"National Strategy and Implementation Plan for Invasive Species Managem" by U.S. Department of Agriculture and Forest Service

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The Chief of the U.S.Department of Agriculture Forest Service has identified invasive species as one of the four critical threats to our Nation’s ecosystems. In response to this national threat,we have evaluated the role of the Forest Service as a leading forest research, forest health, and Federal resource management agency.We are aware of our significant role in addressing invasive species threats at the local, State, and national levels, as well as internationally.We have found the best opportunity for success comes from working strategically, using all our scientific, management, and partnership resources in unison. This document is not designed to serve as a comprehensive, all-encompassing strategy. Instead it is intended to identify a strategic direction for Forest Service programs spanning Research and Development, International Programs, State and Private Forestry, and the National Forest System. To that end, a multidisciplinary team of specialists, managers, and researchers developed this National Strategy and Implementation Plan for Invasive Species Management (national strategy). The strategy is predicated on the following elements: 1. Prevention—Stop invasive species before they arrive. 2. Early detection and rapid response—Find new infestations and eliminate them before they become established. 3. Control and management—Contain and reduce existing infestations. 4. Rehabilitation and restoration—Reclaim native habitats and ecosystems. Interwoven with these program elements is the need to employ a science-based approach,work collaboratively and expand our partnerships, apply a prioritized system for taking action, and improve our efficacy and accountability.This national strategy builds from existing field information, policy, strategic plans, and authorities from Forest Service program areas.


