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Integrating Empirical Geomorphology, CAD and 2-­‐D Hydraulic Models as Design Tools for Salmonid Spawning Gravel Rehabilitation Projects, Joseph Michael Wheaton, G. B. Pasternack, and J. E. Mertz; Eos Trans

Utilizing 2-­‐D Hydrodynamic Models as Design Tools for Salmonid Spawning Gravel Enhancement Projects, Joseph Michael Wheaton, G. B. Pasternack, and J. E. Mertz; U.C. Davis Extension-­‐ Instream Habitat Improvement for Regulated Rivers Course

Nocturnal Bird-Avoidance Modeling With Mobile-Marine Radar, E. J. Zakrajsek and John A. Bissonette; Bird Strike Committee Conference, Calgary, Alberta


Forecasting American Marten Habitat Dynamics in Western Newfoundland: A Matter of Finding the Right Crystal Ball, William A. Adair and John A. Bissonette; III International Martes Symposium, Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada

American Marten Den and Resting-Site Characteristics in Western Newfoundland, William A. Adair, John A. Bissonette, and B. Hearn; III International Martes Symposium, Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada

Beyond the riparian zone: Aquatic-terrestrial linkages in watersheds, Michelle A. Baker; Utah State University, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, and Civil and Environmental Engineering

How to begin teaching a course for the first time beginning with nothing…filling the void, Michelle A. Baker; Graduate Resources Committee Workshop. North American Benthological Society, Keystone, CO

Concluding Remarks, Martes in Managed Landscapes, John A. Bissonette; III International Martes Symposium, Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada

Dead on the Road: Mitigative Models to Address Deer Highway Mortality, John A. Bissonette; Wildlife and Highways: Seeking Solutions to an Ecological and Socio-Economic Dilemma, 7th Annual Conference TWS, Nashville TN

Dead on the Road: Mule Deer in a Hostile Environment, John A. Bissonette; 2000 National Convention Mule Deer Foundation, Salt Lake City UT

Ecosystem Health and Surface Transportation: Reducing the Virtual Footprint, John A. Bissonette; National Academy of Science National Research Council) for the Ecosystem Health Panel: Research Priorities for the Transportation Environment, Washington D. C.

Habitat Requirements of Martes, John A. Bissonette; 3rd International Martes Symposium, Corner Brook, Newfoundland

Lanes of Destruction: Effectiveness of Highway Right-of-Way Escape Structures for Mule Deer, John A. Bissonette, M. E. Lehnert, and M. Harrison; Wildlife and Highways: Seeking Solutions to an Ecological and Socio-Economic Dilemma, 7th Annual Conference TWS, Nashville TN

Desert Tortoise Reproduction & Survivorship: The Influence of Female Size and Abiotic Factors on Fecundity, C. D. Bjurlin and John A. Bissonette; Annual Meeting ESA, Snowbird Utah

Desert Tortoise Suvivorship: Absence of Evidence Does Not Mean Evidence of Absence, C. D. Bjurlin, John A. Bissonette, and T. L. Cutler; 65th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, Rosemont IL

Nutrient export from two high mountain lakes to outflow streams: The importance of inflow hydrodynamics and in-lake processes, G. Burkart, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, B. Fleenor, and Chris Luecke; Ecological Society of America. Snowbird, UT

Spatio-temporal niches in annual plants: theory on the role of spatial and temporal environmental variation in diversity maintenance, P Chesson and Nancy J. Huntly; Joint Symposium Meeting of Ecological Society of America and British Ecological Society

Dissolved organic carbon dynamics and the groundwater and surface water interface, C. N. Dahm and Michelle A. Baker; Geological Society of America 2000 Annual Meeting

Organic matter dynamics at the groundwater - surface water interface of a mountain stream, C. N. Dahm and Michelle A. Baker; American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Copenhagen

Hierarchical structure in a desert plant community, A Forman and Nancy J. Huntly; National Conference on Undergraduate Research

Thirty questions for ecology in the 21st century, Nancy J. Huntly; Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting

Lesser scaup breeding ecology in the Canadian Parklands: a comparison to the past, David N. Koons and J. J. Rotella; 2nd North American Duck Symposium

Evidence for benefits to occupants of sink habitats, M PJr Kreuzer and Nancy J. Huntly; Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting

Factors affecting the population growth of Ochotona princeps: behavioral trade-offs or climate?, M PJr Kruezer and Nancy J. Huntly; American Society of Mammalogists Annual Meeting

Stable isotopes as tools for understanding food web structure and function, Chris Luecke; Workshop on arctic food webs at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts

Using Nitrogen Stable Isotopes to Assess Linkages Between Land Use Activities and Water Quality Western U.S.Watersheds, Chris Luecke, B. Thompson, and Nancy O. Mesner; 2000 Utah Nonpoint Source Water Quality Conference. Utah State University, Logan, UT

Effects of nutrient limitation, light limitation, and invertebrate grazers on phytoplankton living in deep chlorophyll layers, C. L. Sawatzky, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, and Chris Luecke; Ecological Society of America. Snowbird, UT

Selective herbivory byt the desert woodrat, Neotoma lepida, on the joshua tree, Yucca brevifolia, M Stanford and Nancy J. Huntly; National Conference on Undergraduate Research

Site Fidelity of Territorial Male Guanacos: Homebodies or Hustlers?, Julie K. Young and W. L. Franklin; Department of Animal Ecology Seminar Series

Development of a Bird Avoidance Model for Naval Air Facility, El Centro, CA, E. J. Zakrajsek, John A. Bissonette, and T. Cutler; Second Joint Annual Meeting of the Bird Strike Committee USA/Bird Strike Committee Canada, Minneapolis MN


Organic carbon retention and metabolism in near-stream groundwater, Michelle A. Baker; DIALOG Symposium, American Society for Limnology and Oceanography, BBSR, St. George, Bermuda

Role of hydrologic linkages in fluvial ecosystem structure and function, Michelle A. Baker; University of Washington Tacoma, Utah State University, University of New Hampshire

Connecting Pattern and Process at Larger Scales, John A. Bissonette; Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, Lincoln, New Zealand

Do At-Grade Highway Crossing Structures Reduce Big Game Mortailities?, John A. Bissonette; The Utah Transportation Research Advisory Council Workshop, University of Utah, Salt Lake City UT

Habitat Pattern and Ecological Processes: The Need For a Conceptual Foundation, John A. Bissonette; International Association for Landsscape Ecology 5th World Congress, Snowmass Village CO

Larger-Scale Ecology: What is the Conceptual Framework?, John A. Bissonette; Grimsö Wildlife Research Station, Department of Conservation Biology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Riddarhyttan Sweden

Summary Remarks: Indigenous Wildlife Management, John A. Bissonette; Indigenous Wildlife Management: Old Ways, New Ways, Held at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Australasian Wildlife Management Society, Darwin, Australia

The Mismatch Between Pattern and Process: Lessons From Ignoring Theory, John A. Bissonette; The Second International Wildlife Management Congress, Gödöllö Hungary

Thinking Differently at Larger Scales: The Essence of Escher-Almost, John A. Bissonette; 12th Annual Meeting of the Australasian Wildlife Management Society, Darwin Australia

A Look at the Reproductive Ecology of the Desert Tortoise at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, C. Bjurlin and John A. Bissonette; 24th Annual Symposium of the Desert Tortoise Council, St. George UT

Following the Lifecycle of the Desert Tortoise: Telemetry, Radiography, and Thread-Trailers, C. Bjurlin and John A. Bissonette; 64th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, San Francisco CA

Estimating the Spatial Probability of Future Land Development in California's Mojave Desert, M. Gonzales, R. J. Lilieholm, T. C. Edwards, Richard E. Toth, L. Hunter, and M. Stevenson; Estimating the Spatial Probability of Future Land Development in California's Mojave Desert

Mechanisms of coexistence of desert annual plants, Nancy J. Huntly; Symposium on Annual Plants, Annual Meeting of the Desert Tortoise Council

The role of temporal storage effects in a desert plant community, Nancy J. Huntly and P Chesson; Winter and General Annual Meeting of the British Ecological Society

How does use of sink habitat benefit pikas (Ochotona princeps)? , M P. Kreuzer and Nancy J. Huntly; Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America

Stable isotopes and management of aquatic ecosystems, Chris Luecke; University of Illinois at Chicago

Using fitness correlates to design a recovery plan for endangered sockeye salmon, Chris Luecke; Conservation Training Consortium, The Field Museum, University of Illinois at Chicago

Using mesocosms to assess patterns of trophic transfer in lake ecosystems, Chris Luecke; American Society of Limnology and Oceanography

Fractal Analysis of Animal Movements: A Revisited Methodology and New Insights, M. McClure, John A. Bissonette, M. Ritchie, and M. Conover; International Association for Landsscape Ecology 5th World Congress, Snowmass Village CO

Behaviors and Population Characteristics of Mule Deer Using Urban Winter Ranges: Are Urban Habitats Ecological Traps?, M. F. McClure, John A. Bissonette, and Michael R. Conover; Presented at the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Deer and Elk Workshop, Salt Lake City UT

Interactions of a below-ground vertebrate herbivore, the northern pocket gopher, with above-ground feeding arthropods, D T. Ostrow and Nancy J. Huntly; Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America

Effects of voles on nitrogen cycling in riparian areas, J M. Sirotnak and Nancy J. Huntly; Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America

Experiences From Research Abroad, Julie K. Young; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Lunch Seminars, Iowa State University


Influence de l’hydrodynamique sur la structure et le fonctionnement des écosystèmes fluviaux: des ruisseaux aux grand cours d’eau, Michelle A. Baker; Centre d’Ecologie des Systèmes Aquatiques Continentaux, Toulouse, France

Influence of hydrologic linkages on fluvial ecosystem structure and function, Michelle A. Baker; School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University

Analyzing Landscape-Scale Wildlife-Habitat Relationships using FRAGSTATS and Computer Generated Maps, John A. Bissonette; Universität München (Lehrbereich für Wildbiologie und Wildtiermanagement), Munich Germany

Belief Systems in Ecology: Understanding at Multiple Scales, John A. Bissonette; Seminar, University of Nevada-Las Vegas Biology Department

Linking Ecological Processes Across Spatial Scales and Hierarchical Levels: Do We Really Understand the Effects of Land-Use Changes?, John A. Bissonette; VII International Congress of Ecology: Perspectives in Landscape Ecology, Symposium on Land-Use Changes in Mountain Areas

Marten Habitat Choice: Realistic Answers at Different Scales, John A. Bissonette; Universität München (Lehrbereich für Wildbiologie und Wildtiermanagement), Munich Germany

Understanding Natural Phenomena: Traditional Beliefs, Heresy, and Truth in Science, John A. Bissonette; Universität München (Lehrbereich für Wildbiologie und Wildtiermanagement), Munich Germany

Wildlife Research and Management in the USA and Germany: Differences, Similarities, Opportunities, John A. Bissonette; Universität München (Lehrbereich für Wildbiologie und Wildtiermanagement), Munich Germany

The Influence of Forest Fragmentation on American Marten Habitat Use, C. D. Hargis and John A. Bissonette; Fifth Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Buffalo NY

Arguments against the cost of sex based on alternation of generations , J P. Hill and Nancy J. Huntly; Society for the Study of Evolution Annual Meeting

Ecological principles and guidelines for managing the use of land, Nancy J. Huntly; Ecological Society of America

The effects of below-ground herbivores on vegetation, Nancy J. Huntly and J Sirotnak; International Congress of Ecology (INTECOL)

The effects of small mammals on ecosystem functioning in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem , Nancy J. Huntly and J Sirotnak; 125th Anniversary Symposium

Use of stable isotopes to assess production of walleye fisheries in Utah reservoirs, Chris Luecke; American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. St. Louis, MO

Movements and Site Fidelity Patterns of Urban Mule Deer in Utah , M. F. McClure, John A. Bissonette, and Michael R. Conover; Fifth Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Buffalo NY

Talus fragmentation moderates the effects of pikas on alpine vegetation , J Roach and Nancy J. Huntly; Ecological Society of America

Variability of Soil Properties in Omo National Park, Ethiopia, C. A. Schloeder, M. J. Jacobs, and John A. Bissonette; The Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management, Guadalajara Mexico


Biological Effects of Landscape Scale: Tools for the Practioner, John A. Bissonette; The USFW Wildlife Habitat and Pland Management Shortcourse at Utah State University, Logan, UT

Scale-Sensitive Ecological Properties: Historical Contest, Current Meaning, John A. Bissonette; University of Georgia, Athens GA

Scale-Sensitive Properties and Ecological Understanding--Are Mechanistic Explanations Sufficient: The Second Challenge for Landscape Ecology, John A. Bissonette; The 12th Annual Symposium of the U.S. Regional Association of the International Association for Landscape Ecology: The Pace and Pattern of Landscape Change, Duke University, Durham, NC

Scale, the Tyranny of the Story, and Carnivore Assessment, John A. Bissonette and I. Storch; The Wildlife Society Fourth Annual Conference, Snowmass Villiage CO

Effects of mammalian consumers on vegetation: the importance of ecosystem-level mechanisms, Nancy J. Huntly; International Theriological Congress

Do Road Crossing Structures for Ungulates Reduce Mortality: Simulation Modeling Results From Utah, USA, M. E. Lehnert, John A. Bissonette, and J. W. Haefner; Influence of Human Disturbance on Wildlife: Impact of Infrastructures, Game Management and Land Use in Open Landscapes Symposium at the International Union of Game Biologists XXIII Congress at Ecole National Veterinaire de Lyon in Lyon France

Model analysis of spatial patterns in mountain pine beetle outbreaks, J. A. Logan, P. White, B. Bentz, and James A. Powell; Model analysis of spatial patterns in mountain pine beetle outbreaks

Recovery and resilience of a food web after manipulation of the top carnivore, Chris Luecke; Ecological Society of America, Providence, RI

Simulated growth rate of lacustrine salmonids in lake environments, Chris Luecke; American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Santa Fe, NM

A Scale-Dependent Approach for Studying Wildlife Habitat Relationships, M. F. McClure, John A. Bissonette, M. E. Ritchie, and Michael R. Conover; The Wildlife Society Fourth Annual Conference, Snowmass Villiage CO

Effects of habitat and water availability on competition in a community of desert annual plants, K Merriam and Nancy J. Huntly; Society for the Study of Evolution Annual Meeting

Effects of microtine rodent herbivory on plant and nitrogen dynamics in montane riparian meadows , J Sirotnak and Nancy J. Huntly; International Theriological Congress

The Effects of Saline Drinking Water on Canada Goose Gosling Survival, Growth, and Feather Development, D. S. Stolley and John A. Bissonette; Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Albuquerque NM


Alternative Futures for the Region of Camp Pendleton California U.S.A. Oak Grove Valley, Richard E. Toth; Urban Development in East Asia and the Growth of Inchon


Arches, the Hot Hand, and Belief Systems in Wildlife Ecology, John A. Bissonette; Universität München (Lehrbereich für Wildbiologie und Wildtiermanagement), Munich Germany

Scale-Sensitive Properties Influence Marten Demographics, John A. Bissonette; Lecture at the University of Arizona, Tucson Arizona

Soil disturbances by the plains pocket gopher, Geomys bursarius, affect nitrogen availability differently in sites with differing soils, E Burr, Nancy J. Huntly, R Inouye, and G Wasley; Ecological Society of America

Maintenance of species diversity by temporal environmental variation within the growing season, P Chesson and Nancy J. Huntly; Ecological Society of America

Testing diversity maintenance hypotheses involving variation over temporal scales, P Chesson, M Pantastico-Caldas, and Nancy J. Huntly; Ecological Society of Australia

Seasonal Variation in the Metabolism and Insulation of the American Marten (Martes americana), S. J. Cooper, William A. Adair, and John A. Bissonette; Physiological Ecology Meeting, Bishop, CA

Making theory, models, and data mesh effectiviely: theoretical and empirical studies of the diversity of communities in a variable world, Nancy J. Huntly; Symposium: Synthesis in Ecology: Applications, Opportunities, and Challenges

Woody species invasion on a Minnesota sand plain, D Lawson, Nancy J. Huntly, and R Inouye; Ecological Society of America

Mule Deer Highway Mortality in Northeastern Utah: Causes Patterns, and a New Mitigative Technique, M. Lehnert and John A. Bissonette; Proceedings of the Transportation-Related Wildlife Mortality Seminar (Florida Department of Transportation), Orlando FL

Do Experimental Crossing Structures Reduce Deer-Vehicle Collisions?, M. E. Lehnert and John A. Bissonette; The Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Logan UT

Effectiveness of an Experimental Crossing Structure at Reducing Deer-Vehicle Collisions Near Park City, Utah, M. E. Lehnert and John A. Bissonette; The 19th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Deer Study Group, Orlando FL

Compensatory changes in the food web of Castle Lake after a fish manipulation, Chris Luecke; Ecological Society of America, Providence, RI

Velley Deer in Cache County: A Search for Management Solutions, M. McClure and John A. Bissonette; The Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Logan UT

Assessing Subspecies Status: A Holistic Approach to Evaluating the Yuma Puma, D. E. McIvor and John A. Bissonette; The Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop, San Diego CA

Variation in soil nitrogen among microhabitats and with water availability in a Chihuahuan Desert shrub habitat, K Merriam and Nancy J. Huntly; Ecological Society of America

Variation found in the growth phenology of desert winter annual plants indicates the temporal environmental variation within a growing season contributes to species coexistence, C Pickering, Nancy J. Huntly, and P Chesson; Ecological Society of America