"Characteristics of Anglers and Angling Preferences in Utah: Results Fr" by Jordan Smith, Chase C. Lamborn et al.

Document Type



Institute of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism

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In the face of a diminishing resource base and increased demand from anglers, the state of Utah is looking for biologically feasible, economical, and publicly supported solutions to address the angling supply and demand mismatch. Using data from an extensive year-long survey effort, the report details information about the characteristics, behaviors, and preferences of Utah’s licensed. The report also details the types of motivations that are fundamental to the Utah fishing experience. The findings show anglers can be classified by their motivations into five relatively distinct groups – Explorers, Social Anglers, Catch Focused Anglers, Ambivalent Anglers, and Catch & Consume Anglers. Maintaining angler satisfaction can be achieved if the key motivations of each group of anglers are met. Managers are now tasked with using this information to devise biologically feasible solutions that not only enhance the sustainability of Utah’s fisheries, but also meet the fundamental motivations of the angling public.


PDF version 2 uploaded 2023-12-07.
