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Children's Awareness, Knowledge, and Understanding of Aids in Bahrain, Anne Thomas
Children's Experience of Parental Divorce Disclosure: A Look at Intrafamiliar Differences, Heather Westberg
Parent and Teacher Expectations for Early Childhood Education in Oman, Fatma Anwar Khamis Al-Lawati
Interactions and Play Behavior of Mothers of Typically Developing Infants and Infants with Disabilities: A Vygotskian Approach, Lisa K. Boyce
Promoting Life Management Skills to Enhance Employment among Women Receiving Services from the Division of Workforce Services, Cheryl Cheek
Forced Sexual Intercourse in Relation to Female Adolescents' Risky Sexual Behavior, Psychopathology, and Behavior Problems, Mathew Christensen
Temperament, Attachment, and Parenting Stress in Infancy: Relations to Social Competence of Second Graders, Gina A. Cook
Congruency of Identity Style in Married Couples, Jerry L. Cook
The Relationship Between Mandatory Divorce Education in Utah and the Level of Postdivorce Parental Conflict, Monte N. Criddle
Factors Predictive of Commitment to Invest in Marriage, Randy A. Gilchrist
Preparation for Caregiving by Parents of Children with Disabilities: An Exploratory Study, McArthur Hafen Jr.
Relating Children's Social Competence to Maternal Beliefs and Management Strategies of Peer Relationships, Eryn D. Hamel
The Influence of Video and Peer Tutoring on Attitudes of High School Students Towards Peers with Disabilities, Marilyn Hammond
Adolescent Protective Factor Attainment: An Exploratory Study of Two Select Populations, Victor W. Harris
4-H Contest Winners in Utah: Risk and Protective Factors, Ann E. Henderson
Student Stress: An Analysis of Stress Levels Associated with Higher Education in the Social Sciences, Darcy A. Keady
The Emergence and Function of Family Rituals in the American Family, John M. Kirkman
Parenting Stress and Social Support Among Married and Divorced At-Risk Mothers, Sondra Moe
Four Levels of Sexual Involvement, and Their Association with Dating Patterns, Family Relationships, and Other Related Factors, Bruce H. Monson
Marital Quality in Deaf-Deaf and Deaf-Hearing Marriages, Anthony G. Mosier
Fathers and Sons: An Examination of Distancing Patterns During Adolescence, Mark Ogletree
Using Maslow's Needs Model to Assess Individuals' Attitudes Toward Money, Mark D. Oleson
Theory of Change Projects Used in Marriage and Family Therapy Programs, David J. Prior
The Identification and Measurement of Conditional and Unconditional Self-Liking, Alan Splendlove
Dimensions of Parent-Child Affinity in the Nation of Thailand, Kristine R. Thorson
Recidivism Rates of Level Six Residential Programs for Youthful Male Sexual Offenders: 1995-1996, Kevin N. Barlow
The Relationship Between Collateral Therapy and the Adult Pedophile's Ability to Advance Through Levels of Treatment, Julie G. Bennion
An Exploratory Study of the Termination Process in Marriage and Family Therapy, Jennifer H. Childers
Risk Factors in Adolescent Problem Behaviors Among Native and Nonnative Americans, Roger B. Christensen
Predicting Family Strength in Families Caring for Children with Disabilities, Katrina J. F. Ericson
Familial and Extrafamilial Correlates of Children's Child-Care Perceptions, Michael K. Godfrey
Preschool Children's Expectations for Parental Discipline, Angie Geertsen Graham
Effects of Infant Massage on Aspects of the Parent-Child Relationship: An Experimental Manipulation, Vonda K. Jump
Solution-Focused Couples' Group Therapy, LaFray Kelley
Financial Management and Financial Problems as They Relate to Marital Satisfaction in Early Marriage, Barbara C. Kerkmann
The Association Between Marital Therapy Enactments and Couple Communication, Paul Floyd Kindall
Parental and Teacher Priorities for Children's Requisite Kindergarten Entry Skills, Kelly J. O'Claire-Esparza
A Profile of Professional Activities and Practice Patterns for Marriage and Family Therapists in Utah, Thane R. Palmer
An Assessment of the Concurrent Validity of the Family Profile II, Denim L. Slade
Relationship of Therapist Age and Gender to Couples' Communication in Marriage and Family Therapy, Norman E. Thibault
Clinician Perceptions of Media Use by Male Sex-Offending, Conduct-Disordered, and Normal Youth, Melissa A. Vogel
The Global Assessment of Relationship Functioning as a Global Assessment of Individual, Couple, and Family Functioning, Ben Lowell Ashcraft
Attachment, Identity Development, and Sexual Behavior Among College Students, Diana D. Coyl
The Relationship Between Weather and Children's Behavior: A Study of Teacher Perceptions, Carrie Dabb
Demographic Influences on Attitudes Toward Adolescent Sexuality in a Rural Wyoming County, Michael J. Dalton
Frequency and Perception of Mathematics Activities in Family Child Care and Parent-Child Routines, Annette Kari Eddy
Cooperative Games: Promoting Prosocial Behaviors in Children, Abbie R. Finlinson
Predictors of Employment for Women in a Life Transition, Kathryn Higley
An Implementation Study of Nonsecure Residential Juvenile Sex Offender Programs in Utah, Katrina Holgate Miller
Language, Play, and Toy Sharing in Infancy, Lisa A. Newland
Mean Length of Utterance in Relation to Gender and Preschool Activity Area, Angela Sisson Thompson
Trainee Perspectives of Basic Family Therapy Skills, Nancy Webb
Parenting Styles and Family Communication as Correlates of Juvenile Delinquency, Montone White
Adolescent Friendship Pairs: Similarities in Identity Status Development, Behaviors, Attitudes, and Intentions, James F. Akers
The Effect of Rituals on Newlywed Marital Adjustment, Bryan D. Bingham
The Relations Between Parenting Stress, Father Involvement, and Leisure, Among Fathers of Preschool-Age Children, Patricia Mehl Brown
Fulfillment of Marital Expectations in Relation to Communication Style and Parents' Marital Interactions, Shawn Corey Edgington
Infant Physical Attractiveness, Affect, Temperament, and Gender in Relation to Tester Behavior, Andrea D. Hart
The Relationships of Parental Marital Status, Quality of Family Interaction and Gender to Adolescent Tobacco, Alcohol, and Marijuana Use, Stephen K. Hunsaker
The Effect of Housing and Food Expenditures on Diet Quality of Low-Income Households in Salt Lake County, Rebecca Low
Risk Factors Associated with Early Adolescent Sexual Values and Behaviors, David Macbeth
Developmental Stages of Preschool Teachers in Selected Arab Gulf Countries, Najwa Mounla
Adolescents' Recollection of Early Physical Contact: Implications for Attachment and Intimacy, Mark D. Oleson
Perceived Children's Characteristics and Other Factors Relating to Parents' Psychological Well-Being in Midlife, Catherine D. Stogner
Effects of Therapist Gender on Client Communications in Marital Therapy, Laurel C. Agee
Maternal Responsivity to a Child with a Disability: A Comparison in Single- and Two-Parent Families, Kristin Bollwinkel
Child Abuse in the Wake of Natural Disasters, Thom Curtis
The Influence of Workplace Stressors, Resources and Perceptions on Work-to-Family Spillover: An Application of the Double ABCX Model, Steven A. Dennis
Clinical Typologies of Youthful Male Sex Offenders Derived from the Sex-Offender Characteristic Inventory-Male Version (SOCI-M), Susan L. Ericksen
Identity Style, Substance Use, and Perceived Family Functioning Among Young Adults: An Exploratory Study, Larry F. Forthun
The Perceived Influence of Mobile Telework on Aspects of Work Life and Family Life: An Exploratory Study, E. Jeffrey Hill
Noticing Pretreatment Change: Effects on Therapeutic Outcome in Family Therapy, Lee N. Johnson
Child Care and Parental Beliefs in Korean-American Families, Wanjeong Lee
Relatedness and Autonomy Aspects of Self-Concept in 8- to 12-Year-Old Children, Cherie Martin
The Relationship Between Postretirement Activity and Life Satisfaction, Dorothy Jane Gould Nelson
Assessing Family Strengths Using the Family Profile: Study to Validate and Evaluate Constructs Across Four Models of Family Functioning, Troy D. Randall
Academic Goals, Achievement, and Age at First Sexual Intercourse: Reciprocal Influences, Paul L. Schvaneveldt
Issues of Consensus and Concern: Family Relationships of the Elderly in the United States and Japan, Takashi Yamamoto
Adolescent Leisure-Time Activity and Problem Behavior: The Integration of Three Major Explanatory Theories as a New, Gail B. Yost
Cognitive Style as a Mediator of Premarital Sexual Attitudes, Motivations, and Behavior, Susan Campbell Bowman
Relation Between Child Abuse Risk and Security of Mother-Infant Attachment at One Year, Miriam Egan
High School and University Student Test Performance in the Study of Human Growth and Development: A Concurrent Enrollment Study, Harold O. Monson
Women in Transition at Midlife, Kay T. Rawson
Competence and Acceptance of Children with Developmental Disabilities: An Examination of Self-Concept, Cindy S. Smith
The Effects of a CD-ROM Computer Storybook Program on Head Start Children's Emergent Literacy, Susan Talley
Officially Reported Characteristics of Spouse Abuse Victims Seeking Assistance in Utah, 1992, Kevin D. Thompson
Psychosocial Correlates of Criminal Behavior: Identity Styles of Male Inmates in The Utah State Prison, Joseph M. White
The Relationship Between Marcia's Ego Identity Status Paradigm and Erikson's Psychosocial Theory, Lawrence Anderson
Adolescents' Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Their Grandparents, Dennis P. Barrett
Marital Satisfaction Over the Family Life Cycle Among Taiwanese Couples, Sheng-Te Chang
Pubertal Development, Parent-Teen Communication, and Sexual Values as Predictors of Adolescent Sexual Intentions and Sexually Related Behaviors, Cynthia R. Christopherson
Adolescent Sexual Behavior and Identity Development, Pamela Kay King
Developmental Stages of Preschool Educators: A Study of Junior College Students in Taiwan, Hsin-Hui Lin
A Replication and Validation Study of Methods for Calculating Self-Conception Disparity, George F. Loesch III
Preschool Children's Perceptions of Their Parents: A Comparison of Children From Married and Divorced Homes, Sondra Moe
Credit Card Usage and Knowledge in Thailand, Wanna Sangsutisearee
Perceived Parental Acceptance Related to Self-Esteem, GPA, Sex-Role Identity, and Substance Use of Adolescents from Intact and Reconstituted Families, Stephen B. Sniteman
The Relationship Between Grandparent Involvement and Identity Level in Late Adolescent Females, Catherine DiNicolangelo Stogner
Parenting Style and Child Behavior Problems: A Longitudinal Analysis, Margaret H. Young