Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Agricultural Systems Technology and Education
Committee Chair(s)
Stanley S. Richardson
Stanley S. Richardson
Karl G. Parker
Von Jarrett
Although several course of study outlines have been prepared to cover the subject of range management, the author has been unable to use them too effectively in teaching this important phase of vocational agriculture. Other teachers of vocational agriculture have expressed similar experiences and in group meetings have indicated a need for more teaching materials in range management and other important areas of agriculture.
Panguitch, Utah, where the author teaches, is located in Garfield County in the heart of a vast range area . There is a vital need for youth ar.d adults in the area to understand the important role the rangelands play in their lives . According to authorities in range management, Bureau of Land Management, and U. S . Forest Service, all citizens of the United States should know more about the contributions the Western rangelands make to the total economy and welfare of the nation . Also the citizens should know how important it is to conserve and to further develop these valuable lands.
This report was written to fulfill, in part , the need for teaching plans to assist teachers and therefore help students to get a better understanding of the Western rangelands and how to manage, conserve, and develop them. It is hoped that teachers of Utah and other Western States will be able to use the plans, to develop an attitude and a desire in the students to conserve and improve the Western rangelands and other natural resources of the nation.
The teaching plans in this report are to be used as aids to teachers of vocational agriculture in presenting a beginning course in range management. The material covered in this report may be used as a unit by itself or as a supplement to a course in the field of natural resources. This report is written to serve as a beginning course and should be used in a freshmen or sophomore vocational agricultural class. It is designed to cover from six to eight weeks but could be extended or shortened according to the needs and amount of time spent in field study.
There are 13 lessons written on the one enterprise of range management. The instructor using these lessons should plan to work with the federal conservation agencies such as the U. S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, and the Soil Conservation Service . The instructor should plan to spend as much time as necessary with his class in the field in actual range study.
Teachers who use this report should not attempt to use it word for word but as a guide in teaching range management. The different areas of this state and other states will have different problems to solve so the situation and method of motivation will be different with each instructor.
Recommended Citation
Soper, Jack A., "Teaching Plans in Range Management for Utah High School Vocational Agricultural Programs" (1970). All Graduate Plan B and other Reports, Spring 1920 to Spring 2023. 608.
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