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Dual Mechanisms of Salinity Tolerance in Wheat Germplasm Lines W4909 and W4910, Richard R.-C. Wang, Steven S. Xu, Thomas A. Monaco, and Matthew D. Robbins; International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Sequenced-Based Paternity Analysis to Improve Breeding and Identify Self-Incompatibility Loci in Intermediate Wheatgrass (Thinopyrum Intermedium), Jared Crain, Steve Larson, Kevin Dorn, Traci Hagedorn, Lee DeHaan, and Jesse Poland; Theoretical and Applied Genetics
Salinity Reduces the Forage Quality of Forage Kochia: A Halophytic Chenopodiaceae Shrub, Blair L. Waldron, Joseph K. Sagers, Michael D. Peel, Craig W. Rigby, Bruce G. Bugbee, and Joseph E. Creech; Rangeland Ecology & Management
Chromosomal Distribution of Genes Conferring Tolerance to Abiotic Stresses Versus That of Genes Controlling Resistance to Biotic Stresses in Plants, Richard R.-C. Wang; International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Seedling Emergence Patterns of Six Restoration Species in Soils From Two Big Sagebrush Plant Communities, Lacey E. Wilder, Kari E. Veblen, Eugene W. Schupp, and Thomas A. Monaco; Western North American Naturalist
Influence of Harvest Date on Seed Yield and Quality in Forage Kochia, Cody F. Creech, Blair L. Waldron, Corey V. Ransom, Dale R. ZoBell, and Joseph Earl Creech; Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering
Functional Trait Differences between Native Bunchgrasses and the Invasive Grass Bromus Tectorum, Huiqin H.E., Thomas A. Monaco, and Thomas A. Jones; Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering
Comparison of Space-Plant Versus Sward Plot Selection in Thickspike Wheatgrass (Elymus lanceolatus), Joseph G. Robins and Kevin B. Jensen; Plant Breeding
Identification and Characterization of an Efficient acyl-CoA:Diacylglycerol Acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1) Gene from the Microalga Chlorella ellipsoidea, Xuejie Guo, Chengming Fan, Yuhong Chen, Jingqiao Wang, Weibo Yin, Richard R. C. Wang, and Zanmin Hu; BCM Plant Biology
Litter Accumulation and Nutrient Content of Roadside Plant Communities in Sichuan Basin, China, Huiqin He and Thomas A. Monaco
Uncovering the Genetic Architecture of Seed Weight and Size in Intermediate Wheatgrass through Linkage and Association Mapping, Xiaofei Zhang, Steven R. Larson, Liangliang Gao, Soon Li Teh, Lee R. DeHaan, Max Fraser, Ahmad Sallam, Traci Kantarski, Katherine Frels, Jesse Poland, Donald Wyse, and James A. Anderson; The Plant Genome