Mobile Media Learning Classroom Practices & Integration
Document Type
Journal/Book Title/Conference
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting
American Educational Research Association
San Francisco, CA
Publication Date
Though a short time ago Mobile Media Learning (MML) could be framed as immature in terms of classroom integration (Traxler, 2007), much has developed and transpired in the last five years that has accelerated the actual adoption of customized MML. MML is maturing as a pedagogical practice through the combination of refined theoretical understanding of its affordances, free and improving editors, and a growing community of practice (Dikkers, Martin, & Coulter, 2012). This paper presents the work of three teachers (excerpted from a study with n=9) to highlight and contrast interesting features that express the broad application potential of MML.
Recommended Citation
Dikkers, S., Holden, C., Litts, B. K., Martin, J., & Mathews J. (2013, April). Mobile Media Learning Classroom Practices & Integration. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting: San Francisco, CA.