Developing Sixth Graders’ Cultural Competence Across the Curriculum: A Collaborative Redesign Process
Document Type
Conference Paper
Journal/Book Title/Conference
International Conference of the Learning Sciences
International Society of the Learning Sciences
Nashville, TN
Publication Date
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This paper shares our in-progress collaborative process of redesigning sixth grade curriculum to develop sixth graders’ cultural competence by shifting from disciplinary-bounded knowledge to culturally-bounded knowledge. As a team of researchers, designers, and educators, we seek to connect students with diverse cultural perspectives across social studies, science, math, and language arts. The redesign focuses on curricula connected to the River Trip Field Experience, a five-day rafting trip on a river that functions as a natural border with tribal lands. Taking a design-based implementation research approach, we iteratively design, implement, and evaluate culturally-centered lessons throughout the year. In this paper, we specifically present our collaborative design and implementation decisions for one shared goal: building students’ cultural awareness of others. Findings elucidate the complexities and tensions of centering culture as a critical aspect of learning in K-12 schooling.
Recommended Citation
Litts, B.K., Tehee, M., ^Jenkins, J., & ^Baggaley, S., (2020). Developing Sixth Graders’ Cultural Competence Across the Curriculum: A Collaborative Redesign Process. In M. Gresalfi, M. & I. S. Horn (Eds.). The Interdisciplinarity of the Learning Sciences, 14thInternational Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2020, Volume 3, Nashville, TN: International Society of the Learning Sciences, pp.1625-1628.