Carbohydrate Conjugates Using Sonication, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Gordon Conference, Natural Product Division

Neomycin, Kanamycin and Pyranmycin: Synthesis, Antibacterial Activity and New Applications, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; EHRLICH II Magic Bullets

Synthesis and Application of Aminoglycosides: Old Drugs with New Tricks, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Idaho State University

Asymmetric acylimidazole alkylation under phase-transfer conditions, Michael A. Christiansen and M. B. Andrus; Asymmetric acylimidazole alkylation under phase-transfer conditions

Synthesis of new kanamycin B analogs with surprising antifungal activity, Marina Y. Fosso, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang, Jon Y. Takemoto, Mekki F. Bensaci, and Yukie Kawasaki; Joint 63rd Northwest/21st Rocky Mountain (NORM/RMRM)

Differential Mutational Effects on Conformational Changes During Catalysis by Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatases, Alvan C. Hengge, Tiago A. Brandão, Sara A. Huefner, and Sean J. Johnson; Gordon Conference on Isotopes in Biological and Chemical Sciences, Ventura, CA

Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatases: Comparing the Effects of Mutation on Protein Conformation and Catalysis, Sara A. Huefner, Tiago A. Brandão, Sean J. Johnson, and Alvan C. Hengge; Joint 63rd Northwest-21st Rocky Mountain American Chemical Society Conference, Park City, UT

Mutations of critical amino acids in the human enzyme PTP1B, Sara A. Huefner and Alvan C. Hengge; Research on Capitol Hill, Utah State Capitol

Study of the Combinational Effects of Novel Aminoglycoside Antibiotics, Katherine Keller, Jianjun Zhang, and Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Poster on the Hill, State Capital of Utah

Sonication-based Studies toward the Synthesis of Oligomannosides, Christabel Tomla Tanifum and Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; ACS National Meeting

Synthesis and anticancer activity studies of cyclopamine derivatives", Jianjun Zhang and Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Joint 63rd Northwest/21st Rocky Mountain (NORM/RMRM)


Methodology in Carbohydrate Synthesis and Its Application in Drug Development, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; University of Texas Medical Branch

Methodology in Carbohydrate Synthesis and Its Application in Drug Development, Cheng-Wei Tom Chang; Department of Chemistry, Sam Houston State University

Diesterase Activity and Substrate Binding in Purple Acid Phosphatases, Alvan C. Hengge; Isotopes 2007, Benicassim, Spain

Effect of thio-substitution on the mechanisms of transesterification of ribonucleoside phosphodiester models, Subashree Iyer and Alvan C. Hengge; 233rd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL