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Utah State University Extension
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Having bottle-fed calves on the ranch is common for beef producers. The most likely scenarios are a cow has died, a cow isn’t giving enough milk, or a twin has been rejected. All these scenarios are likely to happen, which results in an orphan calf. Bottle-feeding a calf is straightforward; however, there are limited resources, specifically for beef producers, looking for bottle-fed calf management strategies. When bottle-feeding a beef calf, there are some things to consider, such as feeding colostrum, selecting and using milk replacers, and weaning the calf. Many of the resources on bottle-calf management come from the dairy industry; however, beef producers can tailor dairy industry strategies to fit their own operation.
Recommended Citation
Briggs, R., Barsnick, K., Reid, C., & Longmore, A. (2023). Raising a bottle-fed calf on a cow/calf operation [Fact sheet]. Utah State University Extension.