Start Date
6-28-2016 4:00 PM
End Date
6-28-2016 6:00 PM
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Recommended Citation
Kurakami, Y., Nihei, Y., Morita, M., Futami, S., Itakura, M. (2016). Effect of River Levee with Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil against Overflow Erosion and Infiltration. In B. Crookston & B. Tullis (Eds.), Hydraulic Structures and Water System Management. 6th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Portland, OR, 27-30 June (pp. 302-311). doi:10.15142/T3520628160853 (ISBN 978-1-884575-75-4).
Overflows from huge floods have caused levee breaches in a great number of places, including Japan. To prevent such destruction and thereby increase the resistance of armored levees to overflow erosion, in this study, we examined the performances of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil (GRS) levees against overflow erosion under various conditions, such as reinforcement, back slopes, and geo-grid layers. In addition, we investigated the effect of geo-grid layers on the infiltration of levees. The model tests revealed that 1) with scour protection in front of the toe of the back slope, the GRS levee exhibits much higher resistance against overflow erosion than the armored levee; 2) the armored levee with a steep back slope (= 1:0.5) collapsed faster than that with a normal slope (= 1:2). However, the GRS levee with a steep back slope of 1:0.5 maintained high resistance against overflow erosion after the target time. 3) The GRS levee with partial and full reinforcements had a comparably high resistance against overflow erosion. 4) The GRS levee using a small-sized geo-grid maintained a high residual ratio of the cross-sectional area over a long period. 5) The infiltration discharge of the GRS levee was lesser than that of the levee with no reinforcement due to the reduction in infiltration erosion in the GRS levee. These facts suggest that the GRS levee with partial reinforcement can be applied to the reinforcement of existing levees, and appropriately sized geo-grid layers should be selected.
Effect of River Levee with Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil against Overflow Erosion and Infiltration
Portland, OR
Overflows from huge floods have caused levee breaches in a great number of places, including Japan. To prevent such destruction and thereby increase the resistance of armored levees to overflow erosion, in this study, we examined the performances of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil (GRS) levees against overflow erosion under various conditions, such as reinforcement, back slopes, and geo-grid layers. In addition, we investigated the effect of geo-grid layers on the infiltration of levees. The model tests revealed that 1) with scour protection in front of the toe of the back slope, the GRS levee exhibits much higher resistance against overflow erosion than the armored levee; 2) the armored levee with a steep back slope (= 1:0.5) collapsed faster than that with a normal slope (= 1:2). However, the GRS levee with a steep back slope of 1:0.5 maintained high resistance against overflow erosion after the target time. 3) The GRS levee with partial and full reinforcements had a comparably high resistance against overflow erosion. 4) The GRS levee using a small-sized geo-grid maintained a high residual ratio of the cross-sectional area over a long period. 5) The infiltration discharge of the GRS levee was lesser than that of the levee with no reinforcement due to the reduction in infiltration erosion in the GRS levee. These facts suggest that the GRS levee with partial reinforcement can be applied to the reinforcement of existing levees, and appropriately sized geo-grid layers should be selected.