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Patterns of Bull Trout Movement and Life History Expression: What Can We Learn From Multiple Years and Multiple Sites Using Passive PIT-Tag Antennae?, T. Bowerman, Phaedra E. Budy, R. Al-Chokhachy, and H. Schaller; Patterns of Bull Trout Movement and Life History Expression: What Can We Learn From Multiple Years and Multiple Sites Using Passive PIT-Tag Antennae?

How Do you Identify the Limiting Factor for Fish (Biota)?, Phaedra E. Budy; How Do you Identify the Limiting Factor for Fish (Biota)?

Linking Water Quality and Quantity to Fish Performance and Viability, Phaedra E. Budy; Linking Water Quality and Quantity to Fish Performance and Viability

The Importance of Small Tributary Streams to Endangered Fishes of the Colorado River Basin: An Example From the San Rafael River, Utah, Phaedra E. Budy, Gary P. Thiede, J. Bottcher, and T. Walsworth; The Importance of Small Tributary Streams to Endangered Fishes of the Colorado River Basin: An Example From the San Rafael River, Utah

Quantifying Consumption by a Nonnative Piscivore Assemblage: Implications for Recovery of the Endangered June Sucker, Phaedra E. Budy, Gary P. Thiede, K. Landom, and T. A. Crowl; Quantifying Consumption by a Nonnative Piscivore Assemblage: Implications for Recovery of the Endangered June Sucker

A Cross-Continental, Comparison of Factors Limiting the Endemic and Exotic Distribution of Brown Trout: How Can Estimating Bioenergetic Efficiency Inform Management and Conservation?, Phaedra E. Budy, Gary P. Thiede, J. Lobon-Cervia, G. Gonzalez, Peter McHugh, A. Mcintosh, A. Vollestad, and E. Becares; A Cross-Continental, Comparison of Factors Limiting the Endemic and Exotic Distribution of Brown Trout: How Can Estimating Bioenergetic Efficiency Inform Management and Conservation?

A Mechanistic Evaluation of Brown Trout Performance Across Their Native and Exotic Habitat: Lessons Fro Managing Invasive Trout, Phaedra E. Budy, Gary P. Thiede, J. Lobon-Cervia, G. Gonzalez, Peter McHugh, A. Mcintosh, A. Vollestad, and E. Becares; A Mechanistic Evaluation of Brown Trout Performance Across Their Native and Exotic Habitat: Lessons for Managing Invasive Trout

An Evaluation of Trout Community Population Change Following Two Years of Mechanical Removal of Non-Native Brown Trout: Towards a Better Understanding of Restoration Options for Imperiled Native Fishes, Phaedra E. Budy, Gary P. Thiede, and W. Carl Saunders; An Evaluation of Trout Community Population Change Following Two Years of Mechanical Removal of Non-Native Brown Trout: Towards a Better Understanding of Restoration Options for Imperiled Native Fishes

Distribution and Habitat Choice of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) in Right Hand Fork, a Tributary to the Logan River, Utah: Monopolizing on a Large-Scale Removal Effort to Better Understand Habitat Limitations on Brown Trout Invasion Success, R. Chaston, Phaedra E. Budy, and Gary P. Thiede; Distribution and Habitat Choice of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) in Right Hand Fork, a Tributary to the Logan River, Utah: Monopolizing on a Large-Scale Removal Effort to Better Understand Habitat Limitations on Brown Trout Invasion Success

Daphnia-Algae Modeling of the Logan Wastewater Lagoons, D. Chea, K. McCullogh, James A. Powell, and R. C. Sims; Daphnia-Algae Modeling of the Logan Wastewater Lagoons

Private landowner attitudes and perceptions concerning carbon sequestration on Utah rangelands, D. Layne Coppock and Zhao Ma; Private landowner attitudes and perceptions concerning carbon sequestration on Utah rangelands

A Comparison of Triploid vs. Diploid Brook Trout Relative Performance in High Uinta Lakes: Who Is the Biggest Loser?, Andrew Dean, Phaedra E. Budy, and Gary P. Thiede; A Comparison of Triploid vs. Diploid Brook Trout Relative Performance in High Uinta Lakes: Who Is the Biggest Loser?

Nitrogen Transport Through a Sub-Alpine Lake: Bull Trout Lake Whole Ecosystem 15N Tracer Study, Dave M. Epstein and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Joint Meeting with the Association for the Sciences of Liimnology and Oceanography and North American Benthological Society

The Importance of Downstream Bed Surface Coarsening in Predicting the Wave of Incision in Response to Sudden Base Level Drop at the Mouth of a River: The Holocence Le Sueur River, Minnesota, USU, N. J. Finnegan, K. Gran, A. Johnson, Patrick Belmont, P. Wilcock, and W. E. Dietrich; The Importance of Downstream Bed Surface Coarsening in Predicting the Wave of Incision in Response to Sudden Base Level Drop at the Mouth of a River: The Holocence Le Sueur River, Minnesota, USU

Optimal Control of a Bounded Invasive Species Diffusion Process: An Application to the Emerald Ash Borer, D. Finnoff and Charles B. Sims; Optimal Control of a Bounded Invasive Species Diffusion Process: An Application to the Emerald Ash Borer

Extending the record of arroyo cycles for the upper Escalante River, S. Utah using OSL and radiocarbon dating, A. Hayden and Tammy M. Rittenour; Geological Sociey of America Abstracts with Programs

Invasion of sagebrush-steppe by non-native plants: lessons from large-scale studies of remote and working landscapes, Nancy J. Huntly; Idaho Chapter of the Society of the Range Management Annual Symposium Meeting

Kipukas as windows on the history and future of sagebrush steppe ecosystems , Nancy J. Huntly and R K. Bangert; 16th Wildland Shrub Symposium

Influence of global climate change on common eider (Somateria mollissima) population dynamics, David T. Iles and David N. Koons; TWS 17th Annual Conference

Multiple approaches of using OSL to constrain the age of Barrier Canyon style rock art in Horseshoe Canyon, Utah, USA, M. S. Jackson, J. L. Pederson, and Tammy M. Rittenour; UK Luminescence and Electron-Spin Dosimetry Workshop, Oxford University, London, UK

Flora of the Kipukas of the Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve (CRMO), S K. Kaiser, H Albano, and Nancy J. Huntly; Native Flora Workshop

OSL chronology for alluvial fans of the Lost River Range, Idaho: large-scale deposition during OIS 3 and 4, M. Kenworthy, J. Pierce, and Tammy M. Rittenour; Geological Sociey of America Abstracts with Programs

Unknown Waters of the Uintah Basin: Evaluating the Limnology, Morphometry, and Fish Communities of Seven Lentic Waters on the Uintah and Ouray Reservation, Utah, S. L. Klobucar, Phaedra E. Budy, and Gary P. Thiede; Unknown Waters of the Uintah Basin: Evaluating the Limnology, Morphometry, and Fish Communities of Seven Lentic Waters on the Uintah and Ouray Reservation, Utah

Age-specific trade-offs andunobserved heterogeneity in a long-lived seabird: implications for senescence, David N. Koons, J. Y. Monnat, E. Cam, and Lise M. Aubry; First World Seabird Conference

Introduced Sport Fish and Fish Conservation in a Novel Food Web: Evidence of Predatory Impact, K. Landom, T. A. Crowl, and Phaedra E. Budy; Introduced Sport Fish and Fish Conservation in a Novel Food Web: Evidence of Predatory Impact

The Geomorphic Effectiveness of Tamarisk: When in the life history of an invasive species does it begin to induce deposition?, R. Manners, Joseph Michael Wheaton, and J. A. Schmidt; Summer Institute on Earth-­‐surface Dynamics

Investigating Source to Sink Processes with Cosmogenic 10Be Concentrations in Multiple Alluvial Grain Sizes, T. L. Marstellar, K. L. Frankel, and Patrick Belmont; Investigating Source to Sink Processes with Cosmogenic 10Be Concentrations in Multiple Alluvial Grain Sizes

Bridging the gap between policy and practice: human dimensions of natural resource management, Zhao Ma; Bridging the gap between policy and practice: human dimensions of natural resource management

What affects family forest owner participation in forest conservation programs?, Zhao Ma, B. J. Butler, D. B. Kittredge, and P. Catanzaro; What affects family forest owner participation in forest conservation programs?

Challenging the traditional forestry extension model: insights from a pilot peer learning program in Western Massachusetts, Zhao Ma, D. B. Kittredge, and P. Catanzaro; Challenging the traditional forestry extension model: insights from a pilot peer learning program in Western Massachusetts

Peer learning: a strategy for effective forestry extension and outreach, Zhao Ma, D. B. Kittredge, and P. Catanzaro; Peer learning: a strategy for effective forestry extension and outreach

The Influence of Geomorphic-Hydrologic Factors on Invasion Potential of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) in a Mountain Stream, C. S. Meredith, Phaedra E. Budy, and J. Schmidt; The Influence of Geomorphic-Hydrologic Factors on Invasion Potential of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) in a Mountain Stream

Cause and effect: Discerning the roles of the Aleut through 4500 years of of changing North Pacific ecosystems, N Misarti, B Finney, Nancy J. Huntly, J Jordan, H Maschner, K Reedy-Maschner, R Russell, and S Wood; Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting

River temperature impacts and resiliency to climate warming in California’s Sierra Nevada, Sarah E. Null, J. Viers, J. Mount, M. Deas, and S. Tanaka; Bay-Delta Science Conference. Sacramento, CA

Stream temperature sensitivity to climate warming in California’s Sierra Nevada: Impacts to coldwater habitat, Sarah E. Null, J. Viers, J. Mount, M. Deas, and S. Tanaka; American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA

The Arroyo Grande site of western Grand Canyon—Archaic to Proto-historic cultural features in detailed sedimentary-chronostratigraphic context, J. L. Pederson, G. R. O'Brien, and Tammy M. Rittenour; Geological Sociey of America Abstracts with Programs

Using OSL dating to quantify rates of Earth surface processes, E. Rhodes and Tammy M. Rittenour; European Optical Society Abstracts

Enhanced hillslope sediment supply to the Colorado River and its tributaries during MIS 5-3, Tammy M. Rittenour and J. L. Pederson; Geological Sociey of America Abstracts with Programs

Optical stimulated luminescence dating of glacial and glacial-lacustrine sediments in the rouge river watershed in southeastern Michigan USA, D. T. Rogers, M. Kaufman, K. S. Murray, and Tammy M. Rittenour; Geological Sociey of America Abstracts with Programs

Analysis of spatio-temporal dynamics in abundance of lesser scaup, B. E. Ross, Melvin Hooten, and David N. Koons; TWS 17th Annual Conference

Imperfect Realities: Practical Strategies for Monitoring Geomorphic and Ecological Responses to Trout Habitat Restoration, N. L. Salant, M. B. Baillie, S. W. Miller, Phaedra E. Budy, and John C. Schmidt; Imperfect Realities: Practical Strategies for Monitoring Geomorphic and Ecological Responses to Trout Habitat Restoration

Imperfect Realities: Practical Strategies for Monitoring Geomorphic and Ecological Responses to Trout Habitat Restoration, N. L. Salant, M. B. Baillie, S. W. Miller, Phaedra E. Budy, and John C. Schmidt; Imperfect Realities: Practical Strategies for Monitoring Geomorphic and Ecological Responses to Trout Habitat Restoration

Anuros do Corredor Florestal Parque Estadual de Forno Grande e Parque Estadual do Forno Grande, sudeste do Brasil, P. V. Scherrer, I. Mendonca, T. Silva-Soares, and Rodrigo B. Ferreira; Anuros do Corredor Florestal Parque Estadual de Forno Grande e Parque Estadual do Forno Grande, sudeste do Brasil

Description of tadpole of the hylid frog Scinax belloni (Anura: Hylidae), T. Silva-Soares, P. N. Costa, Rodrigo B. Ferreira, and L. N. Weber; Description of tadpole of the hylid frog Scinax belloni (Anura: Hylidae)

The Role of Spatial Scale in the Timing of Uncertain Environmental Policy, Charles B. Sims and D. Finnoff; The Role of Environmental and Economic Uncertainty in Invasive Species Control Decisions

Hebivorous insects reduce growth and reproduction of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata), M Takahashi and Nancy J. Huntly; 13th annual Intermountain Graduate Research Symposium

Herbivorous insects reduce growth and reproduction of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata), M Takahashi and Nancy J. Huntly; 16th Wildland Shrub Symposium

Is Predation by Invasive Brown Trout a Threat to Native Fish Persistence?, Gary P. Thiede, Phaedra E. Budy, J. Wood, and N. Burbank; Is Predation by Invasive Brown Trout a Threat to Native Fish Persistence?

A Comparative Investigation of Population Size, Structure, Movement Patterns and Vital Rate Between Two Populations of Bluehead Sucker (Catostomus Discobolus) in the Weber River, Utah: Identifying Limiting Factors to Guide Conservation, P. Thompson, P. A. Weber, Phaedra E. Budy, and S. Mckay; A Comparative Investigation of Population Size, Structure, Movement Patterns and Vital Rate Between Two Populations of Bluehead Sucker (Catostomus Discobolus) in the Weber River, Utah: Identifying Limiting Factors to Guide Conservation

A Patch Approach to Understanding the Effect of Stream Degradation on Food Web and Population Structure of Imperiled Fishes, T. Walsworth, Phaedra E. Budy, and Gary P. Thiede; A Patch Approach to Understanding the Effect of Stream Degradation on Food Web and Population Structure of Imperiled Fishes

A Patch Approach to Understanding the Effect of Stream Degradation on Food Web and Population Structure of Imperiled Fishes, T. Walsworth, Phaedra E. Budy, and Gary P. Thiede; A Patch Approach to Understanding the Effect of Stream Degradation on Food Web and Population Structure of Imperiled Fishes

Longer Food Chains and Crowded Niche Space: Understanding Trophic Interactions Between Non-Native and Endemic, Riverine Desert Fishes, T. Walsworth, Phaedra E. Budy, and Gary P. Thiede; Longer Food Chains and Crowded Niche Space: Understanding Trophic Interactions Between Non-Native and Endemic, Riverine Desert Fishes

Riparian Bird-Habitat Association Models: A Framework For Developing Management and Restoration Guidelines in Utah, H. White, F. Howe, and John A. Bissonette; The Wildlife Society, Snowbird, UT

Population Estimates of Mongolian Saiga: Implications for Effective Monitoring & Population Recovery, Julie K. Young, K. M. Murray, S. Strindberg, B. Buuveibaatar, and J. Berger; The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Snowbird, Utah


Modeling Spatial Constraints Limiting Resource Acquisition: A Case Study With the Newfoundland Marten, William A. Adair and John A. Bissonette; The 5th International Martes Symposium, Seattle, WA

Exploring Bull Trout Habitat Relationships: Where Do We Need to Go From Here?, R. Al-Chokhachy, B. Roper, T. Bowerman, and Phaedra E. Budy; Exploring Bull Trout Habitat Relationships: Where Do We Need to Go From Here?

Biochemical oxygen demand in rivers, Michelle A. Baker; Jordan River Dissolved Oxygen Linkage Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT

Nutrient dynamics in streams: known knowns, known unknowns, and why you should care, Michelle A. Baker; College of Natural Resources, Utah State University, Logan UT

Nested Subsets: A pattern of community assembly, Elita Baldridge; Nested Subsets: A pattern of community assembly

Effects of environmental conditions and distance from the geographic range center on the abundance of avian species, Elita Baldridge and Rob Channell; Effects of environmental conditions and distance from the geographic range center on the abundance of avian species

“Stress switching” along the Lima Reservoir Fault in Yellowstone’s wake, M. J. Bartholomew, M. J. Bone, Tammy M. Rittenour, A. M. Mickelson, and M. C. Stickney; Geological Sociey of America Abstracts with Programs

An Integrated Sediment Budget and Routing Model for the Le Sueur River, Southern Minnesota, Patrick Belmont; An Integrated Sediment Budget and Routing Model for the Le Sueur River, Southern Minnesota

Morphodynamics of Streambank Erosion in the Le Sueur River, Southern, Minnesota, Patrick Belmont; Morphodynamics of Streambank Erosion in the Le Sueur River, Southern, Minnesota

Water: Destruction, Reorganization and Construction of Landscapes, Patrick Belmont; Water: Destruction, Reorganization and Construction of Landscapes

Barr-NCED Mapper Channel-Floodplain Sediment Exchange Modeling, Patrick Belmont, C. Shostal, T. Anderson, and M. Wong; Barr-NCED Mapper Channel-Floodplain Sediment Exchange Modeling

Channel-Floodplain Sediment Exchange in a Meandering and Actively Incising River, Patrick Belmont, E. Viparelli, J. W. Lauer, and S. S. Day; Channel-Floodplain Sediment Exchange in a Meandering and Actively Incising River

A Morphodyncamic Routing Model for the Maple River, Southern Minnesota, Patrick Belmont, E. Viparelli, J. W. Lauer, and G. Parker; A Morphodyncamic Routing Model for the Maple River, Southern Minnesota

Decision-Making in Road Ecology: Developing the Framework, John A. Bissonette; 4th Australian Road Engineering & Maintenance Conference 2009

Future Directions and Needs in Road Ecology, John A. Bissonette; Breaking the Barriers: Engineering Solutions to Ecological Problems, 4th Australian Road Engineering & Maintenance Conference 2009

Roaded Landscapes: Scaling Animal Movement to Achieve Landscape Permeability, John A. Bissonette; 4th Australian Road Engineering & Maintenance Conference 2009

Limiting Factors and Management Recommendations for Three Sensitive Species in the San Rafael River, Utah, as Revealed by Random Forest Modeling, J. Bottcher, Phaedra E. Budy, and Gary P. Thiede; Limiting Factors and Management Recommendations for Three Sensitive Species in the San Rafael River, Utah, as Revealed by Random Forest Modeling

Comparison of Mark-Recapture Methods to Estimate Juvenile Bull Trout Survival, T. Bowerman and Phaedra E. Budy; Comparison of Mark-Recapture Methods to Estimate Juvenile Bull Trout Survival

River Engineers: Do Spawning Fish Alter Small-Scale Stream Hydrology?, T. Bowerman and Phaedra E. Budy; River Engineers: Do Spawning Fish Alter Small-Scale Stream Hydrology?

Understanding the Dirvers of Fish Population Dynamics in Unique, Arctic Lakes With Special Consideration of the Role of Climate and Climate Change, Phaedra E. Budy and C. Luecke; Understanding the Drivers of Fish Population Dynamics in Unique, Arctic Lakes with Special Consideration of the Role of Climate and Climate Change

An Energetic Assessment of Predator Consumption in Utah Lake with Consideration of Future Options for June Sucker Recovery, Phaedra E. Budy, Gary P. Thiede, K. Landom, Todd A. Crowl, and C. Luecke; An Energetic Assessment of Predator Consumption in Utah Lake with Consideration for Future Options for June Sucker Recovery

Integrating habitat and harvest management for northern pintails: concepts, challenges and progress, R. G. Clark, G. S. Boomer, M. C. Runge, M. G. Anderson, J. H. Devries, J. M. Eadie, M. Koneff, J. Fleskes, D. Haukos, David N. Koons, T. Sanders, R. Trost, and W. Thogmartin; 5th North American Duck Symposium

Luminescence and AMS radiocarbon dating of middle-late Holocene slackwater flood deposits in the Delores Watershed, CO, M. L. Cline and Tammy M. Rittenour; Geological Sociey of America Abstracts with Programs

Sage-grouse in Utah: An Increased Research Effort for the Last Decade, David K. Dahlgren, Terry A. Messmer, David N. Koons, Eric T. Thacker, M. Guttery, R. Baxter, D. Mitchell, and D. Olsen; Utah Ornithological Society

Future shifts from snow to rain may decrease survival and population growth of two dominant grasses in sagebrush steppe, Harmony Dalgleish, C. A. Moffet, David N. Koons, Melvin Hooten, and P. B. Adler; ESA 94th Annual Meeting

Triploid Versus Diploid Brook Trout: a Comparative Evaluation of Relative Performance with Considerations of Lake Food Web Structure, Andrew Dean and Phaedra E. Budy; Triploid Versus Diploid Brook Trout: A Comparative Evaluation of Relative Performance with Consideration of Lake Food Web Structure

Nitrogen Flow Pathways Through an Alpine Lake, Dave M. Epstein and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Ecological Knowledge and a Global Sustainable Society, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting

Investigation of Bar Formation on a Reconfigured Gravel Bed River, S. O. Erwin, J. A. Schmidt, Peter Wilcock, and Joseph Michael Wheaton; Eos Trans

Mormon cricket (Anabrus simplex) Laboratory colony development, Rodrigo B. Ferreira, E. K. K. Fernandes, C. Keyser, S. Treat, and D. W. Roberts; Mormon cricket (Anabrus simplex) Laboratory colony development

Homogenization of Large Scale MovementModels with Application to Spread of Wasting Disease in Ungulate Populations, M. J. Garlick, James A. Powell, and M. Hooten; Homogenization of Large Scale MovementModels with Application to Spread of Wasting Disease in Ungulate Populations

Early survival of greater sage-grouse chicks in a high-elevation southern range population, Michael R. Guttery, Terry A. Messmer, and David N. Koons; TWS 16th Annual Conference

Early survival of greater sage-grouse chicks on Parker Mountain, Utah, Michael R. Guttery, Terry A. Messmer, and David N. Koons; Utah TWS Annual Meeting

Influence of arroyo cycles on downstream paleoflood records - an example from Buckskin Wash, UT/AZ, J. E. Harvey, J. L. Pederson, and Tammy M. Rittenour; Geological Sociey of America Abstracts with Programs

Arroyo cycles in the upper Escalante River drainage, southern Utah: Utilizing OSL Dating to extend regional fluvial chronologies, A. Hayden and Tammy M. Rittenour; Geological Sociey of America Abstracts with Programs

OSL Dating and Geoarchaeology at the Paleoindian Heath Site, San Juan Mountains, Colorado, M. Jackson, J. Pederson, Tammy M. Rittenour, and B. Pitblado; Geological Sociey of America Abstracts with Programs

Climate, sediment supply, and stream power: episodes of enhanced deposition on alluvial fans of the Lost River Range, Idaho, M. K. Kenworthy, J. L. Pierce, Tammy M. Rittenour, and K. L. Pierce; Geological Sociey of America Abstracts with Programs

OSL age estimates for alluvial fan deposition in the Lost River Range, ID: Understanding links between climate change and hillslope processes, M. K. Kenworthy, Tammy M. Rittenour, and J. Pierce; Geological Sociey of America Abstracts with Programs

Arroyo cycles in the upper Escalante River drainage, southern Utah: utilizing OSL dating to extend regional fluvial chronologies, M. Kenworthy and Tammy M. Rittenour; New World Luminescence Dating and Dosimetry Workshop

OSL chronology for alluvial fan deposition in the Lost River Range, Idaho, M. Kenworthy and Tammy M. Rittenour; New World Luminescence Dating and Dosimetry Workshop

Common Eider population ecology in Wapusk National Park, David N. Koons and R. F. Rockwell; Parks Canada Meeting

Changes in habitat occupancy and pairing probabilities of the declining continental population of scaup, David N. Koons and B. E. Ross; 5th North American Duck Symposium

Stratigraphy and OSL Dating of the Biskra Palms Alluvial Fan, Indio, CA: Implications for cross-correlating of age-dating methods and for the slip rate of the San Andreas Fault, L. M. Luna, D. Yule, and Tammy M. Rittenour; Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, CA

The Sanak Biocomplexity Project, H Maschner, M Betts, J Cornell, J Dunne, B Finney, Nancy J. Huntly, J Jordan, A King, K Reedy-Maschner, and R Russell; International Society for Landscape Ecology

Integrating archaeological and ecological data for the study of long-term changes in marine ecosystems, HD G. Maschner, N Misarti, M Betts, Nancy J. Huntly, and B Finney; Society for American Anthropology Annual Meeting

Biophysical vs. social availability of woody biomass: how much is really available on family forestlands in the northern U.S.?, Zhao Ma and B. J. Butler; Biophysical vs. social availability of woody biomass: how much is really available on family forestlands in the northern U.S.?

What affects family forest owner decision making, Zhao Ma, D. B. Kittredge, B. J. Butler, and P. Catanzaro; What affects family forest owner decision making