Scanning Microscopy
Volume 2, Number 2 (1988)
Signal Mixing Technique for Backscattered Electrons in the Scanning Electron Microscope
A. Buczkowski, J. Hejna, and Z. Radzimski
The Depth Resolution of Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometers: A Critical Evaluation
D. S. McPhail, E. A. Clark, J. B. Clegg, M. G. Dowsett, J. P. Gold, G. D. T. Spiller, and D. Sykes
High Energy Secondaries for the Quantitative Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Minerals
J. B. Metson, D. L. Tui, I. J. Muir, and G. M. Bancroft
Constrained Optimization Design of an Ion Focusing System with Wide Range of Energy Adjustment
Chang-xin Gu, Li-ying Shan, and Ming Lu
Appearance Potential Spectroscopy of Solid Surfaces
D. R. Chopra and A. R. Chourasia
Industrial Applications of Auger Surface Analysis
R. E. Chase and G. S. Cole
The Surfaces of Titanate Minerals, Ceramics and Silicate Glasses: Surface Analytical and Electron Microscope Studies
Sverre Myhra, Roger St.C. Smart, and Peter S. Turner
Application of Electron Microscopy to the Electrorefining of Copper
T. T. Chen and J. E. Dutrizac
Microanalytical and Micromorphological Investigations of High Temperature Materials With and Without Protective Coatings
Volker Thien and W. Voss
Influence of Phosphorus and Sulphur Segregation on Stress Relief Cracking
H. Horn, T. Pintat, V. Schlett, and H. Weiss
Surface Analysis of Tarnished Dental Alloys
H. J. Mueller, J. W. Lenke, and M. S. Bapna
Low Energy Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy of Semiconductor Interfaces
L. J. Brillson and R. E. Viturro
Scanning Electron Acoustic Microscopy Studies of III-V Compounds: Epitaxial Layers and Devices
J. F. Bresse
Transit Time Effect on Voltage Contrast in the Stroboscopic Scanning Electron Microscope
K. Nakamae, H. Fujioka, and K. Ura
Processing of Scanning Electron Microscope Images on Basis of Fast Fourier-Transformation
A. Yu. Sasov and A. A. Shanyavsky
Quench Cooled Ice Crystal Imprint Size: A Micro-Method for Study of Macromolecular Hydration
Ivan L. Cameron, Keithley E. Hunter, and Gary D. Fullerton
Elemental Microanalysis of Biological Specimens
Godfried M. Roomans, Joanna Wroblewski, and Romuald Wróblewski
Quantitative Electron Probe X-Ray Microanalysis of Lead-Sequestering Organelles in Earthworms: Technical Appraisal of Air-Dried Smears and Freeze-Dried Cryosections
C. Winters and A. J. Morgan
Fibroblast and Epidermal Cell-Type I Collagen Interactions: Cell Culture and Human Studies
Charles J. Doillon, Frederick H. Silver, Robert M. Olson, Chandrakala Y. Kamath, and Richard A. Berg
Arterial Elastin as Seen with Scanning Electron Microscopy: A Review
Margot R. Roach and S. H. Song
Structure and Function of Connective Tissue in Cardiac Muscle: Collagen Types I and III in Endomysial Struts and Pericellular Fibers
Thomas F. Robinson, Leona Cohen-Gould, Stephen M. Factor, Mahboubeh Eghbali, and Olga O. Blumenfeld
Microvascular Casting of the Lung: Vascular Lavage
Dean E. Schraufnagel and Aloisia Schmid
The Vascularization of the Peripheral Nerve of Chicken and Rat
M. A. Konerding, M. Lehmann, and M. Blank
Quantitative Morphology of Synaptic Plasticity in the Aging Brain
Carlo Bertoni-Freddari, William Meier-Ruge, and Jurg Ulrich
The Aging Cochlear Hair Cell
Matti Anniko
Changes in Quality of Bone Mineral on Aging and in Disease
M. D. Grynpas and D. Holmyard
Assessments of Pulmonary Macrophage Clearance Responses to Inhaled Particulates
David B. Warheit and Mark A. Hartsky
Effects of Cytochalasin B and Colchicine on the Morphology of SW-13 Human Adrenal Cortical Tumor Cells in Culture
S. A. Murray and H. N. Tung
Ultrastructure and Histochemistry of the Vas Deferens of the Salamander Rhyacotriton Olympicus: Adaptations for Sperm Storage
Edward J. Zalisko and John H. Larsen Jr.
Theoretical Models of Cyst Formation and Growth
Larry W. Welling and Dan J. Welling
X-Ray Microanalysis of Cartilage and Chondrocytes
Joanna Wroblewski and Anne-Marie Makower
The Dento-Gingival Junction as Seen with Light Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy
J. J. Garnick and R. D. Ringle
The Role of Scanning Electron Microscopy in Periodontal Research
A. Carrassi, S. Abati, and G. Santarelli
A Review of Dental Microwear and Diet in Modern Mammals
Mark F. Teaford
Scanning Electron Microscope Diagnosis of Wear Patterns versus Artifacts on Fossil Teeth
Mark F. Teaford
Calcium Pyrophosphate Crystal Deposition: The Effect of Soluble Iron in a Kinetic Study Using a Gelatin Matrix Model
Gretchen S. Mandel, Paul B. Halverson, and Neil S. Mandel
Calcium Pyrophosphate Crystal Deposition: The Effect of Monosodium Urate and Apatite Crystals in a Kinetic Study Using a Gelatin Matrix Model
Gretchen S. Mandel, Paul B. Halverson, and Neil S. Mandel