A Data-Intensive Assessment of the Species Abundance Distribution, Elita Baldridge
Agrichemical Surfactant and Pathogen Impacts on the Blue Orchard Bee (Osmia lignaria Say, Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Mary-Kate F. Williams
Alfalfa Weevil, Hypera postica (Gyllenhal), (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Response to Environmental Factors in Alfalfa Fields in Northern Utah, Larry Edward Jech
Altered T Cell-Mediated Immunity and Infectious Factors in Autism, Yong Hu
An Ecological Study of the Bottom Fauna of Bear Lake Idaho and Utah, Earl W. Smart
An Evaluation of Landscape, Climate, and Management Impacts on Bumble Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Bombus) in Agroecosystems, Morgan Elizabeth Christman
Anthropogenic and Natural Stressors and Their Effect on Immunity, Reproduction, and the Stress Response, Lorin A. Neuman-Lee
Anthropogenic Influences on Bacterial Assemblages in Stream Biofilms, Elizabeth M. Ogata
Aqueous Solvation Method for Recombinant Spider Silk Proteins, Justin A. Jones
A Revision of the North American Species in the Genus Euodynerus (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae), Ali Shallan Moalif
Assay and Control of Staphylococcal Enterotoxin a Development in Cheddar Cheese Slurries, Niranjan R. Gandhi
Avian Species Distribution Models: Using Location Data to Inform Management Decisions, Marilyn E. Wright
Behavioral Responses of Willow Flycatchers, Empidonax traillii, to a Heterogeneous Environment, Amanda V. Bakian
Biochemical Characterization of SAC9, a Putative Phosphoinositide Phosphatase in Arabidopsis thaliana, and Its Role in Cellular Abnormalities, Almut H. Vollmer
Biogeography, Population Genetics, and Community Structure of North American Bumble Bees, Jonathan Berenguer Koch
Bluetongue Virus Evolution: Sequence Analyses of the Gene Coding for the Major Serogroup Antigen, Timothy F. Kowalik
Bugs, Bullets and Birds: Factors Affecting the Health and Survival of Ferruginous Hawk Nestlings in the Intermountain West, Ellis A. Juhlin
Causes and Consequences of Local Variability in Aroga Websteri Clarke Abundance Over Space and Time, Virginia L.J. Bolshakova
Cellular Immunity in Children with Down Syndrome (Trisomy-21), Roger Lee Noble
Changes in Spider Community Attributes Along a Subalpine Successional Gradient, Gerald Norman Waagen
Characterization of Anti-Pichinde Virus Monoclonal Antibodies for the Directed Delivery of Antiviral Drugs and Toxins, Noah Jefferson Burns III
Community Level Effects of Vegetation Architecture and Prey Availability: A Study of Ground-dwelling Arthropods in a Shrub-Steppe Ecosystem, Mary E. Pendergast
Comparative Ecology of Narrowly Sympatric Horned Lizards Under Variable Climatic Conditions, Kevin V. Young
Comparative Morphology and Development of the Trigeminally Innervated Infrared-Imaging System in Boas and Pythons, Helen Bond Plylar
Consequences of Host Life Cycles for Symbiont Genome Evolution, Ashley Elizabeth Dederich
Consequences of Vegetation Change on the Dynamics of Labile Organic Matter and Soil Nitrogen Cycling in a Semiarid Ecosystem, Toby D. Hooker
Constraints on Patterns of Abundance and Aggregation in Biological Systems, Kenneth J. Locey
Control of Rat Testicular Monoamine Oxidase Activity: Age, Seasonality, Melatonin, HCG, FSH, Starvation and Irradiation, Ronald Lee Urry
Density and Diversity Responses of Summer Bird Populations to the Structure of Aspen and Spruce-Fir Communities on the Wasatch Plateau, Utah, Janet Lee Young
Determinants of Small Rodent Distribution and Abundance in a Shrub-Steppe Ecosystem: Influences of Seeds, Ants and Shrubs, Linda Suzanne Broome
Ecological Effects of Genotypic Diversity on Community and Ecosystem Function, Megan K. Kanaga
Ecological Management of the Alfalfa Leafcutter Bee, Megachile pacifica (Panzer), with Emphasis on Diapause Induction, Ron M. Bitner
Edaphic and Climatic Regulation of Microbial Carbon-Use Efficiency in Managed Semi-Arid Systems, Kirsten R. Butcher
Effects of DDT Upon the Hematology and Immunology of the Goldfish (Carassius auratus), Maurice G. Zeeman
Effects of Folic Acid or Zinc Malnutrition on Rotaviral Infection in a Murine Model, John Douglas Morrey
Effects of Physical and Emotional Stress, Catecholamines and Naloxone on HDL and LDL Cholesterol Levels in Rats and Man, Andrew G. Goliszek
Estimating Esterase and Monooxygenase Detoxication by Bioassay, Electrophoresis and Metabolic Studies in Pea Aphid, Acrythosiphon pisum (Harris) Populations (Homoptera: Aphididae), Deifalla H. Al-Rajhi
Evaluating Process- and Constraint-Based Approaches for Modeling Macroecological Patterns, Xiao Xiao
Evolutionary Consequences of the Introduction of Eleutherodactylus Coqui to Hawaii, Eric Michael O'Neill
Evolutionary Genetics of Canyon Treefrogs (Hyla arenicolor), Roy A. Murray
Evolutionary Genetics of Tetrodotoxin (TTX) Resistance in Snakes: Tracking a Feeding Adaptation from Populations Through Clades, Chris R. Feldman
Factors Affecting Seeds in a Sagebrush-Steppe Ecosystem and Implications for the Dispersion of an Annual Plant Species, Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.), Michael Ira Kelrick
Factors Relating to Diapause in the Alfalfa Weevil Parasite Bathyplectes curculionis (Thomson), David S. Parrish
Fatty Acid Induced Insulin Resistance in the Brain, Hyoung Il Oh
From Inbreeding to Admixture: How the Diverse Consequences of Gene Flow Shape Evolutionary Dynamics and Population Viability, Amy L. Springer
Functional Study of the Structural VP6 Protein of Bluetongue Virus, Emiko Hayama
Garter Snake (Thamnophis) Natural History: Food Habits and Interspecific Aggression, Michael J. Edgehouse
Genomic Perspectives on Evolution in Bracken Fern, Joshua P. Der
Global Change Effects on Carbon Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems, Guopeng Liang
Growth of Phytophthora infestans Race 1.2.4 and Synthesis of Steroid Glycoalkaloids by the Fungus in Synthetic Media, Melanie R. Maas
Historical Biogeography of Velvet Ants (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) in the North American Deserts and Arid Lands, Joseph S. Wilson
Host and Habitat Preferences, Life History, Pathogenicity and Population Regulation in Species of Protocalliphora Hough (Diptera: Calliphoridae), Terry Lee Whitworth
Host Plant Use, Phenology, and Biological Control of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae; Halymorpha halys) in Northern Utah, Mark Cody Holthouse
Host Shifts in Phytophagous Insects: A Mathematical Modeling Perspective, Meenakshi Venkataraman
Humoral and Secretory Immunoglobulins of the Sheepshead, Archosargus probatocephalus, A Marine Teleost, Craig J. Lobb
Hybridization, Population Genetic Structure and Gene Expression in the Genus Boechera, Martin Peter Schilling
Immune Variation Across Different Contexts in Non-Model Systems, Kwanho Claudia Ki
Immunological Tradeoffs and the Impacts of Urbanization on the Reproductive Ecology and Physiology of the Side-Blotched Lizard (Uta stansburiana), Emily E. Virgin
Impacts of Tourism on the Ecophysiology of the Endangered Northern Bahamian Rock Iguana (Cyclura cychlura), Alison C. Webb
Influence of Soil Water Potential and Environment on the Internal Water Status of Grasses, Ray W. Brown
Insights on Reticulate Evolution in Ferns, with Special Emphasis on the Genus Ceratopteris, Sylvia P. Kinosian
Integrated Management of Billbugs (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae) in Intermountain West Turfgrass, Madeleine M. Dupuy
Interaction of the Human Serine Protease Inhibitor Alpha-1-antitrypsin with Cryptosporidium parvum, John Russell Forney
Interactions Between Plant Water-Stress and Neonicotinoid Insecticides on Spider Mite Infestations in Corn, Alice Ruckert
Interactions Between Water-Stress and Maize Resistance to Spider Mites with Varied Host Specialization, Gunbharpur S. Gill
Investigating Routes and Effects of Pesticide Exposure on the Blue Orchard Bee (Osmia lignaria), Andi M. Kopit
Investigating the Roles of Bacterial Endosymbionts in the Evolution of Adelgidae (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha), Kathryn M. Weglarz
Kisspeptins - Expression, Purification, and Biological Assays, Mathew Puthayathu Kurian
Larval Biology of Some Utah Chrysididae, Bakary Vassery Ouayogode
Local and Regional Drivers of Biodiversity: From Life-History Traits to System-Level Properties, Sarah R. Supp
Mechanisms of Induced Cell Death in Bluetongue Virus Challenged Human Cell Lines, Justin Darrel Hoopes
Metapopulation Genomics of American Goshawks in the Intermountain West, Megan M. Sidran
Molecular and Physiological Mechanisms of Toxin Resistance in Toad-Eating Snakes, Shabnam Mohammadi
Molecular Systematics, Historical Biogeography, and Evolution of Spider Wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae), Juanita Rodriguez
Movement Patterns of Phrynosoma mcallii and Phrynosoma platyrhinos in Response to Substrate Texture, Daniel H. Foley III
Natural and Anthropogenic Effects on Life History Characteristics in the Side-Blotched Lizard (Uta stansburiana), Geoffrey David Stuart Smith
Nest Location and Nest Recognition in Two Solitary Bee Species Osmia lignaria Say and Megachile rotundata (F.) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Christelle Guédot
Nitrogen Fixation, Ammonification, Denitrification in Great Basin Arid Soils, Brian Paul Klubek
Nitrogen Fixation in Arid Western Soils, Robert Charles Rychert
Novel Aminoglycosides: Bioactive Properties and Mechanism of Action, Sanjib K. Shrestha
Nutrient Uptake and Water Quality in Great Salt Lake Wetland Impoundments, Rachel L. Buck
On the Behavioral Responses of Free Uinta Ground Squirrels to Trapping, David F. Balph
Organic Matter Sources, Composition, and Quality in Rivers and Experimental Streams, Julia E. Kelso
Patterns and Processes of Population Differentiation in the Chuckwalla (Sauromalus obesus) in Southern Nevada, Paul C. Ustach
Patterns of Singing by House Wrens with Respect to the Breeding Cycle, Michael H. Tove
Phenotypic Plasticity and the Post-Modern Synthesis: Integrating Evo-Devo and Quantitative Genetics in Theoretical and Empirical Studies, Alison G. Scoville
Phylogenetic Studies of the United States Bluetongue Viruses and Characterization of the Viral VP4 Protein, I-Jen Huang
Physiological Consequences of Adrenal Enlargement and Implications for Toxin Resistance in North American Snakes, Megen E. Kepas
Plant Spacing: A Size Sensitive Model With Implications for Competition, Robert L. Bayn Jr.
Plastic and Genetic Determination of Population, Community, and Ecosystem Properties in Freshwater Environments, Leigh C. Latta IV