"A Study to Determine the Number, Type, and Requirements of Office Entr" by O. Shelby Cox

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Agricultural Systems Technology and Education

Committee Chair(s)

Dona Frost


Dona Frost


This study was undertaken to determine the number, type, and requirements of entry-level office positions in Ogden, Utah, banks.

Questionnaires were taken to the participating banks in the Ogden, Utah, banking community. The responding banks indicated that they would consider recent high school graduates to all of the positions studied; however, a majority of the banks preferred to hire females rather than males to to the office positions studied.

All of the responding banks required some type of requirement for each of the office entry-level positions, and majority of the banks required a pre-employment test of the applicants. This information was put into table form using numbers and percentages as the means of reporting the data.
