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Balsam Woolly Adelgid, Liz Rideout, Kate V. Richardson, Diane G. Alston, Ryan Davis, Darren McAvoy, Lori R. Spears, Danielle Malesky, Liz Herbertson, and Colleen Keyes
Gambel Oak Care, Shawn Olsen, Debbie Amundsen, and Shital Poudyal
Outdoor Recreation Use and Indicators of the Ecological, Physical, and Social Characteristics of Recreation Settings in the Central Wasatch: Phase 1 Interim Report, Jordan W. Smith, Anna B. Miller, Chase C. Lamborn, Christopher Monz, and Danya Rumore
Pinyon-Juniper Ecology and Management, Gabrielle Harden and Darren McAvoy
Social Impacts of Extended Ski Resort Operations on Forest Service Lands, Jordan Smith and Urian Guadarrama
Can Trees Get Cancer?, Michael Kuhns
Controlling Piute Ground Squirrels in Southwest Utah, Mark Nelson and S. Nicole Frey
Corn, Ann Henderson
Forest Grouse in the Fall, Chuck Carpenter III, Skyler Farnsworth, and David K. Dahlgren
Long-Distance Cycling Routes: Economic Impacts, Best Practices, and Marketing Strategies, Elizabeth Depew and Jordan Smith
Shrub Management Handbook for Utah Rangelands, Rebecca Mann, Tom Monaco, Kari E. Veblen, Eric Thacker, and Elizabeth A. Burritt
Taking it to the Road: Utah Biochar Workshops Increase Knowledge and Lead to Behavior Change, Megan Dettenmaier, Lauren Dupey, and Darren McAvoy
The Influence of Weather on the Spatial Behavior of Visitors within Utah National Parks, Emily Wilkins and Jordan Smith
The State of Outdoor Recreation in Utah 2020, Jordan Smith and Anna B. Miller
Wireworms, Ryan Davis, Jay B. Karren, and Alan H. Roe
Aesthetic Characteristics of the Front Range: An Analysis of Viewsheds Provided by Boulder OSMP Lands, Monica A. Dorning, Derek van Berkel, Scott M. Beck, Emily J. Wilkins, Hongchao Zhang, and Jordan W. Smith
Beavers: it's about DAM time!, Eric Thacker and Jamilee Holmstead
Cattle grazing for invasive Phragmites australis (common reed) management in Northern Utah wetlands, Brittany L. Duncan, Rich Hansen, Chad Cranney, Jennifer Follstad Shaw, Kari Veblen, and Karin M. Kettenring
Close but No Cigar: How a Near-miss Wildfire Event Influences the Risk Perceptions and Mitigation Behaviors of Residents Who Experienced a Recent, Nearby Wildfire, Lauren Nicole Dupey and Jordan W. Smith
Detection and Relative Distribution of Ringtails (Bassaricus astutus) in Zion National Park, Utah, Adrian A. Roadman and S. Nicki Frey
Grazing and Harvest Efficiency of Forage by Cattle on Western Rangelands, Ruger Carter, Eric Thacker, Kevin Heaton, and Beth Burritt
Greater Sage-grouse Translocations: The Science Behind Utah's Conservation Policy, Michel Kohl, Melissa Chelak, and Terry Messmer
Hazardous Fuels Reduction Using Flame Cap Biochar Kilns, Darren McAvoy and Megan Dettenmaier
Identifying and Preventing Porcupine Damage to Trees, Michael R. Kuhns, Megan Dettenmaier, and Jessica Tegt
Livestock Grazing and Sage-grouse: Science, Policy, and the 7-inch Rule, David K. Dahlgren and Eric Thacker
Oystershell (Mussel) Scale (Lepidosaphes ulmi), Jay B. Karren, Alan H. Roe, and Ryan Davis
Utah's Sage-Grouse Habitat Mitigation Program, Lorien Belton and Tyler Thompson
Utah Water Watch Volunteer Monitoring Manual, Nancy Mesner, Brian Green, Eli Robinson, Ellen Bailey, Cade Andrus, and Jose Pacheco
A New Utah Forest Insect Pest: Balsam Woolly Adelgid, Darren McAvoy, Diane G. Alston, Ryan Davis, and Megan Dettenmaier
Aspen: How to Grow a Good Tree in a Bad Situation, Michael Caron, Taun Beddes, and Michael R. Kuhns
Elevating Outdoor Recreation Together, Brooke Sausser and Jordan W. Smith
Landscape Values and Aesthetic Preferences Across the Front Range, Emily J. Wilkins, Hongchao Zhang, Derek van Berkel, Monica A. Dorning, Scott M. Beck, and Jordan W. Smith
Managing Big Sagebrush in a Changing Climate, Peter B. Adler, Katie Renwick, Emily Kachergis, Mary Manning, Tom Remington, Eric Thacker, Cameron Aldridge, Bethany Bradley, Andrew Kleinhesselink, Caroline Curtis, Daniel Schlaepfer, and Benjamin Poulter
Pave It or Plant It, 7th - 12th Grade Curriculum, Nancy Mesner, John Sanders, Tim Beach, Summer Hansen, McKenna Drew, Gade Andrus, Ellen Bailey, Hannah Jacobson, and Cole Patton
Protect Your Home from Wildfire: Ember Awareness Checklist, Kent G. Apostol, Darren McAvoy, Aaron Sparks, Michael Kuhns, Chris Jones, and Diomy Zamora
Rangeland Weed Control and Pasture Rejuvenation, Linden Greenhalgh, Jerry Caldwell, and Burt Staples
Trichloroethylene Groundwater Contamination in Tooele Valley, Utah, Linden Greenhalgh and Jon Fenske
What Wildlife Managers Should Know When Using Radio Telemetry Data, David Dahlgren, Michel Kohl, and Terry Messmer
Wild Horses and Burros: An Overview, S. Nicole Frey and Eric Thacker
2017 Outlook Letter, A Report to the National Association of State Park Directors, Jordan Smith and Yu-Fai Leung
Biochar for Forest Restoration in Western States, Kent G. Apostol, Darren McAvoy, Patrick Rappold, and Michael R. Kuhns
Noxious Weed Field Guide for Utah, Brenda Jarvis Lowry, Corey Ransom, Ralph Whitesides, and Heather Olsen
Reducing the Risk of Birds Colliding into Windows: A Practical Guide for Homes and Businesses, Samuel Cowell, Cameron Dietrich, Kimberly Sullivan, and Terry Messmer
Soils of Great Salt Lake Wetlands: Hydric Indicators and Common Features, Christine Rohal, Karin Kettenring, Rebekah Downard, and Mark Larese-Casanova
The American Pika in Southern Utah, Ethan Hammer and S. Nicole Frey
The Economic Impact of Snowmobiling in Utah, Jordan W. Smith and Chase C. Lamborn
The Technical Efficiency of State Park Systems: Results from 31 Years of Data, Lael Gilbert, Jordan W. Smith, and Yu-Fai Leung
Trees and Climate Change, Megan Dettenmaier, Michael R. Kuhns, Bethany Unger, and Darren McAvoy
Utah Master Naturalist Desert Explorations Manual, Mark Larese-Casanova
Utah Master Naturalist, Mountain Adventures Manual, Mark Larese-Casanova
Utah Master Naturalist Watershed Investigations Manual, Mark Larese-Casanova
Wetland Plants of Great Salt Lake, A Guide to Identification, Communities, & Bird Habitat, Rebekah Downard, Maureen Frank, Jennifer Perkins, Karin Kettenring, and Mark Larese-Casanova
Which State Park Systems Are Most Cost Efficient at Providing Outdoor Recreation Opportunities?, Lael Gilbert, Jordan W. Smith, and Yu-Fai Leung
A Primer in Community-based Social Marketing, Ivy Thomson and Roslynn Brain
Comparison of Three Traps Used for Pocket Gopher Management (Thomomys Bottae) in Alfalfa Fields, S. Nicole Frey and Mark Nelson
Considerations for Sage-Grouse Management Objectives, David K. Dahlgren, Terry A. Messmer, and Eric T. Thacker
Cottontails and Jackrabbits, S. Nicole Frey
Exploring Utah's Water, Tim Beach, Nancy Mesner, and Sarah Null
How Will Climate Change Affect Freshwater Fishing?, Lael Gilbert and Jordan W. Smith
How Will Climate Change Affect Winter Recreation? Recent Research from Northern Minnesota, Lael Gilbert, Jordan W. Smith, and Mae Davenport
Management of Wild Turkeys in Utah, Nicki Frey and Mallory Ortego
Mapping Landscape Values Using Social Media, Lael Gilbert, Jordan W. Smith, Boris van Zanten, and Derek Van Berkel
Northern Flicker - Biology and Damage Management, Nicki Frey and Steve Zanoni
Strengthening Community Relationships: Key to Successful Festival and Special Events, Steven W. Burr
Tapping into Social Media Data to Identify the Public's Most Valued Landscapes, Lael Gilbert, Jordan W. Smith, Derek van Berkel, and Boris van Zanten
The Impact of Climate Change on Inland Recreational Fishing, Lael Gilbert and Jordan W. Smith
The Regeneration of Aspen Stands in Southern Utah, Justin Britton, Justin DeRose, Karen Mock, and Darren McAvoy
Tree/Sidewalk Conflicts: One Way to Save Trees, Megan Dettenmaier and Michael R. Kuhns
Water Rights for Wetlands in the Bear River Delta, Maureen Frank, Jimmy Marty, Christine Rohal, Rebekah Downard, Joanna Endter-Wada, Karin Kettenring, and Mark Larese-Casanova
Bats and Rabies in Utah, Nicki Frey
Defining Terms: Greywater, Blackwater and Clearwater, Roslynn Brain, Jeremy Lynch, and Kelly Kopp
Finding Bambi - What to Do with Mule Deer Fawns, Nicki Frey
Fortifying Farms and Ranches Against Weed Invasion, Utah State University
Gardening in Clay Soils, Katie Wagner, Michael R. Kuhns, and Grant Cardon
Gardening in Sandy Soils, Katie Wagner, Michael R. Kuhns, and Grant Cardon
How To Manage a Livestock Yard and Protect Your Water - Homeowner Fact Sheet, Nancy Mesner
Key to the Trees of Logan Canyon, Michael R. Kuhns
Managing Rock Squirrels in Utah, Nicki Frey
Rabies in North America, Nicki Frey
Rain Barrels in Utah, Brian Greene, Nancy Mesner, and Roslynn Brain
Selecting Trees for High Elevations, Michael R. Kuhns and Megan Dettenmaier
Translating the Endangered Species Act, Nicole Frey
Utah Farm-Chef-Fork: Building Sustainable Local Food Connections, Roslynn Brain, Kynda Curtis, and Kelsey Hall; Journal of Food Distribution Research
What Does a Sage-Grouse Eat?, David K. Dahlgren, Eric T. Thacker, and Terry A. Messer
Backyard Beekeeping, Rachelle Messner, James Strange, and Roslynn Brian
Key Resources of Ranch Management, Cody Butler and D. R. ZoBell
Practicing Environmental Etiquette in Utah's Deserts, Jordan Burningham
Practicing Environmental Etiquette in Utah’s Deserts, Jordan Burningham and Roslynn Brian
Stream Side Science Lesson Plan: Appendices, Nancy Mesner
Stream Side Science Lesson Plan: Aquatic Invasion!, Nancy Mesner
Stream Side Science Lesson Plan: Biodiversity Debate, Nancy Mesner
Stream Side Science Lesson Plan: Missing Macroinvertebrates, Nancy Mesner
Stream Side Science Lesson Plan: Nitrogen Cycle, Nancy Mesner
Stream Side Science Lesson Plan: Riparian Review, Nancy Mesner
Stream Side Science: Lesson Plans and Water Related Activities, Nancy Mesner
Stream Side Science Lesson Plan: That’s Predictable, Nancy Mesner
Stream Side Science Lesson Plan: Utah Core Curriculum Alignment, Nancy Mesner
Stream Side Science Lesson Plan: Water Management, Nancy Mesner
Stream Side Science Lesson Plan: Wetlands Versus Stream Macroinvertebrates, Nancy Mesner
Stream Side Science Lesson Plan: What’s in the Water?, Nancy Mesner
Stream Side Science Lesson Plan: When Things Heat Up, Nancy Mesner
Stream Side Science Lesson Plan: Where’s the Water?, Nancy Mesner
Stream Side Science Lesson Plan: Who Lives in the Water?, Nancy Mesner
The Economic Impact of Bear River Heritage Area Tourism, Steven W. Burr and Paul M. Jakus
Watershed Fact Sheet: Improving Utah's Water Quality, Little Bear River Watershed, USU Extension
Watershed Fact Sheet: Improving Utah's Water Quality, Lower Bear River Watershed, USU Extension
Watershed Fact Sheet: Improving Utah's Water Quality, Strawberry River Watershed, USU Extension
Watershed Fact Sheet: Improving Utah's Water Quality, Virgin/Santa Clara River Watershed, USU Extension
A Study of the Heritage Business Owners and Artisans of the Bear River Heritage Area, Kevin Bennett
Bear River Heritage Area Visitor Survey - General Results, Tyler Baird
Beaver County Crop Production Costs and Returns, 2012, Mark Nelson, Kynda Curtis, and Chris Lewis
Gardening for Native Bees in Utah and Beyond, James H. Cane and Linda Kervin
Home Range and Movements of Greater Sage-grouse in its Southern-most Distribution, S. Frey
How to Create a Wildlife-Friendly Yard, Michael R. Kuhns and Megan Dettenmaier
Ingestion of Toxic Plants by Livestock, Beth Burritt
Irrigated Birdsfoot Trefoil Variety Trial: Forage Nutritive Value, Jennifer W. MacAdam and Thomas C. Griggs
Irrigated Birdsfoot Trefoil Variety Trial: Forage Yield, Jennifer W. MacAdam and Thomas C. Griggs
Livestock Marketing and Risk Management, Dillon M. Feuz, Bridger Feuz, and Ryan Feuz
Northern Utah Small Cow-Calf Pasture Finished Beef Production Costs & Returns, 2012, Kynda Curtis, Trevor Knudsen, and Jennifer MacAdam
Population Dynamics and Movements of Translocated and Resident Greater Sage-grouse on Anthro Mountain, Utah, Terry Messmer
Prescribed Fire on Public Lands, Wesley G. Page and Michael R. Kuhns
Preventing Deer Damage to Your Trees and Shrubs, Megan Schwender and Michael R. Kuhns
Ringtails (Bassariscus astutus), S. Nicole Frey and Heather Godding
Strategies to Improve Recycling in Natural Areas: Examples from Zion National Park, Matthew Poirier, Roslynn Brain, and Emily Barajas
The Water Cycle: Activities, USU Extension
Training Livestock to Avoid Specific Forage, Beth Burritt, Morgan Doran, and Matt Stevenson
USU Campus Tree Identification Tour, Michael R. Kuhns and Rose Long
Water Cycle Relay Race, USU Extension
Wildflowers & Other Herbaceous Plants of Utah Rangelands, Mindy Pratt, Chad Reid, Roger Banner, and James Bowns
Wind Power in Utah, Whitney May, Roslynn Brain, and Edwin Stafford
An Examination of the Implementation of Environmentally Sustainable Practices In the Utah Ski Industry: A Qualitative Study, Steven Burr and Andrew Call
Anthro Mountain Greater Sage-grouse, Terry Messmer
Apple Production and Variety Recommendations for the Utah Home Garden, Taun Beddes, Mike Pace, Brent Black, and Mark Ashcroft
Attracting Wildlife for Pest Control on Farmland, Terry Messmer
Bermudsgrass in Utah Lawns, Jerry Goodspeed, Rick Heflebower, Taun Beddes, and Kelly Kopp
Box Elder County Crop Production Costs and Returns, 2011, Lyle Holmgren, Kynda Curtis, and Don Snyder
Cache County Crop Production Costs and Returns, 2011, Clark Israelsen, Rob Lee, and Don Snyder
Carbohydrate Reserve Theory: What You Learned Might Be Wrong, Chad Reid
Cleaning Up After a Fire Disaster, Carolyn Washburn and Christine Jensen
Collecting and Storing Seeds from Your Garden, Taun Beddes, Dan Drost, and Brian McClain
Common Weeds of the Yard and Garden, Brenda Jarvis Lowry, Ralph E. Whitesides, and Corey Ransom
Common Weeds of Utah Forests, Morgan Mendenhall
Conifers for Utah, Michael R. Kuhns
Conservation Programs for Private Lands. Programs and Resources Available in Utah for Implementation of Utah's Wildlife Action Plan, Lorien Belton
Constructing a Small Self-Venting Garden Tunnel, Britney Hunter
Controlling Townsend Ground Squirrels in Beaver County, Utah, Mark Nelson
Daggett County Crop Production Costs and Returns, 2011, Boyd Kitchen, Kynda Curtis, and Don Snyder
Davis County Crop Production Costs and Returns, 2012, Shawn Olsen and Kynda Curtis
Diet Mixing: Increasing Intake of Unpalatable Plants, Beth Burritt
Duchesne County Crop Production Costs and Returns, 2011, Troy Cooper and Kynda Curtis
Early Experience Can Change the Structure of the Body, Beth Burritt
Evaluating a Special Nature-Based Tourism Event, Mark Brunson
Exposing Animals to Grain with Mom Improves Intake of Grain at Weaning and Feedlot Performance, Beth Burritt
Firewise Landscaping for Utah, Michael R. Kuhns
Firewise Plants for Utah Landscapes, Michael R. Kuhns
Forest Grazing: Managing Your Land for Trees, Forage, and Livestock, Olivia Salmon, Chad Reid, and Darren McAvoy
Forest Management Planning, Michael R. Kuhns and Lisa Dennis-Perez
Forestry Terms, Lisa Dennis-Perez
Garfield County Crop Production Costs and Returns, 2011, Kevin Heaton and Kynda Curtis
Groundwater Flow Demonstration Model Activities Gr. 6-12, USU Extension
How Livestock Learn About Food and Locations, Beth Burritt
How to Manage Stored Manure and Protect Your Water - Homeowner Fact Sheet, Nancy Mesner
How to Manage Your Septic System and Protect Your Water - Homeowner Fact Sheet, Nancy Mesner
How to Protect Your Water From Fertilizer Contamination - Homeowner Fact Sheet, Nancy Mesner
How to Protect Your Water from Hazardous Waste - Homeowner Fact Sheet, Nancy Mesner
How to Protect Your Water From Pesticide Contamination - Homeowner Fact Sheet, Nancy Mesner
How to Protect Your Water from Spilled Fuel - Homeowner Fact Sheet, Nancy Mesner
How to Protect Your Well Water - Homeowner Fact Sheet, Nancy Mesner
Investing in Genetics, Bridger Feuz and Dillon M. Feuz
Juab County Crop Production Costs and Returns, 2011, Jeffrey Banks, Kynda Curtis, Rob Lee, and Don Snyder
Kane County Crop Production Costs and Returns, 2011, Kevin Heaton and Kynda Curtis
Managing Forests for Water Quality: Streamside Management Zones, Barbara Daniels, Darren McAvoy, Michael R. Kuhns, and Ron Gropp
Marketing Strategies for Organic and Natural Meat Producers, Kynda Curtis, Shane Feuz, and Nelissa Aybar
Millard County Crop Production Costs and Returns, 2012, Trenton Wilde, Kynda Curtis, and Chris Lewis
Mineral Nutrition: Are Animals Nutritionally Wise?, USU Extension
Morgan County Crop Production Costs and Returns, 2011, Kynda Curtis, James Barnhill, and Don Snyder
Native American Uses of Utah Forest Trees, Laurel Anderton, Darren McAvoy, and Michael R. Kuhns
Optimizing Land Use on a Beef Operation: A Utah Example, Nicole Nelson, Mark Nelson, and D. R. ZoBell
Organizing a Poultry Showmanship Contest, Troy D. Cooper and David D. Frame
Postmortem Examination of Turkeys, David D. Frame
Preparing Animals for Moving Day, Beth Burritt
Preparing a Timber Sale Contract, Barbara Daniels, Darren McAvoy, and Michael R. Kuhns
Preparing Your Bird for the Poultry Showmanship Contest, David D. Frame
Preserving Quality Silage at the Bunker, Clark Israelsen, Allen Young, Dillon Feuz, and Lyle Holmgren
Rancher Adoption Potential of the Birdsfoot Trefoil Pasture Beef Production System in the Intermountain West, Kynda Curtis, Zhao Ma, Jennifer MacAdam, and Voravee Chakreeyarat
Reuse: Creating a Next Life for Common Items, Roslynn Brian and Hayley Waldbillig
Stormwater Activity Book, Krista Kuester and Nancy Mesner
Strategies for Sustainability of Grant-funded Programs, Kathleen Riggs
Stream Trailer Demonstrations, USU Extension
Structure, Quality, and Skills Interact to Influence Forage Intake, Beth Burritt
Summit County Crop Production Costs and Returns, 2011, Sterling Banks, Kynda Curtis, and Don Snyder
Teff Hay Production Guidelines for Utah, Earl Creech, Mike Laca, James Barnhill, and Shawn Olsen
The Communicator, July 2012, Terry Messmer
The Communicator, October 2012, Terry Messmer
The Size and Scope of Agriculture in Box Elder County, Lyle Holmgren and Mike Pace
Training Livestock to Leave Streams and Use Uplands, Beth Burritt
Uintah County Crop Production Costs and Returns, 2011, Boyd Kitchen, Kynda Curtis, Rob Lee, and Don Snyder
UofU Tree Identification Tour, Michael R. Kuhns and Meridith Perkins
Using Low-Moisture Blocks to Impove Livestock Distribution and Reduce Winter Feed Costs, Beth Burritt and Derek Bailey
Utah Forest Types: An Introduction to Utah Forests, Darren McAvoy, Michael R. Kuhns, and Justin Black
Wasatch County Crop Production Costs and Returns, 2011, Allan Sulser, Kynda Curtis, and Don Snyder
Wasatch Front Mixed Vegetable Production Costs and Returns, 2012, Shawn Olsen and Kynda Curtis
Watershed Fact Sheet: Improving Utah's Water Quality, Beaver River Watershed, USU Extension
Watershed Fact Sheet: Improving Utah's Water Quality, Chalk Creek Watershed, USU Extension
Watershed Fact Sheet: Improving Utah's Water Quality, Cub River Watershed, USU Extension
Watershed Fact Sheet: Improving Utah's Water Quality, East Canyon Watershed, USU Extension
Watershed Fact Sheet: Improving Utah's Water Quality, Fremont River Watershed, USU Extension
Watershed Fact Sheet: Improving Utah's Water Quality, Middle and Lower Sevier Watershed, USU Extension
Watershed Fact Sheet: Improving Utah's Water Quality, Middle Bear River Watershed, USU Extension
Watershed Fact Sheet: Improving Utah's Water Quality, Mill Creek Watershed, USU Extension
Watershed Fact Sheet: Improving Utah's Water Quality, Otter Creek Watershed, USU Extension
Watershed Fact Sheet: Improving Utah's Water Quality, Price River Watershed, USU Extension
Watershed Fact Sheet: Improving Utah's Water Quality, Rees Creek Watershed, USU Extension
Watershed Fact Sheet: Improving Utah's Water Quality, San Pitch River Watershed, USU Extension
Watershed Fact Sheet: Improving Utah's Water Quality, San Rafael River Watershed, USU Extension
Watershed Fact Sheet: Improving Utah's Water Quality, Scofield Reservoir Watershed, USU Extension
Watershed Fact Sheet: Improving Utah's Water Quality, Spanish Fork River Watershed, USU Extension
Watershed Fact Sheet: Improving Utah's Water Quality, Upper Bear River Watershed, USU Extension
Watershed Fact Sheet: Improving Utah's Water Quality, Upper Sevier River Watershed, USU Extension
Weber County Crop Production Costs and Returns, 2011, James Barnhill, Don Snyder, and Kynda Curtis
What Is Expected of the Poultry Showman?, Troy D. Cooper and David D. Frame
What’s the Risk to Your Water from a Livestock Yard? - Homeowner Survey, USU Extension
What's the Risk to Your Water from Fertilizer Contamination? - Homeowner Survey, USU Extension
What’s the Risk to Your Water from Hazardous Waste? - Homeowner Survey, USU Extension
What’s the Risk to Your Water from Pesticides? - Homeowner Survey, USU Extension
What’s the Risk to Your Water from Petroleum Based Fuels? - Homeowner Survey, USU Extension
What’s the Risk to Your Water from Stored Manure? - Homeowner Survey, USU Extension
What’s the Risk to Your Water from Your Septic System? - Homeowner Survey, USU Extension
What's the Risk to Your Well Water? - Homeowner Survey, USU Extension
Avalanche Awareness, Mike Jenkins
Basic Turfgrass Care, Kelly Kopp and Paul Johnson
Best Management Practices Monitoring Guide for Stream Systems, Nancy Mesner
Black Bear Conflicts and Safety and Utah Campgrounds, Barrie Gilbert
Campylomma (Mullein Plant Bug), Diane G. Alston and Michael E. Redding
Community Nature-Based Tourism Development, Jascha Zeitlin
Factors Affecting Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) Survival and Movement in South-central Utah., Terry Messmer
Getting Chemicals into Trees without Spraying, Michael R. Kuhns
Grasses and Grasslike Plants of Utah, Mindy Pratt, Roger Banner, and James Bowns
Managing Your Septic System, USU Extension
Mechanisms for Protecting Open Space, Charles Fausold
Natural Resource-Based Occupations and Desire for Tourism Are the two necessarily inconsistent?, Stephanie Malin
Procedure and Checklist for Water Vaccination of Meat Turkey Flocks, David D. Frame
Slickrock Trail Mountain Bike Survey: Implications for Resource Managers and Area Communities, Douglas K. Reiter and Dale J. Blahna
Spruce Health in Utah Landscapes, Ryan S. Davis, Michael R. Kuhns, and Claudia Nischwitz
Sunscald Injury or Southwest Winter Injury on Deciduous Trees, Katie Wagner and Michael R. Kuhns
Terms and Tables for Water Measurement and Management, Kevin Heaton, Trent Wilde, Clark Israelsen, and Robert W. Hill
Testing Your Well Water, USU Extension
The Communicator, July 2011, Terry Messmer
Utahns and Recreational Trails, Steven W. Burr and Douglas K. Reiter
Walnuts in the Home Orchard, Taun Beddes, Marion Murray, Michael R. Kuhns, and Jerry Goodspeed
Watershed Detectives, USU Extension
Water-wise Landscaping: Practical Turfgrass Areas, Kelly Kopp and Paul Johnson
Writing Survey Questions for Local Program Evaluations, Mitch Vaterlaus and Brian Higginbotham
Bugs Don't Bug Me Coloring and Activity Book, USU Extension
Bugs Don't Bug Me Lesson Plan: Build-A-Bug, USU Extension
Bugs Don't Bug Me Lesson Plan: If Bugs Could Talk, USU Extension
Bugs Don't Bug Me Lesson Plan: Macroinvertebrate Graphing, USU Extension
Bugs Don't Bug Me Lesson Plan: Macroinvertebrate Investigation, USU Extension
Bugs Don't Bug Me Lesson Plan: Macroinvertebrate Mix and Match, USU Extension
Bugs Don't Bug Me Lesson Plan: Macroinvertebrate Simon Says, USU Extension
Bugs Don't Bug Me: Lesson Plans and Hands-on Activities About Aquatic Macroinvertebrates and Water Quality for K-6 Students, USU Extension
Bugs Don't Bug Me Lesson Plan: Water Pollution Graphing, USU Extension
Do You Know Where Your Water has Been Lately? - Homeowner Survey, USU Extension
Nutrient Content of Utah Turkey Litter, David D. Frame and Gary L. Anderson
Planting Landscape Trees, Michael R. Kuhns and Margaret Shao
Postmortem Examination of Game Birds, David D. Frame
Poultry and Game Bird Hatchery Sanitation and Biosecurity, David D. Frame
Selecting and Preparing Broilers for Show, David D. Frame
Solutions to Soil Problems: I. High Salinity (Soluble Salts), Vernon Parent and Rich Koenig
Solutions to Soil Problems: II. High pH (Alkaline Soil), Loralie Cox and Rich Koenig
Solutions to Soil Problems: III. Drainage, Michael Johnson and Rich Koenig
Solutions to Soil Problems: IV. Soil Structure, Rich Koenig and Teresa Cerny
Solutions to Soil Problems: V. Low Organic Matter, Kevin Heaton and Rich Koenig
Statewide Customer Service and Hospitality Training, Steven W. Burr, Jascha M. Zeiltin, and Keshab Parajuli
Training Livestock to Leave Streams and Use Uplands, USU Extension
Understanding Your Watershed Fact Sheet: Dissolved Oxygen, Nancy Mesner and John Geiger
Understanding Your Watershed Fact Sheet: Nitrogen, Nancy Mesner and John Geiger
Understanding Your Watershed Fact Sheet: pH, Nancy Mesner and John Geiger
Wildlife Damage Management Series - Voles, Ben C. West and Terry A. Messmer
Assessing the Needs of Sage-Grouse Local Working Groups. Final Technical Report, Terry Messmer
Bear River Oneida Narrows Recreation Use and Preference Study, Douglas Reiter
Molting and Determining Production of Laying Hens, David D. Frame
Outdoor Recreation Participation and Availability Across Utah’s Seven Planning Districts, Douglas Reiter and Steven Burr
Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Use on Public Lands within Utah, Jordan Smith and Steven Burr
Small Acreage Irrigation System Selection, James V. Barnhill, Robert W. Hill, and Ronald Patterson
Utah Boat Ownership and Boat Owner Management Preferences: Twelve Years of Data, William Spain, Douglas Reiter, and Steven W. Burr
2007 SGRP Report, Terry Messmer
Canning Salsa in a Boiling Water Canner, Generic Recipe, Brian Nummer
Equine Immunity, Vaccination Guidelines, and Recommendations, Kerry Rood and Patricia Evans
Foal Hoof Care Fact Sheet, Scott McKendrick, Kerry Rood, and Patricia Evans
Non-Irrigated Pasture Establishment and Maintenance, Howard Horton, Burke Davenport, and Linden Greenhalgh
Nutrient Content of Camelina Sativa and Feeding Trials in Turkeys, David Frame and Matt Palmer
Principles of Feeding Small Flocks of Chickens at Home, David D. Frame
Small Acreage Irrigation Management, Kevin M. Heaton
Small Acreage Irrigation System Operation and Maintenance, Robert W. Hill, Ronald Patterson, and James V. Barnhill
Small Acreage Low Flow (Micro or Drip) Irrigation System Design and Installation, Ronald Patterson
Surface Water Model, USU Extension
Water Rights in Utah, Chad R. Reid, Keith H. Christensen, and Robert W. Hill
Biting the Horse: Snaffles, Patricia A. Evans and Dale Barnett
Controlando el Estres en Familias Ensambladas, Linda Skogrand and Rachel Arrington
Creando Rituales en Familias Ensambladas, Scot Allgood and Rachel Crook
Creating Rituals in Stepfamilies, Scot Allgood and Rachel Crook
Desarrollando Fortalezas en la Familia Ensamblada, Linda Skogrand, Rachel Arrington, and Brian Higginbotham
Swine Artificial Insemination for Beginners: Heat Detection, Dennis Worwod
Swine Artificial Insemination for Beginners: Ordering and Caring for Semen, Dennis Worwod
Swine Artificial Insemination for Beginners: Selecting the Right Boar, Dennis Worwod
Swine Artificial Insemination for Beginners: The Insemination Process, Dennis Worwod
Canning Gauges - Important Announcement, Brian Nummer
Food Acidity and Safety, Brian Nummer
Livestock Grazing and the Utah Prairie Dog: Implications for Managing the AWAPA, Jack Berryman
Reducing Pesticide Poisoning of Bees, Howard Dear and Richard Beard
Supplementation of Energy and Protein for Beef Cattle, A Literature Review, D. ZoBell
Watch the Drinking Water Quality of Calves Reared in Individual Hutches, R. D. Wiedmeier
Wheat Middling Versus Alfalfa Hay Supplements for Lactating Beef Cows Wintered on Ammoniated Wheat Straw, R. D. Wiedmeier
Bermuda Grass, Rick Heflebower
Bermudagrass Control, USU
Canopy Cover, USU Extension
Cost of Convenience Food Booklet, Diana Sagers
Development of statewide 30 meter winter sage-grouse habitat models for Utah, Todd Black
Food Born Illness, USU
Food Preparation Manual Quick Breads, USU
Homemade Water Purifier, USU Extension
Key to Common Indoor Spiders Found in Utah, Alan H. Roe
Scoring Livestock Judging Classes, Lyle N. Holmgren
Tome Control De Su Dinero, Barbara Rowe
Yearly Forage Production of Irrigated Pastures Grazed by Cow-Calf Pairs as Affected by the Timing of Sprinkler Irrigation Application, R. D. Wiedmeier
16 Less Common Trees for Utah Landscapes: Diversifying Utah's Community Forests, Heidi Kratsch and Michael R. Kuhns
Greater Sage-grouse Reproductive Ecology and Tebuthiuron manipulation of Dense Big Sagebrush on Parker Mountain, Terry Messmer
Managing Forests for Water Quality: Forest Roads, Barbara Daniels, Darren McAvoy, Michael R. Kuhns, and Ron Gropp
Managing Forests for Water Quality: Stream Crossings, Barbara Daniels, Darren McAvoy, Michael R. Kuhns, and Ron Gropp
New European Wasp, Steven D. Cox
Linkages Between Agricultural and Conservation Policies, USU Extension
Using Plants to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Yard, S. Nicole Frey and Heather Heaton
Water Wise Plants for Utah Landscapes, Wade Bitner, Rick Heflebower, and Larry Sagers
Designing a Low Water Use Landscape, Teresa Cerny, Kelly L. Kopp, Maggie Wolf, and Debbie Amundsen
Designing a Low Water Use Landscape, Teresa Cerny, Kelly L. Kopp, Maggie Wolf, and Debbie Amundsen
Efficient Irrigation of Trees and Shrubs, Teresa A. Cerny, Michael R. Kuhns, Kelly L. Kopp, and Mike Johnson
Garden Water Use in Utah, Robert W. Hill
Land Use Problems and Conflicts in the U.S., USU Extension
The Tourism Connection: Contributing to Sustainable Tourism Development in the 21st Century, Steven Burr
Tourism Challenges for Utah in the 21st Century, Karen Sudmeir-Rieux and Caryl McConkie
Turfgrass Water Use in Utah, Robert W. Hill and Kelly L. Kopp
Utah's Great Outdoor Open Space Project, Steven W. Burr, Dale J. Blahna, Michael Butkus, and Judith Kurtzman
Utah's Rural Communities: Planning for the Future, Judith Kurtzman, Joanna Endter-Wada, and Dale J. Blahna
Water-Wise Landscaping, Kelly L. Kopp, Teresa Cerny, and Rick Heflebower
Water-Wise Landscaping: Monitoring Irrigation with Probes, Rich Koenig, Kelly Kopp, and Chad Reid
Learning What to Eat and What to Avoid, USU Extension
Leafhoppers in the Home Garden, Jay B. Karren
Livestock as a Tool For Biodiversity in the Sagebrush Steppe, USU Extension
Meat and Dairy Goats in Cache County, USU Extension
Millipedes, Jay B. Karren and Alan H. Roe
Nature Tourism and Nature-Based Festivals, USU Extension
Nutrients Influence Palatability, USU Extension
Preventing PRRS from Establishing in Utah Swine, Clell V. Bagley
Proper Use of Ammoniated Low-Quality Forages for the Wintering of Spring-Calving Beef Cow Herds in the Intermountain West, D. R. ZoBell
Reducing Losses Due to Tall Larkspur Poisoning, USU Extension
Reducing the Incidence of Dark Cutting Beef in Junior Livestock Shows, Lyle N. Holmgren and Dale R. ZoBell
Saltcedar, Tamarisk, Ruth Richards and Ralph Whitesides
Saving Utah's Landscape, Biocontrol of Tamarisk, USU Extension
Saving Utah's Landscape, Dinosaur National Monument, USU Extension
Saving Utah's Landscape, Early Detection & Rapid Response, USU Extension
Saving Utah's Landscape, Purge Your Spruge, USU Extension
Saving Utah's Landscape, Squarrose Knapweed, USU Extension
Selecting and Planting Landscape Trees, Michael R. Kuhns and Larry Rupp
Structure Determines Experience, Experience Determines Structure, USU Extension
Structure, Quality and Skills Interact to Influence Forage Intake, USU Extension
Sustainable Orchard Management System, Diane Alston
The role of composting and soil and manure testing in comprehensive nutrient management planning., Rich Koenig
Using Low Moisture Blocks to Improve Livestock Distribution and Forage Utilization, USU Extension
Why Animals Die From Eating Poisonous Plants, USU Extension
Public Support for Utah's State Parks, Janet Anderson
The Economic Benefits of Open Space in Utah, Robert J. Lilieholm and Charles J. Fausold
Interpreting Utah's Wetlands, Janet Anderson
Off-Highway Vehicle Four-Wheeler Survey: Synopsis of 1997 Moab Easter Jeep Safari Findings, Douglas Reiter and Dale Blahna
Pruning Landscape Trees: An Overview, Michael R. Kuhns
Species Ratings for Landscape Tree Appraisal in Utah, Michael R. Kuhns
Tips for Planning a Successful Timber Sale, Lisa Dennis-Perez
Windbreak Benefits and Design, Michael R. Kuhns
Noxious Weeds...A Biological Wildfire, Steven A. Dewey
Vertebrate Animal Pest Control, USU Extension
Water-wise Landscaping, Terry Keane
Water-Wise Landscaping, Terry Keane
Mormon Crickets: A Brighter Side, Charles MacVean