Creating a Counter-Storytelling Community: Connecting Students to Social Justice and Antiracist Narratives in the Arts and Beyond

Start Date

8-16-2023 2:15 PM


To skillfully support the activities, roles and relationships of successful college students, instructors across all disciplines must learn to utilize inclusive pedagogies that create space for all students to engage in current conversations around social justice and antiracism that disproportionately impact students from underrepresented identities.

This small panel discussion will explore the impacts that the "Storytelling for Social Justice: Connecting Narrative and the Arts in Antiracist Teaching" book (and related learning circle discussions) have had on their pedagogical approaches to enhance their student's critical thinking and ability to meaningfully engage in difficult conversations that challenge the stock stories that perpetuate and reinforce racism and other systems of oppression and inequality in society. Panelists will share examples of concrete classroom activities and approaches that they implemented this most recent semester and/or plan to implement in the Fall.

Ideas for implementing co-curricular activities to support increased student engagement in transforming conversations and communities will also be highlighted. By the end of the session, participants will have a clearer understanding of how to implement specific storytelling for social justice practices to better support their own inclusive pedagogical innovations and modification to collectively create an antiracist counter-storytelling community at USU.

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Aug 16th, 2:15 PM

Creating a Counter-Storytelling Community: Connecting Students to Social Justice and Antiracist Narratives in the Arts and Beyond

To skillfully support the activities, roles and relationships of successful college students, instructors across all disciplines must learn to utilize inclusive pedagogies that create space for all students to engage in current conversations around social justice and antiracism that disproportionately impact students from underrepresented identities.

This small panel discussion will explore the impacts that the "Storytelling for Social Justice: Connecting Narrative and the Arts in Antiracist Teaching" book (and related learning circle discussions) have had on their pedagogical approaches to enhance their student's critical thinking and ability to meaningfully engage in difficult conversations that challenge the stock stories that perpetuate and reinforce racism and other systems of oppression and inequality in society. Panelists will share examples of concrete classroom activities and approaches that they implemented this most recent semester and/or plan to implement in the Fall.

Ideas for implementing co-curricular activities to support increased student engagement in transforming conversations and communities will also be highlighted. By the end of the session, participants will have a clearer understanding of how to implement specific storytelling for social justice practices to better support their own inclusive pedagogical innovations and modification to collectively create an antiracist counter-storytelling community at USU.