DigitalCommons@USU - Empowering Teaching Excellence Conference: Writing for Learning in Science Courses


Writing for Learning in Science Courses

Streaming Media

Start Date

8-14-2019 12:00 AM


Science instructors can use writing to promote critical thinking and learning in their students. This presentation will provide examples of writing assignments and activities and will outline ways to incorporate writing in science courses. We will discuss successes and challenges experienced by USU faculty who have implemented these approaches. Our goal is to demonstrate how the Science Writing Center can help faculty use writing as a learning tool.

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Aug 14th, 12:00 AM

Writing for Learning in Science Courses

Science instructors can use writing to promote critical thinking and learning in their students. This presentation will provide examples of writing assignments and activities and will outline ways to incorporate writing in science courses. We will discuss successes and challenges experienced by USU faculty who have implemented these approaches. Our goal is to demonstrate how the Science Writing Center can help faculty use writing as a learning tool.