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The Relationship of Family Religious Ritual in the Home and the Marital Adjustment of Young Couples, Adlin Lamar Huish II
Comparisons of Body Activity in Depressed, Manic, and Normal Persons, Bron B. Ingoldsby
Attitudes Toward Love: A Developmental Investigation, Brenda Elizabeth Munro
Ego-Identity Formation and Value Orientations in College Students and Working Youth, Gordon Bruce Munro
The Preschool Child's Knowledge of Musical Pitch, Farol Ann Nelson
Age and Sex as Influences on the Food Preferences of Preschool Children, Tish Wilson
Leave-Taking Behavior Between Preschool Children and Their Parents, Elizabeth Y. Aoki
Comparisons of Draw-A-Child Test Among Preschool Children, Margaret Prather Ezell
Transition into Parenthood and the Effects of Childbirth Education, Margaret B. Haycock
Maternal Attitudes and Perceptions Concerning the Curriculum and Instructional Procedures in a University Preschool Program, Adelle Taggart Karren
A Comparative Study of Mother's Education and Early Child Rearing Practices in A Southwestern Indian Pueblo, Sherry D. Remund
Reading Abilities of Third Grade Children as Influenced by Kindergarten Instruction, Diane Thomas
Children's Perceptions of the Nurse, Nancy Adams Coulter
Attitudes of High School and College Females Toward Family Life and Children, Pauline Nelson
Marriage Role Expectations and Religiosity, Gilbert Craig Orme
Effects of an Instructional Program on Concept Attainment of Middle-Class Pre-Kindergarten Children, Joan Spencer Ross
Head Start and School Readiness, Robert Bruce Turner
Concept Development Among Kindergarten Children, Craig Boswell
The Use of a Musical Tutoring Experience in a Compensatory Education Program, Margaret Burdge
Number Concept Development in Young Children, Karen Lee Clark
The Unwed Father as Perceived by Himself, Daryl E. Ellis
Factors Associated with Marital Adjustment of Young Mormon Married College Students, Ronald Shill Jones
Mothers' Attitudes Toward the Behavior of the Young Child, Rosemary Maughan Lundquist
The Influence of Social Class on Children's Perceptions of Parents, Ronald L. Mullis
The Effects of Degree of Sexual Homogeneity in Groups of Preschool Children on Task Performance, Ann K. Reardon
The Child's Perceptual Awareness of His Own Segmented Facial Parts, Gregory Carl Trevers
Role Adaptation of Foster Mothers to Indian Placement Students, John Emmett Valberg
Gains in Reading Performances by Urban Job Corpsmen, Jess F. Veasey
Visual Perception in Pre-School Children, Howard Mark Bardwell
The Young Child's Concept of Human Conception and Birth, Julie Ann Broberg Puzey
The Role of Verbal Incentives and Researcher Attitude in the Motivation of Preschool Children from Different Socioeconomic Levels, Carol Hunter Byrnes
Children's Awareness of Environmental Pollution, Carol A. Darling
Influence of Social Class on Children's Perception of Teachers, Kathleen Thomas McDonald
Family Planning of Mormon Women in Three-Generation Families, Brent C. Miller
Parent-Child Affinity as Perceived by Children, Earlene E. Miller
Attitudes Toward and the Consequences of Infant Oral Pacification, Faye M. Preece
The Use of Story Reading as a Method of Improving Verbal Expression of Head Start Children, Romayne Norris Sternad
The Influence of the Home and Hospital Program on Pregnant School-Age Girls, Alice Randall Thorsted
Effect of Sex Orientation of Stimulus Objects on Sex Differences in Language Development, Cathy Walters
The Ability of Young Children to Recognize Words, Katherine K. Armstrong
Hour Concept Learning in Pre-School Children, Faye Daines Campbell
The Development of a Value Scale to Assess Familial and Social Values, Donna Marie Cole
Comparative Study of Four-Year-Old Preschool Children in the Area of Conservation, Joleen Mae Harwood
The Use of a Phonetic Approach to Reading With Three and Four-Year-Old Children, F. Walda Hopkins
The Influence of Social Environment on Children's Perception of Policemen, Sarah C. Klingel
Difficulty of Decision-Making by Widows, Marilyn Bjorkman Noyes
The Pill-Correlates of Attitudes Toward Oral Contraception, Carmen Knudson Ptacek
Visual Perception in Pre-School Children, Candace Savage
A History of the Future Homemakers of America in Utah From 1945 to 1970, Ruth Atkinson
Survey of Interests of the Aged as Related to Leisure Time with Special Emphasis on Educational TV, Jessie M. Eller
Self Concepts of Mexican-American and Anglo-American Head Start Children, Sue Ann Erickson
The Influence of Age, Sex, and Colors on the Number Recognition and Counting Abilities of Preschool Children, Connie L. Jackson
Maternal Attitudes Toward Daylight-Saving Time, Jean C. Johnson
Serial Learning in Young Children, Charlene A. Keller
Levels of Art Development Among Preschool Children, Sally Lynn Miner
The Attitudes of Blue Collar Adolescents Towards Employment of Women and Child Rearing Practices, Blain Richard Morgan
Effects of Sensori-Motor Reinforcement on Alphabet Letter Discrimination Tasks, Leona Magnus Peters
Male Roles as Perceived by Children of Employed and Non-Employed Mothers, Mary Jane Williams Swapp
Effects of a Systematic-Motor Reinforcement Experience on Alphabet Letter Discrimination Tasks by Preschool Children, Jean Wilson
Racial Awareness of Children in a Predominately White Area Compared to an Interracial Area, Janis S. Withrich
Influence of Social Class on Children's Perception of Their Social Environment, Brenda Maw Zehnpfenning
The Preschool Child's Awareness of Body Structure in Sexual Differences, Genan Taylor Anderson
Marriage Role Perceptions of Husbands and Wives Separated by the Vietnam War, Ella Arlene Bentson
Attitudes Toward Creativity of Day Care Teachers and College Nursery School Teachers, Bonnie Kay Magleby Bishop
The Effect of Nursery School Experience Upon Readiness of Children in Kindergarten, Glenna C. Boyce
Language Development in Preschool Children, Claudia Jean Fuhriman
Social Class Differences in Cognitive Development of Children, Jalaine P. Jensen
Consumer Credit Knowledge of a Selected Group of Personal Bankruptcy Petitioners in the State of Utah, Bernice Nelson
Preschool Children's Perceptions of Dogs and Cats as Pets, Roberto F. Reyes
Contact Comfort Initiated by the Nursery School Child, Lana Kay Spencer
Domestic Marital Role Expectations: A Comparison of Single American and Chinese College Students, I-fan Tso
The Effects of Maternal Employment on the Scholastic Performance of Children, Sandra Jean Zins
A Comparative Study of Certain Typical Foods Baked in the Electronic Oven, the Conventional Oven, and the Combination (Electronic and Conventional) Oven, LaRae Bartholomew Chatelain
Family Life Education in the High Schools of Utah, Chad B. Howells
The Father Role as Seen by a Group of College Student Fathers, DeVona Alice Dean Luke
Comparison of Attitudes of Mothers and Fathers Toward Nursery School Education, Pamela Meals
The Effect of an Extended Music Curriculum on the Behavior of Nursery School Children, Dorothy Ann Miller
The Adolescents Preference for Counselors in Relation to Their Degree of Religious Conviction, James W. Fitch
Teenage Marriage in Relation to Continuance in School, Marguerite Fryer
Developmental Learning of Concepts of the Pre-School Child, Gordon Geddes
Comparison of Mosaic Responses of Disadvantaged and Advantaged Preschool Children, Renée Ostler
Adolescent Attitudes Toward the Employment of Women, Ann Leigh Adams
A Program for Hospitalized Children, Leslie Joan Bishop
A Study of Adolescents' Reactions to Temporary Absences From Home in a Crisis Situation, Imogene Ward Christensen
Navajo Student Food Preferences, Kathlyn L. Coffman
The Content of Preschool Children's Original Stories, Danae Elaine Dana
Implications of Absentee Courtships, William Rolfe Kerr
Use, Payment, and Knowledge of Retail Credit Transactions by a Selected Group of Single High School Senior Girls, Shirley Ann Lindsay
Influence of a Male or Female Teacher on Sex-Role Preferences of the Pre-School Child, Mary Jane Mecham
The Preschool Child's Concept of God, Linda Thompson Saxton
Reactions to Parenthood, Geraldine Rosine Brinley
The Use of "Fashion Therapy" as Adjunctive Therapy in the Rehabilitation of Psychiatric Patients, Virginia Geddes Eyestone
Children's Relationships with Peers, Carla Nelson
Sex Preferences and Identifications of Young Children, Loa Thomson
Parent Education in a Cooperative Nursery School, Owen William Cahoon
A Definition of the Role of Homemaker by Two Generations of Women, Genevieve Wise
Comparisons of Marital Role Conceptions of Men and Women, Sandra Jorgensen Christensen
Early Female Maturation as a Factor Related to Early Marriage, Arnold Gene Taylor
Differences in Frustration Reactions of Nursery School Children, Sharon Marshall