Volume 4, Issue 1 (2024) Mental Health Aspects of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Matt Wappett
Advancing Strength-Based Inclusive Mental Health Research in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
luther kalb and Joan B. Beasley
The Person Experiences Interview Survey: A Measure Addressing Ableism in Mental Healthcare for Patients with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Micah Peace Urquilla
Exploring Parent/Caregiver Perspectives of Self-Determination and Its Impact on Mental Health in Adolescents with and without Disabilities
Jessica Schuttler, Sydney Walls, Tyler Hicks, Karrie Shogren, Hannah Adams, and Richard a Chapman
Building Neuro-Inclusive Community, Strengthening Mental Health: The Autism After 21 Utah Project
Sumiko T. Martinez, Anna Smyth, and Ann C. Carrick
Project ATTAIN: Advancing Trauma-Informed Care for Youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and/or Gender Diverse Youth
Kady F. Sternberg, Charlotte E. Bausha, Charlotte Jones, Erin Knight, Crystal N. Steltenpohl, Rebecca R. Parton, Jennifer L. McLaren, and Erin R. Barnett
The Link Center: A Federally Funded Technical Assistance and Resource Center Aimed at Improving Mental Health Treatment and Access for People with I/DD, Brain Injury, and other Cognitive and Communication Differences.
Stacy L. Nonnemacher, Jeanne Farr, and Wendy Morris
Interdisciplinary Treatment Approach to Youth with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and Co-occurring Mental Health Conditions
Ashley Greenwald, Erika Ryst, Diane D. Thorkildson, and Lauren Brown
Peer-Mediated Family Support Project: Evaluation of Changes in Family Quality of Life
Preethy S. Samuel, Elizabeth Janks, Nia S. Anderson, Michael Bray, Christina Topolewski, and Sharon Milberger
Professional Development Strategies for Treating People with IDD and Mental Health Needs
Jennifer L. McLaren, Elizabeth Grosso, and Karen L. Weigle