"Digital Collaborative Language Learning and Augmented Reality" by Matthew Taylor

Date of Award


Degree Type

Creative Project

Degree Name

Master of Second Language Teaching (MSLT)


World Languages and Cultures

Committee Chair(s)

Ko-Yin Sung


Ko-Yin Sung


Abdulkafi Albirini


Jasmine Yu-Hsing Chen


This portfolio is a collection of works written by the author as he was studying in the Masters of Second Language Teaching program at Utah State University. The focus of these works is on technology and its impact on language learning. The first few sections consist of an introduction to the portfolio, a few pages dedicated to the author’s philosophy on second language teaching, and details and insights from an observation of a teacher in practice while in the program. The following section comprises the bulk of the portfolio and includes a paper devoted to augmented reality’s place in digital language learning. Then the author’s professional goals and plans centered around his teaching philosophy will be addressed.
