Scanning Microscopy
Volume 1, Number 3 (1987)
Scanning Transmission Ion Microscopy as it Complements Particle Induced X-Ray Emission Microanalysis
H. W. Lefevre, R. M. S. Schofield, J. C. Overley, and J. D. MacDonald
X-Ray Microscopy and X-Ray Imaging
R. E. Burge, A. G. Michette, and P. J. Duke
Development of an Ultra High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope by Means of a Field Emission Source and In-Lens System
Takashi Nagatani, Shoubu Saito, Mitsugu Sato, and Mitsuhiko Yamada
Observation of Tungsten Field Emitter Tips with an Ultra-High Resolution Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
Katsuhiro Kuroda, Shigeyuki Hosoki, and Tsutomu Komoda
Carbide Field Emitters
Hiroshi Adachi
The Use of Lanthanum Hexaboride Cathodes in Electron Beam Lithography
T. R. Groves, W. Stickel, and H. C. Pfeiffer
A Calculation Method for Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis for Microparticle Specimens by Monte Carlo Simulation
Yen-cai Ho, Jia-guang Chen, Min Hu, and Xin-lei Wang
Monte Carlo Calculations of Electron Emission at Surface Edges
L. Reimer and D. Stelter
Shape from Shading Using Multiple Detector Signals in Scanning Electron Microscopy
L. Reimer, R. Böngeler, and V. Desai
Scanning Electron Microscope Solid State Detectors
Zbigniew J. Radzimski
Sample Preparation for Surface and Interface Analysis
Siegfried Hofmann
Chemisorption on Thin Metal Films
J. M. White
The Dependence of Work Function on Thickness in Epitaxial Cu-Pd Systems
J. V. Bucci, T. J. Swirbel, R. W. Vook, and J. A. Schwarz
The Use of Electron Microscopic Methods for the Characterization of Paints in Forensic Science
R. Goebel and W. Stoecklein
Electron Microprobe Analysis and Proton Induced X-Ray Spectrometry Applied to Trace Element Analysis in Sulfides: Problems and Prospects
G. Remond, F. Cesbron, K. Traxel, J. L. Campbell, and L. J. Cabri
A Quantitative Technique for Determining the Mass-Fractions of Authigenic and Detrital K-Feldspar in Mineral Separates
Paul P. Hearn Jr.
Parallel Acoustic/Infrared Imaging of Single Crystal Surface and Subsurface Structure
F. Dacol and S. Utterback
Scanning Electron Microscopic Examination of Archaeological Wood Microstructure Altered by Consolidation Treatments
P. B. Hatchfield and R. J. Koestler
Enamel Structure in Odontocete Whales
M. Ishiyama
Scanning Electron Microscope Studies on the Breakdown of Passivity of a Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum Dental Alloy
J. Geis-Gerstorfer, W. Göpel, and H. Weber
Ultrastructural Analysis of Enamel Formation During in vitro Development Using Chemically-Defined Medium
P. Bringas Jr., M. Nakamura, E. Nakamura, J. Evans, and H. C. Slavkin
The Use of Scanning Electron Microscopy in Studying Enamel Caries
R. P. Shellis and A. S. Hallsworth
Tooth Eruption: The Regulation of a Localized, Bilaterally Symmetrical Metabolic Event in Alveolar Bone
S. C. Marks Jr.
Scanning Electron Microscopy in Oral Mucosal Research: A Review
A. Kullaa-Mikkonen
Interpretation of Electron Micrographs
B. A. Afzelius
Scanning Electron Microscopic Observations of the Canine Inner Ear
R. J. Mount and R. V. Harrison
The Effects of Hypoxia on Sensory Cells of the Cochlea in Chinchilla
M. Shirane and R. V. Harrison
The Morphological Changes in the Vestibular Sensory Epithelia Following Electrical Stimulation
K. Hirakawa, Y. Harada, N. Tagashira, M. Suzuki, and Y. Sugata
Morphological Changes in the Vestibular Epithelia and Ganglion Induced by Ototoxic Drug
K. Sera, Y. Harada, N. Tagashira, M. Suzuki, K. Hirakawa, and T. Ohya
Ultrastructural Analysis of Dynamic Cellular Processes: A Survey of Current Problems, Pitfalls and Perspectives
Helmut Plattner and Gerd Knoll
Low Temperature Techniques in Biomedical Microanalysis
Romuald Wróblewski, Joanna Wroblewski, and Godfried M. Roomans
Sperm Nuclear Zinc, Chromatin Stability, and Male Fertility
Ulrik Kvist, Lars Björndahl, and Svante Kjellberg
Germ Cell-Somatic Cell Relationships: A Comparative Study of Intercellular Junctions During Spermatogenesis in Selected Non-Mammalian Vertebrates
R. L. Sprando and L. D. Russell
The Effects of Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation Upon the Micromorphology and Functional State of Cell Surface
Z. Somosy, Tamara Kubasova, and G. J. Köteles
Cell Polarity and Water Transport in Thyroid Epithelial Cells in Separated Follicles in Suspension Culture
Lucio Nitsch and Seymour H. Wollman
Preservation of in vivo Morphology of Blood Vessels for Morphometric Studies
Robert M. K. W. Lee
Exposure of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells for Analysis with the Scanning Electron Microscope
Bryan G. Miller, Andrew P. Evan, and H. Glenn Bohlen
Identification of Non-Denuding Endothelial Injury by Scanning Electron Microscopy
M. Richardson and A. Parbtani
Endothelialization of a New Dacron Graft in an Experimental Model: Light Microscopy, Electron Microscopy and Immunocytochemistry
G. Pasquinelli, P. Preda, T. Curti, M. D'Addato, and R. Laschi
Scanning Electron Microscopy of Vascular Corrosion Casts in Comparative Studies on Renal Vascular Structure
H. Ditrich and H. Splechtna
Endotoxin: A Twofold Effect on Bone Marrow Ultrastructure
T. Hirahata, D. Bjorkman, and J. K. Chamberlain
Adherent Platelets and Surface Microthrombi of the Human Aorta and Left Coronary Artery: A Scanning Electron Microscopy Feasibility Study
B. O. Spurlock and A. B. Chandler
Early Cardiogenesis in the Newt Embryo
R. Hirakow, S. Komazaki, and T. Hiruma
Myogenesis in vitro as Seen with the Scanning Electron Microscope
Y. Shimada, M. Komiyama, M. Shiozaki, Y. Isobe, and S. Masuko
Analysis of the Effects of Inhaled Diesel Exhaust on the Alveolar Intravascular and Interstitial Cellular Components of Rodent Lungs
M. A. Wallace, S. O. Salley, and M. I. Barnhart
Surface Studies of Calcium Oxalate Dihydrate Single Crystals During Dissolution in the Presence of Urine
M. Akbarieh, B. Dubuc, and R. Tawashi
Role of Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis in the Identification of Urinary Crystals
Saeed R. Khan and Raymond L. Hackett
Cell Wall Wrinkling and Solute Leakage in Imbibing Squash and Carrot Seeds
Vandy Cavdek, John N. A. Lott, and Patrice Kerr
Low Temperature Scanning Electron Microscopy of Fungi
D. Jones, W. J. McHardy, and Clare Alexander
Immunogold Localization of Intra- and Extra-Cellular Proteins and Polysaccharides of Plant Cells
Stuart Craig, Patricia J. Moore, and Terri G. Dunahay
Scanning Electron Microscopy of Ectomycorrhizae Potential and Limitations
H. B. Massicotte, L. H. Melville, and R. L. Peterson
Morphological Variations in Developing Ectomycorrhizae of Dryas integrifolia and Five Fungal Species
L. H. Melville, H. B. Massicotte, and R. L. Peterson
Seed Coat Structure in Some Species of Atylosia (Phaseoleae - Cajaninae)
B. S. Trivedi and Mohini Gupta