Scanning Microscopy
Volume 5, Number 1 (1991)
Imaging of Magnetic Microstructures at Surfaces: The Scanning Electron Microscope with Spin Polarization Analysis
H. P. Oepen and J. Kirschner
Phenomena Relating to Charge in Insulators: Macroscopic Effects and Microscopic Causes
Jacques Cazaux and Claude Le Gressus
A Loading Device for Fracture Testing of Compact Tension Specimens in the Scanning Electron Microscope
Jügen Rödel, James F. Kelly, Mark R. Stoudt, and Stephen J. Bennison
Elemental Relationships in Rock Varnish as Seen with Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Elemental Line Profiling
Robert Raymond Jr., Steven L. Reneau, and Charles D. Harrington
Scanning Electron Microscopic Analysis of Rock Varnish Chemistry for Cation-Ratio Dating: An Examination of Electron Beam Penetration Depths
Steven L. Reneau, Roland C. Hagan, Charles D. Harrington, and Robert Raymond Jr.
Barium Concentration in Rock Varnish: Implications for Calibrated Rock Varnish Dating Curves
C. D. Harrington, D. J. Krier, R. Raymond Jr., and S. L. Reneau
Detectors for Fluorescence Microscopy
Kenneth R. Spring
Scanning Electron Microscopic Analysis of Mineral Fiber Content of Lung Tissue in the Evaluation of Diffuse Pulmonary Fibrosis
Victor L. Roggli
Lung Particulate Burdens of Subjects from the Cincinnati, Ohio Urban Area
L. E. Stettler, S. F. Platek, R. D. Riley, J. P. Mastin, and S. D. Simon
Development and Use of a Pneumoconiosis Database of Human Pulmonary Inorganic Particulate Burden in Over 400 Lungs
Jerrold L. Abraham, Bryan R. Burnett, and Andrew Hunt
The Role of Polar Pili in the Adherence of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa to Injured Canine Tracheal Cells: A Semiquantitative Morphologic Study
D. E. Zoutman, W. C. Hulbert, B. L. Pasloske, A. M. Joffe, K. Volpel, M. K. Trebilcock, and W. Paranchych
Effects of Low Energy Beta-Irradiation from Tritiated Water on the Morphology of 3T3 Fibroblasts
Z. Somosy, Tamara Kubasova, J. Kovács, and G. J. Köteles
Conventional and High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy of Biological Sectioned Material
C. Scala, G. Cenacchi, P. Preda, M. Vici, R. P. Apkarian, and Gianandrea Pasquinelli
Microcirculatory Pathways and Blood Flow in Spleen: New Insights from Washout Kinetics, Corrosion Casts, and Quantitative Intravital Videomicroscopy
A. C. Groom, E. E. Schmidt, and I. C. MacDonald
A Cytochemical Scanning Electron Microscopy Study of Non-Specific Acid Esterase and Acid Phosphatase Activities in Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes
A. Campos, E. Fernández-Segura, and J. M. García-López
Cytology of Pollutant Metals in Marine Invertebrates: A Review of Microanalytical Applications
J. A. Nott
X-Ray Microanalytical Studies of Freshwater Biota: Changes in the Elemental Composition of Anabaena spiroides During Blooms of 1988 and 1989
S. Clay, D. C. Sigee, and E. Bellinger
Diapause in the Earthworm, Aporrectodea longa: Morphological and Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis of Cryosectioned Chloragogenous Tissue
A. J. Morgan and C. Winters
Studies of Irritant Reactions on Epidermis: The Application of Energy Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis
Magnus Lindberg
Microprobe Analyses of the Potassium-Calcium Distribution Relationship in Predentine
H. J. Höhling, H. Mishima, Y. Kozawa, T. Daimon, R. H. Barckhaus, and K. -D. Richter
Scanning Electron Microscopic Study of Pulp Stones in Human Permanent Teeth
O. Le May and J. C. Kaqueler
A Straightforward Scanning Electron Microscopy Technique for Examining Non-Metal Coated Dental Hard Tissues
S. M. McCormack, F. J. Tormo, and J. D. B. Featherstone
Crystal-Induced Inflammation: Studies of the Mechanism of Crystal-Membrane Interactions
Helen M. Burt, John K. Jackson, and Wendy Wu
Ultrastructural Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Plant Cells
Á. Keresztes and E. Kovács