Session 1: Hydraulic Structures |

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Tuesday, June 28th
10:30 AM

A Regulatory Perspective on Implementing Risk-informed Decision Making in Dam Safety

Doug Boyer, FERC

Portland, OR

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

10:30 AM

Baffle Designs to Facilitate Fish Passage in Box Culverts: A Preliminary study

H. Chanson
W. Uys

Portland, OR

10:30 AM

10:30 AM

Numerical investigation of USBR type III stilling basin performance downstream of smooth and stepped spillways

Daniel Valero, University of Applied Sciences FH Aachen
Daniel Bung, University of Applied Sciences FH Aachen
Brian M. Crookston, Schnabel Engineering, Inc.
Jorge Matos

Portland, OR

10:30 AM

10:30 AM

Spillway Rock Scour Analysis - Composite of Physical & Numerical Modelling, Paradise Dam, Australia

E. J. Lesleighter, Lesleighter Consulting Pty Ltd
E. F.R. Bollaert, AquaVision Engineering
B. L. McPherson, Specialist Services NSW Public Works
D. C. Scriven, SunWater Limited

Portland, OR

10:30 AM