"A Follow-Up Study of the Business Students Who Graduated from Intermou" by Clark B. Child

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Management Information Systems

Committee Chair(s)

Theodore Ivarie


Theodore Ivarie


Ted Stoddard


Garth A. Hanson


Brigham City, Utah, is the location of the largest boarding school sponsored by the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs. This institution, Intermountain School, is for the disadvantaged Navajo student who has resided on the Navajo reservation, which is located in the states of Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico.

Intermountain School is divided into different departments, such as guidance, elementary, high school, and vocational. Within the Vocational Department are several training programs. One of these programs is the Business Department. Students who select business as their vocational training program enroll during their junior year for three hours each day and during their senior year for the same number of hours per day. During the junior year, the business students take two semesters of typewriting, two semesters of general business, nine-weeks of office machines, nine weeks of filing, and one semester of selling. Senior year students take two semesters of accounting, one semester of retailing, two semesters of typewriting, and one semester of data processing and office practice.


Department name when degree awarded: Business Education
