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Estimating Lost Retirement Benefits: Tax Considerations, Tyler J. Bowles; Estimating Lost Retirement Benefits: Tax Considerations

Assessing the Future of Electric Utility Regulation, Gregory B. Enholm and J. Robert Malko; Reinventing Electric Utility Regulation

Meshing New Regulation with New Utilities, Gregory B. Enholm and J. Robert Malko; Reinventing Electric Utility Regulation

Reinventing Electric Utility Regulation , Gregory B. Enholm and J. Robert Malko


A q-deformation of the Coulomb Problem, James A. Feigenbaum and P. G. Freund; Journal of Mathematical Physics

A General Framework For Electricity Pricing In A World Of Competition And Regulation: Some Thoughts, J. Robert Malko

Traditional and New Regulatory Tools, J. Robert Malko and Richard J. Williams; Reinventing Electric Utility Regulation

Antitrust Policy in Chicago and Virginia, William F. Shughart II; Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy

Public Choice Theory and Antitrust Policy, William F. Shughart II; The Causes and Consequences of Antitrust: The Public-Choice Perspective

The Causes and Consequences of Antitrust: The Public-Choice Perspective, William F. Shughart II


Sibling Rivalry: The Emergence of Competition among the Baby Bells, William F. Shughart II and Richard S. Higgins; Managerial and Decision Economics

Antitrust Enforcement and Foreign Competition, William F. Shughart II, Jon D. Silverman, and Robert D. Tollison; The Causes and Consequences of Antitrust: The Public-Choice Perspective, Chicago


Wrongful Discharge: The Time Horizon of Future Damages and the Economic Basis for Damages, Tyler J. Bowles; Journal of Legal Economics

Assessing the Electric Utility Industry's Future, Gregory B. Enholm and J. Robert Malko; Reinventing Electric Utility Regulation

Changing The Rules: The Pros and Cons of Incentive and Performance Based Regulation, Gregory B. Enholm and J. Robert Malko

Electric Utilities in the 21st Century, Gregory B. Enholm and J. Robert Malko; Reinventing Electric Utility Regulation

Electric Utilities Moving Into The 21st Century, Gregory B. Enholm and J. Robert Malko


Purchased Power Is Not A Riskless Strategy, David A. Foltz, J. Robert Malko, Gregory J. Pumila, and Thomas J. Purvenas; The Electricity Journal

Emerging Competitive Forces and Structures in the Energy Utility Industries, J. Robert Malko

Estimating An Energy Utility's Cost of Equity Capital In A Changing Business Environment: Some Thoughts, J. Robert Malko

Managing in Emerging Market Economics: Cases from Central and Eastern Europe and the NIS, H. Craig Petersen; Telecommunications in Czechoslovakia

Modern Managerial Economics: Economic Theory for Business Decisions, William F. Shughart II, William F. Chappell, and Rex L. Cottle


Instant Winners: Competitive Governments, Legal Change, and the Diffusion of State Lotteries, William F. Shughart II, John D. Jackson, and David S. Saurman; Public Choice


Employment Litigation: Taxation of Damage Awards, Tyler J. Bowles; Journal of Legal Economics

Leverage: Adjustment to Beta In The Capital Asset Pricing Model, Ajay Krishnan, Rajiv Mallick, and J. Robert Malko


Comments On The Paper by Rodney Stevenson and Dennis Ray, J. Robert Malko; Utilities Policy

The Electric Utility In The Year 2000: A Forecast, J. Robert Malko

Corporate Restructuring in the Electric Utility Industry: Some Thoughts, J. Robert Malko and Philip R. Swensen


Business and Government, H. Craig Petersen; Business and Government

Entry, Exit, and Industry Performanc, William F. Shughart II, William F. Chappell, and Walter J. Mayer; Journal of Economics


Firm Heterogeneity and Production Flexibility: Evidence from Price-Cost Margins of Large and Small Firm, William F. Shughart II, William F. Chappell, and Walter J. Mayer; Bulletin of Economic Research


Private School Enrollment and Public School Performance, William F. Shughart II, Jim F. Couch, and Al L. Williams; Public Choice


Advertising, Competition, and Market-Share Instability, William F. Shughart II, Bhaskar J. Das, and William F. Chappell; Applied Economics


Demand Fluctuations and Firm Heterogeneit, William F. Shughart II, Bhaskar J. Das, and William F. Chappell; Journal of Industrial Economics


Going for the Gold: Property Rights and Athletic Effort in Transitional Economie, William F. Shughart II and Robert D. Tollison; Kyklos


Corporate Restructuring in the Electric Utility Industry: Some Thoughts, J. Robert Malko

Some Current Financial And Economic Issues In The Electric Utility Industry, J. Robert Malko

Instructor's Manual: Business and Government, H. Craig Petersen


The Economics of Economics Journals: a Statistical Analysis of Pricing Practices by Publishers, H. Craig Petersen; College and Research Libraries


Market Structure, Sales to Government, and the Theory of Oligopoly, William F. Shughart II and William F. Chappell; Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization


Ethics Laws and the Outside Earnings of Politicians: The Case of Alabama’s ‘Educator-Legislators’, William F. Shughart II, Jim F. Couch, and Keith E. Atkinson; Public Choice

Fields of Dreams: On the Construction of Professional Baseball Talent in Colleges and the Minor League, William F. Shughart II and Brian L. Goff; Advances in the Economics of Sport



Study of Toponium Production Including the Effects of Higgs Exchange, James A. Feigenbaum; Physics Review D

Instructor’s Solutions Manual: A Modern Introduction to Mechanics, James A. Feigenbaum and Jonathan F. Reichert; Instructor’s Solutions Manual: A Modern Introduction to Mechanics

Emerging Issues In Interfuel Competition, J. Robert Malko


Rates and Tariff Structures: Investor-Owned Utilities vs. Rural Electric Cooperatives, H. Craig Petersen; Agribusiness


Longitudinal Study of Scientific Journal Prices in a Research Library, H. Craig Petersen, Kenneth E. Marks, Steven P. Nielsen, and Peter Wagner; College and Research Libraries


Is Breaking Up Hard to Do? Legal Institutions and the Rate of Divorce, William F. Shughart II and Gary M. Anderson; Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice


Educational Achievement and the Cost of Bureaucracy, William F. Shughart II, Gary M. Anderson, and Robert D. Tollison; Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization


Union Rents and Market Structure Revisited, William F. Shughart II, William F. Chappell, and Walter J. Mayer; Journal of Labor Research

A Public Choice Analysis of Public Transit Operating Subsidies, William F. Shughart II and Mwangi S. Kimenyi; Research in Law and Economics


Fiscal Federalism and the Laffer Curve, William F. Shughart II and Robert D. Tollison; Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice

The Employment Consequences of the Sherman and Clayton Acts, William F. Shughart II and Robert D. Tollison; Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics


Dotting the Horizon: Will The United States Be Able To Decommission Its Nuclear Power Plants, Caryn L. Beck-Dudley and J. Robert Malko; Journal of Energy Law and Pollicy

Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning: Some Issues For The 1990s, J. Robert Malko

Selecting A Portfolio of Comparable Electrical Utilities, J. Robert Malko and Philip R. Swensen


University Libraries and Pricing Practices by Publishers of Scholarly Journals, H. Craig Petersen; Research in Higher Education

Antitrust Policy and Interest-Group Politics, William F. Shughart II

The Organization of Industry, William F. Shughart II

Behind the Veil: The Political Economy of Constitutional Change, William F. Shughart II, Gary M. Anderson, Delores T. Martin, and Robert D. Tollison; Predicting Politics: Essays in Empirical Public Choice


The Growth of Social Security: Electoral Push or Political Pull?, William F. Shughart II and Roger D. Congleton; Economic Inquiry

Homo Basketballus, William F. Shughart II, Brian L. Goff, and Robert D. Tollison; Sportometrics

The Political Economy of Merger between Regulated Firms, William F. Shughart II, Richard S. Higgins, and Robert D. Tollison; Predicting Politics: Essays in Empirical Public Choice


Price-Cost Margins and Industry Structure in Developing Countries: The Case of Korea, William F. Shughart II, Mwangi S. Kimenyi, and Joon Lee; Bulletin of Economic Research


Estimating The Cost Of Capital For Diversified Utilities -- The Pure Play Technique, Bradley R. Baker, J. Robert Malko, and Philip R. Swensen

Pricing Electric, Gas, and Telecommunication Services: Rate Symposium Proceedings, James M. Fischer, J. Robert Malko, and Richard L. Wallace

Corporate Restructurings in the Electric Utility Industry: Some Common Issues, J. Robert Malko and Philip R. Swensen; Business Insights

Pricing And The Electric Utility Industry,, J. Robert Malko and Philip R. Swensen; Public Utility Regulation: The Social Control Of Industry


Variations in Journal Prices: A Statistical Analysis, H. Craig Petersen; The Serials Librarian

Electric Rate-Making Innovations In Wisconsin During the 1980s, Dennis Ray, Gary Mathis, and J. Robert Malko

Antitrust Policy in the Reagan Administration: Pyrrhic Victories?, William F. Shughart II; Regulation and the Reagan Era: Politics, Bureaucracy and the Public Interest


On the Incentives of Judges to Enforce Legislative Wealth Transfers, William F. Shughart II, Gary M. Anderson, and Robert D. Tollison; Journal of Law and Economics

Political Entry Barriers and Tax Incidence: The Political Economy of Sales and Excise Taxes, William F. Shughart II, Gary M. Anderson, and Robert D. Tollison; Public Finance


The Effects of Monetary Instability on the Extent of Vertical Integration, William F. Shughart II and Donald J. Boudreaux; Atlantic Economic Journal


Input Market Definition under Department of Justice Merger Guidelines, William F. Shughart II and Richard S. Higgins; Review of Industrial Organization


Price Leadership with Incomplete Information, William F. Shughart II, Richard S. Higgins, and Robert D. Tollison; Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization


Tit-for-Tat, Tariffs, and Time: A Dynamic Model of Trade Policy, William F. Shughart II, Francois Melese, and Johnny Henderson; International Trade Journal

Utility Diversification: Issues and Activities in Virginia, , Donna L. Tanner, Richard J. Williams, and J. Robert Malko; Electronic Potential


Diversified Regulatory Approaches To Electric Utility Diversification , Caryn L. Beck-Dudley and J. Robert Malko

Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning: Unanswered Questions Still Loam, Caryn L. Beck-Dudley and J. Robert Malko

The Effects of Trade Liberalization on the Dairy and Beef Industries of Utah, Tyler J. Bowles; Utah Science

Pakistan's Economic Development in a Global Perspective , Ahmad Faruqui and J. Robert Malko; Asian Profile

Competitive Electricity Pricing Strategies: A California Perspective , Ahmad Faruqui, J. Robert Malko, and Philip R. Swensen

External Funding for Nuclear Decommissioning: Some Issues And Considerations Concerning Financial Assurance, Stphen Fogel, David Effron, and J. Robert Malko

Energy Utility Diversification In Wisconsin: 1981-1986, J. Robert Malko

Utility Financial Planning In The Wake of Seabrook and Shoreham, J. Robert Malko

Corporate Restructurings in the Electric Utility Industry: Some Issues and Activities, J. Robert Malko, Caryn L. Beck-Dudley, and Philip R. Swensen

External Funding For Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning Expenses: Some Current Issues, Considerations, And Activities, J. Robert Malko, Keith C. Brown, and Harry N. Fugate

Natural Gas Distribution Utility Diversification: Financial Regulation In An Uncertain World, J. Robert Malko, Keith C. Brown, and Alan A. Stephens

Regulation And The Restructuring Of Energy Utilities: Mergers, Diversification, and Corporate Reorganization, J. Robert Malko, Keith Brown, Philip R. Swensen, and Caryn L. Beck-Dudley

Energy Utility Diversification and Small Business: A Wisconsin Perspective, J. Robert Malko and George R. Edgar; The Journal of Energy Development


Economics of Work, H. Craig Petersen; Economics of Work


A Public Choice Perspective of the Banking Act of 1933, William F. Shughart II; Cato Journal


A Public Choice Theory of the Great Contraction”, William F. Shughart II, Gary M. Anderson, and Robert D. Tollison; Public Choice


Legislative Majorities as Nonsalvageable Assets”, William F. Shughart II, W. Mark Crain, and Robert D. Tollison; Southern Economic Journal

Voters as Investors: A Rent-Seeking Resolution of the Paradox of Voting, William F. Shughart II, W. Mark Crain, and Robert D. Tollison; The Political Economy of Rent Seeking


Crime or Punishment? Enforcement of the NCAA Football Cartel, William F. Shughart II, Arthur A. Fleisher III, Brian L. Goff, and Robert D. Tollison; Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

Disqualification by Decree: Amateur Rules as Barriers to Entry, William F. Shughart II, Brian L. Goff, and Robert D. Tollison; Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics


Affirmative Action and Unemployment, William F. Shughart II, Mwangi S. Kimenyi, and Robert D. Tollison; European Journal of Political Economy


An Interest-Group Theory of Population Growth, William F. Shughart II, Mwangi S. Kimenyi, and Robert D. Tollison; Journal of Population Economics