Scanning Microscopy
Volume 7, Number 2 (1993)
Influence of Annealing on the Interface Structure and Strain Relief in Si/Ge Heterostructures on (100) Si
D. J. Lockwood, J. -M. Baribeau, T. E. Jackman, P. Aebi, T. Tyliszczak, A. P. Hitchcock, and R. L. Headrick
Strained and Relaxed Semiconducting Silicide Layers Heteroepitaxially Grown on Silicon
J. Chevrier, Le Thanh Vinh, and J. Derrien
Surface Morphology and Strain Relief in Surfactant Mediated Growth of Germanium on Silicon (111)
M. Horn-von Hoegen, M. Pook, A. Al Falou, B. H. Müller, and M. Henzler
Strain Distribution During Growth of Ge/Si(001) and the Effect of Surfactant Layers
J. E. Macdonald, J. M. C. Thornton, A. A. Williams, P. Ashu, C. C. Matthai, H. A. van der Vegt, and E. Vlieg
Non-Equilibrium Surface Diffusion Measurements in Systems with Interactions
M. C. Tringides, K. R. Roos, A. Jesina, J. Haas, and P. Levenberg
Electron Beam Induced Current Studies of Defect Induced Conductivity Inversion
Z. J. Radzimski, A. Buczkowski, T. Q. Zhou, C. Dubé, and G. A. Rozgonyi
An Energy Dependent Model for Type I Magnetic Contrast in the Scanning Electron Microscope
W. K. Chim, D. S. H. Chan, J. C. H. Phang, T. S. Low, and S. Thirumalai
Scanning Electron Microscopy Observation of the Voltage Contrast Image of the Ferroelectric Domain Structure in the LiNbO3 Crystal
D. V. Roshchupkin and M. Brunel
Calculation of a Topographic Contrast in the Scanning Electron Microscope
M. Kotera, T. Fujiwara, S. Yamaguchi, and H. Suga
Evaluation of the Surface Roughness of Cystine Stones Using a Visible Laser Diode Scattering Approach
R. Thibert, B. Dubuc, M. Dofour, and R. Tawashi
Analysis of Synthetic DNAs and DNA-Protamine Complexes with the Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Michael J. Allen, Robert J. Tench, Joe A. Mazrimas, Mehdi Balooch, Wigbert J. Siekhaus, and Rod Balhorn
BCG Cell Imaging Using Scanning Probe Microscopy
Antonio A. Garcia, William C. Pettigrew, and John Graham
Microvascular System of the Human Fetal Inner Ear: A Scanning Electron Microscopic Study of Corrosion Casts
A. J. Miodoński, J. Gorczyca, M. Nowogrodzka-Zagórska, J. A. Litwin, and J. Składzień
Degeneration and Reorganization of Vestibular Epithelia after Local Aminoglycoside Application in the Mammalian Inner Ear
J. Dupont, A. Guilhaume, and J. -M. Aran
Comparative Aspects of Splenic Microcirculatory Pathways in Mammals: The Region Bordering the White Pulp
E. E. Schmidt, I. C. MacDonald, and A. C. Groom
Casting with Mercox-Methylmethacrylic Acid Mixtures Causes Plastic Sheets on Elastic Arteries. A Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopic Study
Seyedhossein Aharinejad and Peter Böck
Improved Tissue Corrosion of Vascular Casts: A Quantitative Filtration Method Used to Compare Tissue Corrosion in Various Concentrations of Sodium and Potassium Hydroxide
Paul A. Sims and Ralph M. Albrecht
Hyperplasia and Fluid Accumulation in Epithelial Cyst Formation and Growth
Andrew P. Evan, James A. McAteer, and Kenneth D. Gardner Jr.
Use of Ultra-Thin Window Detectors for Biological Microanalysis
A. T. Marshall and A. Patak
Energy-Filtering Transmission Electron Microscopy of Biological Specimens
W. C. de Bruijn, C. W. J. Sorber, E. S. Gelsema, A. L. D. Beckers, and J. F. Jongkind
Analysis of Early Hard Tissue Formation in Dentine by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis and Energy-Filtering Transmission Electron Microscopy
Hans-Peter Wiesmann, Ulrich Plate, Hans-Jürgen Höhling, Rudolf H. Barckhaus, and Karl Zierold
Analysis of Heavy Metals in Mouse Uterine Secretion by X-Ray Microanalysis
Zhengzhu Jin and B. Ove Nilsson
Sample Preparation Techniques for Conventional and High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy of the Central Nervous System. The Cerebellum as a Model
Orlando J. Castejon
Evaluation of the Use of Tannic Acid in Preparation of the Rabbit Knee Meniscus for Scanning Electron Microscopy
Daniel Levanon and Haim Stein
Preparation of Dinosaur Fossils for Scanning Electron Microscopic Evaluation of Bone Histology
C. Barreto and R. M. Albrecht