Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mathematics and Statistics

Committee Chair(s)

William Laycock


William Laycock


In an attempt to control and properly manage our vast pasture and range lands there have been many problems that the scientist has been confronted with. Among these has been the problem of reducing the great quantity of collected data from the ranges and pasture lands into a form suitable for scientific analysis. In the past this reduction process has been accomplished by slow, painstaking hand calculation methods, thus making it virtually impossible for the scientist to analyze and propose corrective measures at the time they are needed. However, with the advent of high speed computing equipment this need no longer be a major factor of concern to the research worker today. It has been the purpose of this study to develop a program utilizing computers to solve one of these many problems. The problem that has been specifically dealt with in this report is that of the summarization of forage weight production data.
