Scanning Microscopy
Scanning Microscopy is the quarterly journal of Scanning Electron Microscopy, Other Scanning Microscopies, Related Techniques and Applications. Formerly known as Scanning Electron Microscopy. Supplement volumes include the proceedings of the Pfefferkorn Conferences.
Current Issue: Volume 1996, Number 10 (1996) The Science of Biological Specimen Preparation for Microscopy
Preparation of Plasmid DNA in Transfection Complexes for Fluorescence and Electron Spectroscopic Imaging
Marek Malecki
In Situ Hybridization, In Situ Transcription, and In Situ Polymerase Chain Reaction
L. E. De Bault and J. Gu
Preparation of Samples for Polymerase Chain Reaction In Situ
Gerard J. Nuovo
Generation of High Efficiency ssDNA Hybridization Probes by Linear Polymerase Chain Reaction (LPCR)
Gregory W. Konat
Hydration-Scanning Tunneling Microscopy as a Reliable Method for Imaging Biological Specimens and Hydrophilic Insulators
M. Heim, R. Eschrich, A. Hillebrand, H. F. Knapp, G. Cevc, and R. Guckenberger
Atomic Force Microscopy of DNA, Nucleoproteins and Cellular Complexes: The Use of Functionalized Substrates
Yuri L. Lyubchenko, Robert E. Blankenship, Alexander A. Gall, S. M. Lindsay, Ottavio Thiemann, Larry Simpson, and Luda S. Shlyakhtenko
Microscopic Analysis of DNA and DNA-Protein Assembly by Transmission Electron Microscopy, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Scanning Force Microscopy
T. Müller-Reichhert and H. Gross
Imaging Soft Materials with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
J. T. Woodward IV and J. A. Zasadzinski
Accessing Nuclear Structure for Field Emission, in Lens, Scanning Electron Microscopy (FEISEM)
T. D. Allen, G. R. Bennion, S. A. Rutherford, S. Reipert, A. Ramalho, E. Kiseleva, and M. W. Goldberg
Electro-Optical Imaging of F-Actin and Endoplasmic Reticulum in Living and Fixed Plant Cells
Nina Stromgren Allen and Marty N. Bennett
Neural Transplant Staining with DiI and Vital Imaging by 2-Photon Laser-Scanning Microscopy
Steve M. Potter, Jerome Pine, and Scott E. Fraser
Video Rate Confocal Laser Scanning Reflection Microscopy in the Investigation of Normal and Neoplastic Living Cell Dynamics
Pavel Vesely and Alan Boyde
Emerging Applications of Fluorescence Spectroscopy to Cellular Imaging: Lifetime Imaging, Metal-Ligand Probes, Multi-Photon Excitation and Light Quenching
Joseph R. Lakowicz
Comparative Scanning, Transmission and Atomic Force Microscopy of the Microtubular Cytoskeleton in Fenestrated Liver Endothelial Cells
Filip Braet, Ronald De Zanger, Wouter Kalle, Anton Raap, Hans Tanke, and Eddie Wisse
Correlated Confocal and Intermediate Voltage Electron Microscopy Imaging of the Same Cells Using Sequential Fluorescence Labeling, Fixation, and Critical Point Dehydration
Lee D. Peachey, Harunori Ishikawa, and Tohru Murakami
Pre-Embedding Staining of Single Muscle Fibers for Light and Electron Microscopy Studies of Subcellular Organization
Evelyn Ralston and Thorkil Ploug
Multiple Labeling in Electron Microscopy: Its Application in Cardiovascular Research
M. M. H. Marijianowski, P. Teeling, K. P. Dingemans, and A. E. Becker
Cytoskeleton Architecture of C6 Rat Glioma Cell Subclones Whole Mount Electron Microscopy and Immunogold Labeling
Wolfgang Bohn, Dörte Etzrodt, Roland Foisner, Gerhard Wiche, and Peter Traub
Freeze-Dried Human Leukocytes Stabilized with Uranyl Acetate During Low Temperature Embedding or with OsO4 Vapor After Embedding
L. Edelmann and A. Ruf
Labeling with Nanogold and Undecagold: Techniques and Results
James F. Hainfeld
Immunocytochemistry by Electron Spectroscopic Imaging Using Well Defined Boronated Monovalent Antibody Fragments
M. M. Kessels, B. Qualmann, and W. D. Sierralta
X-Ray Microscopy: Preparations for Studies of Frozen Hydrated Specimens
A. Osanna, C. Jacobsen, A. Kalinovsky, J. Kirz, J. Maser, and S. Wang
In Vitro Systems and Cultured Cells as Specimens for X-Ray Microanalysis
Godfried M. Roomans, Jarin Hongpaisan, Zhengzhu Jin, Ann-Christin Mörk, and Ailing Zhang

This is the proceedings of the 14th Pfefferkorn Conference. Held August 6-11, 1995 at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows, Belleville, IL.