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These exhibits were created by students in a three-part Honors “Think Tank” offering that explored the themes of agriculture, food, and land through science and social sciences. Students enrolled in one of three sections—Engineering, English, and Sociology in Spring 2016, and the class was team taught by Ryan Dupont, Douglas Jackson-Smith, and Joyce Kinkead.




Playing the Public Lands Game- HONR 3020: Engaging Utah's Public Lands, Libbie Anderson, Zach Archibald, Tessa Burrows, Corinne Clarkson, Connor Coles, Colten Dougher, Taylor Edwards, Emily Hales, Emma Hallock, Ivy Hansen, Chase Harward, Michael Herron, Hayden Hoopes, Kollin Keller, Nicole King, Jordan Lapp, Sarah Lueckler, Clarissa Nelson, Eliza Owens, Kinzie Randall, Mariah Richards, Nicholas Rodgers, Emmalee Rolfe, Daniel Sykes, Justin Tirrell, and Alicia Oliver



Alternative Markets, Kaitlyn Clifford, Casey Brucker, Mason Campbell, Kira Anjewierden, and Silvia Smith


A Foodshed Analysis of the Cache County School District, Emi Facer, Matt Barnett, Jackie Sullivan, and McKenna Walters


Growing Between the Cracks, Anders Hart, Elizabeth Winters, Richard Pack, and Dylan Filkins


Hunger & Food Security, Kristen Lambert, Erik Gray, Shelby Ames, and Emily Woodbrey


Implications of Changing Farm Structure in Cache Valley, Brayden O'Brien, Jade Burt, Katelin Pyfer, and Kaitlyn Brouwer


Food Waste, D. Willey, Shandrea Hickok, Hannah Hodgson Pendergast, and Shaylee Ewing