"Floodplain Habitat Restoration at Thunder Ranch, Utah" by U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation

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The Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (Recovery Program) is proposing to restore endangered fish habitat at 330 acres of Green River bottomlands located on the Thunder Ranch near Jensen, Utah. The Recovery Program acquired a total of 455 acres of easement from Thunder Ranch to protect and improve floodplain habitat for the benefit of endangered Colorado River fishes. The project area is located adjacent to the Green River within an old meander river channel. Several ponds and wetlands exist in the project area, but are isolated from the Green River by an earth-filled levee. By notching the existing levee that separates the ponds from the Green River, the proposed action would allow endangered fish larvae to drift from the river into the ponds and use the ponds as a nursery habitat. An active razorback sucker spawning site is located several river miles upstream of the project area. Sub-adult and adult razorback sucker and Colorado pikeminnow would also benefit with access to additional habitat.


Final Environmental Assessment
