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Information Shocks and Precautionary Saving, James A. Feigenbaum; Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control

The Benefits of Athletic Participation: Heterogeneous Effects on Academic and Labor Market Outcomes, Devon Haskell Gorry; Annual Meeting of the Institute for Educational Sciences

Ring Fencing (Insulating) The Regulated Utah Energy Utility That is a Subsidiary of a Parent Holding Company, Jeremiah Harris and J. Robert Malko

Ethanol Production Increases Risk for Dairy Producers, W. Cris Lewis and Tyler J. Bowles; Progressive Dairyman

Economic Regulation and the Role of Natural Gas Utilities in a Clean Energy Economy: A Public Policy Perspective , J. Robert Malko

Cost of Common Equity, Allowed Fair Return, and Behavioral Finance , J. Robert Malko, Austin Kwag, Mykola Edvarchuk, and Nicholas Rupp

The Market Risk Premium: Historical and Prospective , J. Robert Malko and Nocholas Rupp


Some Lessons Learned: Electricity Costing and Pricing, J. Robert Malko and Philip R. Swensen; The Electricity Journal

Ring Fencing in Utah, Charles E. Peterson and J. Robert Malko; Public Utilities Fortnightly

Cost of Equity Methods and Valuing Energy Utility Property at the Utah State Tax Commission, Nicholas L. Rupp and J. Robert Malko

Industrial Concentration, William F. Shughart II; The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics

Public Choice, William F. Shughart II; The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics

Ethnicity and Terrorism, William F. Shughart II and Atin Basuchoudhary; Global Terrorism Issues and Developments

Toll Bridge over Troubled Waters: New Deal Agriculture Programs in the South, William F. Shughart II and Jim F. Couch; Political Economy, Linguistics and Culture: Crossing Bridges


Taxonomy: Racism versus Fiscal Conservatism in Voting on Segregationist Provisions in Alabama’s Constitution, William F. Shughart II and Michael Reksulak; Constitutional Political Economy


Innovation and the Opportunity Cost of Monopoly, William F. Shughart II, Michael Reksulak, and Robert D. Tollison; Managerial and Decision Economics



A Leisurely Reading of Lifecycle Consumption Data, James Bullard and James A. Feigenbaum; Journal of Monetary Economics

Cost of Equity Methods: Issues, Challenges, and Options , J. Robert Malko


Some Thoughts on Estimating the Cost of Common Equity for a Regulated Business, J. Robert Malko, Philip R. Swensen, and Joseph A. Monteleone; The Electricity Journal


The Wealth Effects of the USA Patriot Act: Evidence from the Banking and Thrift Industries, William F. Shughart II and Burak Dolar; Journal of Money Laundering Control

Quit Playing Favorites: Why Business Subsidies Hurt our Econom, William F. Shughart II and Michael J. Hicks; Unleashing Capitalism: Why Prosperity Stops at the West Virginia Border and How to Fix It


Flags of Our Fathers: Voting on Confederate Symbols in the State of Georgia, William F. Shughart II, Gokhan R. Karahan, and Michael Reksulak; Public Choice


Delivered Pricing in Theory and Policy Practice, William F. Shughart II and Fred S. McChesney; Antitrust Bulletin


Damages Under Wrongful Death Statutes: The Relevancy of a Claimant’s Nation of Residency, Tyler J. Bowles; Journal of Legal Economics

Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Damages: Current Issues and New Developmets, Tyler J. Bowles; Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Damages: Current Issues and New Developments

The Use of Hindsight in Commercial Damages Analysis, Tyler J. Bowles; The Use of Hindsight in Commercail Damages Analysis


A Bayesian Analysis of Log-Periodic Precursors to FinancialCrashes, George Chang and James A. Feigenbaum; Quantitative Finance

Estimating The Cost Of Common Equity For A Regulated Business: Some Thoughts , J. Robert Malko, Philip R. Swensen, and Joseph A. Monteleome


An Analytical History of Terrorism, 1945–2000, William F. Shughart II; Public Choice


Katrinanomics: The Politics and Economics of Disaster Relief, William F. Shughart II; Public Choice


Corrupt Political Jurisdictions and Voter Participation, William F. Shughart II, Gokhan R. Karahan, and R. Morris Coats; Public Choice


No Pretense to Honesty: County Government Corruption in Mississippi, William F. Shughart II, Gokhan R. Karahan, and Laura Razzolini; Economics and Governance


A Theory of Commodity Bundling in Final Product Markets: Professor Hirshleifer Meets Professor Becker, William F. Shughart II, Robert E. McCormick, and Robert D. Tollison; International Review of Law and Economics


Smoke and Mirrors: The Political Economy of the Tobacco Settlements, William F. Shughart II and Taylor P. Stevenson; Public Finance Review

Globalization and Income Distribution Inequality within Countries, Lei Basudeb Biswas Zhou and Tyler J. Bowles; Globalization and Income Distribution Inequality within Countries


Illegal Aliens: Claims for Lost Wages, Tyler J. Bowles; Illegal Aliens: Claims for Lost Wages

Illegal Aliens: Damage Claims for Lost Wages, Tyler J. Bowles; Journal of Forensic Economics

Online Enrollment in Economics Courses: A Treatment Model, Tyler J. Bowles and D Scott Bosworth; Online Enrollment in Economics Courses: A Treatment Model


Assessing Economic Damages in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Litigation: TheState of Utah, Tyler J. Bowles and W. Cris Lewis; Journal of Forensic Economics

Valuing a Small Business: Implications of Different Income Tax Models, Tyler J. Bowles and W. Cris Lewis; Journal of Legal Economics


Second, Third, and Higher-Order Consumption Functions: A Precautionary Tale, James A. Feigenbaum; Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control

Applying CAPM to Regulated Businesses: Some Issues , J. Robert Malko and Philip R. Swensen

Applying the CAPM: Issues and Activities in Utah, Charles E. Peterson and J. Robert Malko; The NRRI Journal of Applied Regulation

Policy Challenges and Political Responses: Public Choice Perspectives on the Post-9/11 World, William F. Shughart II


Public Choice in the New Century, William F. Shughart II and Robert D. Tollison; Public Choice


The Unfinished Business of Public Choice, William F. Shughart II and Robert D. Tollison; Public Choice


The Twin Deficits, Tyler J. Bowles; The Twin Deficits


The Effect of Supplemental Instruction on Retention: A Bivariate Probit Model, Tyler J. Bowles and Jason Jones; Journal of College Student Retention

Assessing Economic Damages in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Litigation: The State of Idaho, Tyler J. Bowles and W. Cris Lewis; Assessing Economic Damages in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Litigation: The State of Idaho

Assessing Economic Damages in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Litigation: The State of Utah, Tyler J. Bowles and W. Cris Lewis; Assessing Economic Damages in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Litigation, The State of Utah


Assessing Economic Damages in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Litigation: The State of Wyoming, Tyler J. Bowles and W. Cris Lewis; Journal of Forensic Economics

Assessing Economic Damages in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Litigation: The State of Wyoming, Tyler J. Bowles and W. Cris Lewis; Assessing Economic Damages in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Litigation, The State of Wyoming

Assessing Economic Damages in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Litigation: The State of Idaho, Tyler J. Bowles, W. Cris Lewis, and Gary R. Wells; Journal of Forensic Economics

Regulation/Deregulation: Views from The Ivy Halls , J. Robert Malko and Philip R. Swensen

Valuing Electric Utilities: Some Business Risks and Regulation Issues , J. Robert Malko and Philip R. Swensen

Bending before the Storm: The U.S. Supreme Court in Economic Crisis, 1935–1937, William F. Shughart II; Independent Review


George W. Bush and the Return to Deficit Finance, William F. Shughart II; Public Choice


Under Two Flags: Symbolic Voting in the State of Mississippi, William F. Shughart II and Gokhan R. Karahan; Public Choice


On the Internal Contradictions of the Law of One Price, William F. Shughart II, Fred S. McChesney, and David D. Haddock; Economic Inquiry


Economics and English: Language Growth in Economic Perspective, William F. Shughart II, Michael Reksulak, and Robert D. Tollison; Southern Economic Journal


Titan Agonistes: The Wealth Effects of the Standard Oil (N.J.) Case, William F. Shughart II, Michael Reksulak, and Robert D. Tollison; Research in Law and Economics

Uncle Sam says purchase new tractor, Ruby Ward and Tyler J. Bowles; Utah Farm Bureau News


Power Plant Valuation: Overcoming the New Risks, Jeff Bodington and J. Robert Malko; Public Utilities Fortnightly

A Comparison of Time Series Forecasting Models, Tyler J. Bowles; A Comparison of Time Series Forecasting Models

Agricultural Tax Issues, Tyler J. Bowles; Agricultural Tax Issues

Economic Conditions, Tyler J. Bowles; Economic Conditions


An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Supplemental Instruction: The Problem of SelectionBias and Limited Dependent Variables, Tyler J. Bowles and Jason Jones; Journal of College Student Retention

A Simplified Approach for Equitable Distribution of an Award in a Wrongful Death Action, Frank Caliendo, W. Cris Lewis, and Tyler J. Bowles; Litigation Economics Review


Financial Physics, James A. Feigenbaum; Reports on Progress in Physics

The Age-Earnng Profile: Cross-Section and Time-Series Analysis, W. Cris Lewis and Tyler J. Bowles; The Age-Earnings Profile: Cross-Section and Time-Series Analysis

Measuring Public Safety Retirement Plan Wealth: Implications forAssessing Economic Loss, W. Cris Lewis, Frank Caliendo, and Tyler J. Bowles; Journal of Legal Economics


Sources of Error in Estimating the Personal Consumption Offset inRetirement, W. Cris Lewis, Frank Caliendo, and Tyler J. Bowles; Journal of Forensic Economics

Some Cost of Capital Issues: Regulated Energy Utilities , J. Robert Malko

Assessing Corporate Restructurings in the Electricity Utility Industry, J. Robert Malko and Philip R. Swensen

Budget Deficits, William F. Shughart II; The Encyclopedia of Public Choice

Is Voting Rational?, William F. Shughart II; The Encyclopedia of Public Choice

Legislative Politics, William F. Shughart II; The Encyclopedia of Public Choice

Logic of Collective Action, William F. Shughart II; The Encyclopedia of Public Choice

Regulation and Antitrus, William F. Shughart II; The Encyclopedia of Public Choice

September 11, 2001, William F. Shughart II; The Encyclopedia of Public Choice

Structure-Induced Equilibrium, William F. Shughart II; The Encyclopedia of Public Choice

The New Deal, William F. Shughart II; The Encyclopedia of Public Choice

Triangulation, William F. Shughart II; The Encyclopedia of Public Choice

The Economic Theory of Clubs”, William F. Shughart II, Gary M. Anderson, and Robert D. Tollison; The Encyclopedia of Public Choice

Bargaining for Monopoly: The Joint Operating Arrangement between the Denver Post and the Rocky Mountain News, William F. Shughart II and Shuo Chen; Antitrust Bulletin

Crime, Gun Control, and the BATF: The Political Economy of Law Enforcement, William F. Shughart II and Jim F. Couch; Fordham Urban Law Journal


On the Third Law of Demand, William F. Shughart II, Laura Razzolini, and Robert D. Tollison; Economic Inquiry

Enron, William F. Shughart II and Michael Reksulak; The Encyclopedia of Public Choice


Rent Seeking into the Income Distribution, William F. Shughart II, Robert D. Tollison, and Zhipeng Yan; Kyklos


Professional Ethics and Social Welfare, Tyler J. Bowles; Professional Ethics and Social Welfare

Scale Economies in Public Education: Evidence from School Level Data, Tyler J. Bowles and Ryan Bosworth; Journal of Education Finance

An Econometric Approach to Appraising Goodwill, Tyler J. Bowles and W. Cris Lewis; An Econometric Approach to Appraising Goodwill

Income Tax Considerations in Applying the Discounted Future Returns Method of Valuing a Business, Tyler J. Bowles and W. Cris Lewis; Income Tax Consderations in Applying the Discounted Future Returns Method of Valuing a Business

Time-Series Properties of Medical Care Net Discount Rates, Tyler J. Bowles and W. Cris Lewis; Journal of Legal Economics

Rollercoaster Income and Taxes: Some Options to Consider, Bruce E. Godfrey and Tyler J. Bowles; Progressive Dairyman

The Personal Consumption Offset: Adjusting for Consumption in Retirement, W. Cris Lewis, Frank Caliendo, and Tyler J. Bowles; The Personal Consumption Offset: Adjusting for Consumption in Retirement

Capital Structure and the Cost of Equity: Some Issues, J. Robert Malko

Disaggregating Risks of Electricity Generation, Transmission, and Distribution Assets: Some Issues, J. Robert Malko and Philip R. Swensen

Some Costing and Pricing Issues in Regulated Electricity Markets, J. Robert Malko, Philip R. Swensen, and Heather S. Malko


September 11, 2001, William F. Shughart II; Public Choice