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Utah State University Extension
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In Utah, two common tappable maple species are boxelder, sometimes called ashleaf maple (Acer negundo), and Norway maple (Acer platanoides). Both species are abundant throughout the state, with the former primarily found in natural mid-elevation canyons and the latter extensively planted in urban landscapes. Maple syrup is a natural source of sugar and can be used in many recipes to make yummy treats and foods. The best part is that it is relatively easy to obtain and simple to make. This fact sheet reviews the syrup-making process.
Recommended Citation
Mathews, J., Sun, Y., Kopp, K., McAvoy, D., Price, S., Harris, P., Farrell, M., Sagers, M., & Kelly, P. (2023). Producing maple syrup from boxelder and Norway maple trees [Fact sheet]. Utah State University Extension.