Scanning Microscopy
Volume 3, Number 3 (1989)
Simultaneous Micro-Characterization of the Superconducting and Structural Properties of High-Tc Superconducting Films
R. P. Huebener and R. Gross
Surface and Grain Boundary Analysis of High Temperature Superconductors
F. J. Himpsel and A. G. Schrott
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Fabrication of Nanometer Scale Structures at the Liquid-Gold Interface
J. Schneir, H. H. Harary, J. A. Dagata, P. K. Hansma, and R. Sonnenfeld
A Calculation Method of X-Ray Emitted Intensity in Multi-Layer Films by Monte Carlo Simulation
Yen-cai Ho, Jia-guang Chen, and Xin-lei Wang
Dendritic Oxide Growth on the Surface of Liquid Gallium
Y. L. Wang, A. Raval, and R. Levi-Setti
A Contribution to the Scanning Electron Microscope Based Microcharacterization of Semi-Insulating Gallium Arsenide Substrates
D. Köhler, G. Koschek, and E. Kubalek
Practical Aspects of Automatic Orientation Analysis of Micrographs
N. K. Tovey, P. Smart, M. W. Hounslow, and X. L. Leng
Data Acquisition and Presentation in Scanning Nuclear Microprobe Analysis
K. G. Malmqvist, N. E. G. Lövestam, J. Pallon, and U. A. S. Tapper
Biuret Staining and X-Ray Microanalysis for Locating Grafted Poly(Methyl Acrylate) on Wool Fibers
R. R. Bresee and P. A. Annis
The Dark Side of Bright Metal Coatings
L. Bartosiewicz and C. J. Kelly
Recent Uses of Electron Microscopy in the Study of Physico-Chemical Processes Affecting the Reactivity of Synthetic and Biological Apatites
J. D. B. Featherstone and D. G. A. Nelson
Oxalate Crystallization in the Kidney in the Presence of Hyperuricemia
Shinshi Noda, Kenichi Hayashi, and Kousaku Eto
Bacillus-Shaped Deposits Composed of Hexahedrally Based Crystals in Human Dental Calculus
T. Kodaka, A. Hirayama, K. Miake, and S. Higashi
Morphology and Chemical Composition of Dental Calculi Mainly Composed of Whitlockite
Toshiro Sakae, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Mishima, Takashi Matsumoto, and Yukishige Kozawa
Strontium and Bromide as Tracers in X-Ray Microanalysis of Biological Tissue
Joanna Wroblewski, Samuel Sagström, Helmy Mulders, and Godfried M. Roomans
The Physical State of Potassium in the Human Lymphocyte: A Review
William Negendank
Cation Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). 7Li- and 23Na-NMR Results Obtained with Human Erythrocytes
Jan F. M. Post
Microprobe Analysis of Element Distribution in Bovine Extracellular Matrices and Muscle
M. B. Engel and H. R. Catchpole
Surface Heterogeneity of Tumor Cells and Changes Upon Ionizing Radiation
Z. Somosy, Orsolya Csuka, Tamara Kubasova, J. Kovács, and G. J. Köteles
Scanning Electron Microscopy of Lung Following Alpha Irradiation
C. L. Sanders, K. E. Lauhala, and K. E. McDonald
A Scanning Electron Microscopy Analysis of Human Cytotoxic Cell Subsets and of Their Mode of Conjugation with Tumor Cell Targets
Walter Malorni, Giuseppe Arancia, Francesca Iosi, Gianfranco Donelli, Daniela Zarcone, Alessandro Moretta, and Carlo Enrico Grossi
Gastrointestinal Surface Changes: Interpretation Problems and Indexing Possibilities (A Review)
C. J. Pfeiffer and O. Bulbena
Quantitative Measurement from Vascular Casts
Ralph G. Kratky, Christine M. Zeindler, Dorian K. C. Lo, and Margot R. Roach
Structural and Compositional Changes in Aging Bone: Osteopenia in Lumbar Vertebrae of Wistar Female Rats
M. Silbermann, M. Safadi, D. Schapira, I. Leichter, and R. Steinberg
Bone Lining Cells: Structure and Function
Scott C. Miller, Louis de Saint-Georges, Beth M. Bowman, and Webster S. S. Jee
Osteoclast Features of Cells that Resorb Demineralized and Mineral-Containing Bone Implants in Rats
Cedo M. Bagi and Scott C. Miller
Endothelial Injury in Human Atherosclerosis
G. Pasquinelli, A. Cavazza, P. Preda, A. Stella, B. I. Cifiello, M. Gargiulo, M. D'Addato, and R. Laschi