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On the Multi-Modal Psychological Experience of Competence in Youth Sport, Liam O'Neil
A Content Analysis on Emotions Presented in Preschool Children's Television, Sarah Austin
Adolescent Mental Health and Social Media: The Roles of Psychosocial Development and Online Interaction, Mark L. Ferguson
Online ACT for Caregivers: A Longitudinal Mixed Methods Study, Jacob D. Gossner
"Looking at it From Their Perspective": Understanding the Experiences of Black Adolescent Boys in Youth Sport, Amand L. Hardiman
Nonreligious Parents' Perceptions of the Role Religious Differences and Religious Disaffiliation Play in Family Relationships, Heather H. Kelley
Differences in Debt Holdings and Financial Satisfaction Across Age During COVID, Loryn Elaine Law
Identifying Sociodemographic Group Changes in a Blended Family Relationship Education Program, Takoma R. Lindsay
Online Multiplayer Video Game Play and College Adjustment, Salina M. Ochoa
The Relationship Between Blame, Maladaptive Guilt/ Shame, Couple Communication, and Relationship Satisfaction in Pornography Users, Joshua K. Otani
The Credit Card Behaviors and Financial Satisfaction Among Emerging Adults During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Jessica Ralphs
Exploring the Role of Whiteness in Sociopolitical Development: Predictive Contexts and Trajectories, Jesiah P. Salazar
Do Older Siblings Differentiate From Their Younger Siblings? Predictors and Longitudinal Correlates, Iliana Wilkinson
Peer Relationships, Social Identity, And Motivational Experiences in Youth Sport, Justin T. Worley
Exploring the Impact of Coaches’ Emotional Abuse on Intercollegiate Student-Athletes’ Experiences, Katherine N. Alexander, Kat V. Adams, and Travis E. Dorsch; Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma
Processes of Couple Co-Regulation in Bereavement: A Longitudinal Study, Jessica Barboza
Hidden Power of "Thank You": Exploring Aspects, Expressions, and the Influence of Gratitude in Religious Families, Joe M. Chelladurai, Loren D. Marks, David C. Dollahite, Heather H. Kelly, and David B. Allsop; Psych
"There's No Good, It's Just Satisfactory": Perfectionistic Reactivity in NCAA Student-Athletes, Daniel J. M. Fleming
Understanding Parent-Adolescent Transmission of Values, Jesse P. Higgins
Finding Their "Why": Examining the Development of Sense of Purpose During the University Years and Its Role in Student Well-Being, Michael Q. King
Young Children's Nutrition, Growth, and Cognitive Development in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Kristin N. Murphy
Using Head Start Children's Language Development to Predict Social Information Processing Ability, Kendra Newman
Family Communication Patterns, Emotion Regulation, and Coping Behaviors in Young Adults, Caleb J. Price
Gesture and Language in Children Enrolled in Early Intervention, Makenzy S. Turner
Mattering and Attachment: A Bilateral Association That Underlies Relationship Outcomes in Couples, Jacob Ybarra
The Caboose by a Longshot: Impact of Large Age Gaps on Youngest Siblings, Kelly Clark Young
Executive Functioning and Brain Activation in Young Monolingual and Bilingual Children: An fNIRS Study, Matthew L. Cook
Siblings Influence on Young Adults' Development: A Three-Study Dissertation, Jenna C. Dayley
Who Is More Likely to Be Delinquent in Their Mortgage Payments Among Homeowners? The Role of Financial Literacy, Ellie Donne Hansen
The Impact of COVID-19 and Telehealth Services on Attrition Rates in Psychotherapy, Rylan B. Hellstern
Toddler Internalizing and Externalizing Problem Behaviors and Child Care Provider Mental Health, Danielle M. Jensen Egan
Psychosocial Development in Adolescents With Disabilities: Modification and Evaluation of Measures, Myles Maxey
Maternal Education and Changes in Parenting Beliefs, Values, and Practices, Becca E. Richards
Parent Work-Family Balance and Adolescent Psychosocial Well-Being During the COVID-19 Shutdown, Shailey Woodward
The Effects of an Active Learning Intervention on Increasing Parental Efficacy Regarding Sexual Communication With Toddlers and Young Children, Melissa M. Ferguson
Determinants of the Student Loan Decision and Financial Well-Being: The Role of Financial Education, Financial Literacy, and Student Loan Characteristics, Emily Shaffer Hales
The Transition to Parenthood: Exploration of Systemic Changes and Implications for Future Treatment, David B. Jenks
Factors Associated With Financial Stressors, Financial Stress, and Financial Behaviors, Paula Andrea Lopez Alvarado
Preschool Children's Development in Number, Geometry, and Executive Function: A Cross-Lagged Examination, Brionne G. Neilson
Trends in Cooperative Extension Calls from 2010 - 2019, Emily Elizabeth Smith
It's About Time: Examining the Role of Time Together and Perceived Stress in Couple Relationships, Rachel J. H. Smith
Associations Between Adolescent and Parent Media Connection and Perceptions of Emotional Climate in the Home, Laura A. Woodland
Are Effort and Helpfulness Ratings of Session Activities Associated with Improved Outcomes in Web-Based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Caregivers?, Hannah R. Cragun
Family Development and the Marital Relationship as a Developmental Process, J. Scott Crapo
Social Change Engagement and Leadership Development Among College Students, Andrew Harris
Evaluation of Topics in Utah's ONE‐HOUR Divorce Education Program, Olena Kopystynska, Joshua Turner, David G. Schramm, and Brian Higginbotham; Family Court Review
“What Makes ‘em Tick?” The Impact of Parenting Style and Parent-Initiated Motivational Climate on Student Athletes’ Motivation Orientation in the Context of Intercollegiate Athletics, Logan Kateryna Lyons
Applying Sexual Script Theory to Hooking Up: A Latent Profile Analysis of Predictors and Outcomes of Class Membership, Mitchell R. Rhodes
#ThisIsWhatAnxietyFeelsLike: Twitter Users’ Narratives About the Interpersonal Effects of Anxiety, Raechel B. Russo
Relationship Quality Before, During, and After Stepfamily Education: A Latent Trajectory Analysis, Bryan K. Spuhler
Mental Health Awareness and Advocacy: Assessment Tool Development and an Evaluation of a College-Based Curriculum, Ty B. Aller
Preschool Science: An Examination of Classroom and Teacher Predictors, Donna S. Blaylock
Associations Between Perceptions About Siblings' Development and Emerging Adults' Adulthood Attainment, Jenna R. Cassinat, Shawn D. Whiteman, and Alexander C. Jensen; Personal Relationships
The Role of Social Support in Dementia Care Facilities: Staff Member Perspectives, Malinda K. Dokos
Latino Stepcouples’ Experiences Two Years After Stepfamily Education and a Narrative Study Regarding Changes in a Latino Stepfamily Two Years After Stepfamily Education, Sheryl Ann Goodey
The Impact of Collaborative Behavioral Health on Treatment Outcomes of Diabetes, Adam M. Johnson
Examining Different Patterns of Children’s Early Dual Language Development and Nonverbal Executive Functioning, Audrey C. Juhasz
Coaching Parents to Use Positive Behavior Support: Function-Based Interventions for Preschool Children with Challenging Behavior, Lauren E. Pace
Rural Aging: The Geographic Reach of Service Access in Utah, Identifying Barriers and Solutions, Alexandra T. Schiwal
Staff Perceptions of Quality Interactions in Dementia Care, Rebecka A. Schultz
Couple Recovery from Problematic Pornography Use: A Phenomenological Study of Change Moments and Common Factors, Travis J. Spencer
Do Booster Emails Improve Learning Transfer Among Parenting Professionals?, Benjamin C. Stout
Comparing the Predictive Power of Executive Function Assessment Strategies on Preschool Mathematics Performance, Jacob A. Esplin
Exploring the Moderating Effect of Cognitive Autonomy on the Relationship Between Cognitive Distortions and Youth’s Externalizing Behaviors, Liam J. Fischback
Socioeconomic Status Influence on Mothers’ Interactions with Infants: Contributions to Early Infant Development, Krista L. Gurko
Chronic Migraines and Couples: A Grounded Theory of Adaptation to Chronic Migraines for Patients and Their Partners, Douglas P. McPhee
To Be, or Not to Be (Like My Sibling), That Is the Question: Examining Modeling and Differentiation Behaviors Among Siblings in Organized Youth Sport, Keith Vakafutu Osai
Understanding a Therapist's Way of Being: A Modified Delphi Study, Kaity Pearl Young
Assessment of the Impact of the Premarital Interpersonal Choices and Knowledge (PICK) Program on Adolescents, Raquel R. Boehme
Relative Effects of Sleep Hygiene Behavior and Physical Exercise on Sleep Quality, Austin Dopp
Adolescent Relationship Concerns and Perceived Gains from a Relationship Education Course, Jenny Harris
Stillbirth: A Phenomenological Exploration of the Clinical Encounter for Couples, Michael Q. King
Emotional Experience During Couple Support Interactions: The Role of Attachment Anxiety and Avoidance, E. Megan Lachmar
Activities and Quality of Life for Persons with Dementia, Cassidy Rose
Perceived Alzheimer's Disease Threat as a Predictor of Behavior Change to Lower Disease Risk: The Gray Matters Study, Christine Clark
Family and Center Childcare Providers: Correlates Among Mathematics Anxiety/Attitudes toward Mathematics, Teacher Self-Efficacy, and Other Factors, Shawnee M. Hendershot
The Role of Sexual Communication in Committed Relationships, Adam C. Jones
Lived Experience of Young Widowed Individuals, Eunicia Jones
Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher Needs Assessment of a STEM-Enhanced Food and Nutrition Sciences Curriculum, Cathy A. Merrill
Staff Interactions and Affect in Persons with Dementia: An Observational Study of a Memory Care Unit, Keirstin V. Meyer
The Association Between Shared Values and Well-Being Among Married Couples, Travis G. Parry
Couple Leisure Time: Building Bonds Early in Marriage Through Leisure, Joy Lynne Chavez
Young Widows' Grief: A Descriptive Study of Personal and Contextual Factors Associated with Conjugal Loss, C. Ryan Dunn
Ego-Identity and Long-Term Moratoria: Associations with College Attendance and Religious Volunteerism, Mark A. Jackson
Beginning Teachers' Perceptions of Their Novice Year of Teaching, Rebecca Bingham Rees
Linking Marital and Parenting Quality in Parents of Early Adolescents, Megan L. Sheldon
Effectiveness, Facilitator Characteristics, and Predictors of the Premarital Interpersonal Choices and Knowledge (PICK) Program, J. Wade Stewart
Exploring Extension Faculty Members' First-Time Experiences With Funded Couple Relationship Education, Jacquelyn M. Alderete
Doctoral Dissertation Research in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT): A Content Analysis, Clinton L. Broadbent
An Adolescent Journey: Expressive Letter Writing Through a Wilderness Adventure Therapy Program, Ava M. Crump
Kigali Charity School Analyzed Through an Implementation Science Framework, Alexander T. Fronk
Father-Child Play Behaviors and Child Emotion Regulation, Amanda Hagman
Global Quality Change Through the Baby Steps Project for Infant and Toddler Child Care Programs in Rural and Urban Utah, Maegan Lokteff