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The Utah State University Materials Physics Group (MPG) performs state-of-the-art ground-based testing of space environment effects on aerospace materials. These include electrical charging and electron transport properties of both conducting and insulating materials; they emphasize studies of electron emission, conductivity, luminescence, and electrostatic discharge. Our research group consists of faculty, graduate, and undergraduate researchers. Publications and presentations are archived here.
Modeling Permittivity Measurements of Thin Film Materials Versus Film Thickness, JR Dennison and Cameron Eggleston; Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena
Relevancy of Pulsed Electroacoustic Measurements for Investigating Spacecraft Charging, Zachary Gibson and J. R. Dennison; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
A Simple Method for Determining Shallow Charge Distributions in Dielectrics Via Pulsed Electroacoustic Measurements, Zachary Gibson and J. R. Dennison; IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Comparison of Pulsed Electroacoustic Measurements and AF-NUMIT3 Modeling of Polymers Irradiated With Monoenergetic Electrons, Zachary Gibson, J. R. Dennison, Brian Beecken, and Ryan Hoffmann; Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets
Space Environment Effects on the Electron Yields of LDEF Thermal Control Coatings, Trace Taylor, Matthew Robertson, Heather Allen, JR Dennison, Michael Guy, and Emily Willis; Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets
Space Environment Effects on the Electron Yields of LDEF Thermal Control Coatings, Trace Taylor, Matthew Robertson, Heather Allen, JR Dennison, Michael Guy, and Emily Willis; Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets
Spacecraft Charging Test Considerations for Composite Materials, Allen Andersen, Wousik Kim, J. R. Dennison, Brian Wood, Todd A. Schneider, Jason Vaughn, Kenneth H. Wright Jr., Nelson W. Green, Eric Suh, Joel Schwartz, and Abdul-Majeed Azad; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
Effects of Volatile Compounds on Breakdown Field Strength Measurements of Polymers, Megan Loveland DeWaal and JR Dennison; Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena—(CEIDP 2022)
Uncertainties of the Pulsed Electroacoustic Method: Peak Positions of Embedded Charge Distributions, Zachary Gibson and J. R. Dennison; International Conference on Dielectrics
Round Robin Tests of Electron Irradiated Polymers via Pulsed Electroacoustic Measurements, Zachary Gibson, J. R. Dennison, and Virginie Griseri; Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena
Ion Beam-Treated Space Polymers: Long-Term Stability in GEO-Simulated Environments, Jacob Kleiman, Zelina Iskanderova, Leonid Krishtein, J. R. Dennison, Brian Wood, Anatoly Grigorievsky, and Carl Best; CEAS Space Journal
Experimental Investigation of the Secondary and Backscatter Electron Emission From New Spacecraft Surface Materials, Millan F. Diaz-Aguado, John W. Bonnell, Stuart D. Bale, Justin Christensen, Phillip Lundgreen, Jordan Lee, JR Dennison, Justin Dekany, Brian Wood, and Mike Gruntman; Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets
Strategies for Determining Electron Yield Material Parameters for Spacecraft Charge Modeling, Phil Lundgreen and John R. Dennison; Space Weather
Guest Editorial Spacecraft Charging Technology, Allen Andersen, Michael Bodeau, Mengu Cho, Victoria A. Davis, JR Dennison, Michelle Donegan, Dale C. Ferguson, Nelson Green, Virginie Inguimbert, Insoo Jun, Shu T. Lai, Justin J. Likar, Joseph Minow, Linda Neergaard Parker, Jean-François Roussel, Kazuhiro Toyoda, Henry B. Garrett, and Hideyuki Usui; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
Physics-Driven Dual-Defect Model Fits of Voltage Step-Up to Breakdown Data in Spacecraft Polymers, Allen Andersen and JR Dennison; 2019 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP)
Wireless Antenna Detection of Electrostatic Discharge Events, Allen Andersen and JR Dennison; IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science
Dynamic Secondary Electron Emission in Rough Composite Materials, Leandro Olano, Maria E. Dávila, John R. Dennison, Petronilo Martín-Iglesias, and Isabel Montero; Scientific Reports
Secondary Electron Yield Measurements of Carbon Nanotube Forests: Dependence on Morphology and Substrate, Brian Wood, Jordan Lee, Gregory Wilson, T. -C. Shen, and JR Dennison; IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science
An Introduction to Quantile-Quantile Plots for the Experimental Physicist, Allen Andersen and JR Dennison; AJP
A Predictive Range Expression: Applications and Limitations, Gregory Wilson, Anne C. Starley, Lisa Phillipps, and JR Dennison; IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science
Time-Evolved Constant Voltage Conductivity Measurements of Common Spaceborne Polymeric Materials, Brian Wood, David King, and JR Dennison; IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science
An Enhanced Operational Definition of Dielectric Breakdown for DC Voltage Step-up Tests, Allen Andersen and JR Dennison; IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena
Highly Accelerated Test Method for Characterizing Likelihood of Breakdown in HVDC Dielectric Materials, Allen Andersen and JR Dennison; IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena
Perspectives on the Distributions of ESD Breakdowns for Spacecraft Charging Applications, Allen Andersen, Krysta Moser, and JR Dennison; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
Temporal and Spatial Correlations in Electron-induced Arcs of Adjacent Dielectric Islands, Justin Christensen, JR Dennison, and Justin Dekany; IEEE Tran. Plasma Science
Density of State Models and Temperature Dependence of Radiation Induced Conductivity, Jodie Corbridge Gillespie, JR Dennison, and Alec M. Sim; IEEE Tran. Plasma Science
Cathodoluminescence Studies of Defects in Coated Boron Nitride, Kévin Guerch, Justin Dekany, JR Dennison, Thierry Paulmier, Sophie Guillemet-Fritsch, and Pascal Lenormand; Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Dependence of Electrostatic Field Strength on Voltage Ramp Rate for Spacecraft Materials, Krysta Moser, Allen Andersen, and JR Dennison; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
PEA System Modeling and Signal Processing for Measurement of Volume Charge Distributions in Thin Dielectric Films, Lee H. Pearson, JR Dennison, Erick W. Griffiths, and Anthony C. Pearson; IEEE Transactions of Plasma Science
Mixed Weibull Distribution Model of DC Dielectric Breakdowns with Dual Defect Modes, Allen Andersen and JR Dennison; Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena—(CEIDP 2015)
Pre-breakdown Arcing as a Proxy for DC Dielectric Breakdown Testing of Polymeric Insulators, Allen Andersen and JR Dennison; Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena—(CEIDP 2015)
Electrostatic Discharge and Endurance Time Measurements of Spacecraft Materials: A Defect-Driven Dynamic Model, Allen Andersen, JR Dennison, Alec Sim, and Charles Sim; IEEE Tran. Plasma Science
Variations in Cathodoluminescent Intensity of Spacecraft Materials Exposed to Energetic Electron Bombardment, Justin Dekany, Justin Christensen, JR Dennison, Amberly Evans Jensen, Gregory Wilson, Todd Schneider, Charles W. Bowers, and Robert Meloy; IEEE Tran. Plasma Science
Dynamic Interplay Between Spacecraft Charging, Space Environment Interactions and Evolving Materials, JR Dennison; IEEE Tran. Plasma Science
Defects Density of States Model of Cathodoluminescent Intensity and Spectra of Disordered SiO2, Amberly Evans Jensen and JR Dennison; IEEE Tran. Plasma Science
Electrical Properties of Annealed and Coated Boron Nitride Under Electron Beam Irradiation, Kevin Guerch, Theirry Paulmier, JR Dennison, Justin Dekany, Pascal Lenormand, and Sophie Guillemet-Fritsch; Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets
Electrical Properties Study under Electron Beam of Annealed and Coated Boron Nitride, Kevin Guerch, Thierry Paulmier, JR Dennison, Justin Dekany, Sophie Guillemet-Fritsch, and Pascal Lenormand; Journal of Spacecrafts and Rockets
Pre-breakdown Arcing and Electrostatic Discharge in Dielectrics under High DC Electric Field Stress, Allen Andersen and JR Dennison; Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena
Ultrahigh Vacuum Cryostat System for Extended Low Temperature Space Environment Testing, Justin Dekany, Robert H. Johnson, Gregory Wilson, Amberly Evans Jensen, and JR Dennison; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
Low Temperature Cathodoluminescence in Disordered SiO2, Amberly Evans Jensen, JR Dennison, Gregory Wilson, and Justin Dekany; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
Feasibility of Detecting Spacecraft Charging and Arcing by Remote Sensing, Dale C. Ferguson, Jeremy Murray Krezan, David A. Barton, JR Dennison, and Stephen Gregory; J. Spacecraft and Rockets
In Situ Surface Voltage Measurements of Dielectrics Under Electron Beam Irradiation, Joshua L. Hodges, John R. Dennison, Gregory Wilson, Amberly Evans, and Alec Sim; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
Electron Transport Models and Precision Measurements with the Constant Voltage Conductivity Method, Justin Dekany, JR Dennison, Alec Sim, and Jerilyn Brunson; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
Small-Scale Simulation Chamber for Space Environment Survivability Testing, Robert H. Johnson, Lisa D. Montierth, JR Dennison, James S. Dyer, and Ethan R. Lindstrom; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
Electron Energy Dependent Charging Effects of Multilayered Dielectric Material, Gregory Wilson, JR Dennison, Amberly Evans Jensen, and Justin Dekany; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
Charge Enhanced Contamination and Environmental Degradation of MISSE-6 SUSpECS Materials, John R. Dennison, Amberly Evans, Danielle Fulmer, and Joshua L. Hodges; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
Electron Beam Induced Luminescence of SiO2 Optical Coatings, John R. Dennison, Amberly Evans, Gregory Wilson, Charles W. Bowers, and Robert Meloy; Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP, 14-17 Oct. 2012
The Effects of Surface Modification on Spacecraft Charging Parameters, Amberly Evans Jensen and JR Dennison; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
Measurement Methods of Electron Emission Over a Full Range of Sample Charging, R. Hoffmann and John R. Dennison; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
Approximation of Range in Materials as a Function of Incident Electron Energy, Gregory Wilson and JR Dennison; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
Electron Induced Luminescence of InsulatingPolymeric Materials, Douglas Ball, Alec Sim, Josh Hodges, Ryan Hoffmann, and John R. Dennison; Electron Induced Luminescence of InsulatingPolymeric Materials
Observations on braided thin wire nucleate boiling in microgravity, Justin P. Koeln, Jeffrey C. Boulware, Heng Ban, and JR Dennison; International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow
Spacecraft Coating-Induced Charging: A Materials and Modeling Study of Environmental Extreme, Michelle M. Donegan, Jennifer L. Sample, John R. Dennison, and R. Hoffman; Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets
Temperature Dependence of Radiation Induced Conductivity in Insulators, JR Dennison, Jodie Corbridge Gillespie, Joshua Hodges, Ryan C. Hoffman, J Abott, Steven Hart, and Alan W. Hunt; American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings Series
Temperature and Electric Field Dependence of Conduction in Low-Density Polyethylene, John R. Dennison and Jerilyn Brunson; IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science
Deep Dielectric Charging of Spacecraft Polymers by Energetic Protons, Nelson W. Green and JR Dennison; IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science
Low-Fluence Electron Yields of Highly Insulating Materials, Ryan Hoffmann, JR Dennison, Clint D. Thomson, and Jennifer Albretson; IEEE Trans. on Plasma Sci.
On the Computation of Secondary Electron Emission Models, Sebastien Clerc, John R. Dennison, Ryan Hoffmann, and Jonathon Abbott; IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science
Evolution of the Electron Yield Curves of Insulators as a Function of Impinging Electron Fluence and Energy, John R. Dennison, Alec Sim, and Clint Thomson; IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science
Methods For High Resistivity Measurements Related To Spacecraft Charging, JR Dennison, Jerilyn Brunson, Prasanna Swaminathan, Nelson Green, and A Robb Frederickson; IEEE Tran. Plasma Science
Experimentally Derived Resistivity for Dielectric Samples from the CRRES Internal Discharge Monitor, Nelson W. Green, A. Robb Frederickson, and John R. Dennison; IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science
Extended BEG model of halogenated methanes physisorbed on ionic crystals, T. E. Burns, JR Dennison, and Jason Kite; Surface Science
The Effect of Low Energy Electron and UV/VIS Radiation Aging on the Electron Emission Properties and Breakdown of Thin-film Dielectrics, John R. Dennison, C. D. Thomson, and Alec Sim; Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society (DEIS) International Conference on Solid Dielectrics (ICSD)
Measurement of Conductivity and Charge Storage in Insulators Related to Spacecraft Charging, A Robb Frederickson and JR Dennison; IEEE Transaction on Nuclear Science
Utah State University Ground-based Test Facility for Study of Electronic Properties of Spacecraft Materials, W. Y. Chang, John R. Dennison, Neal Nickles, and R. E. Davies; Proceedings of the 6th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference
Evolution of secondary electron emission characteristics of spacecraft surfaces: Importance to spacecraft charging, R. E. Davies and JR Dennison; Proceedings of the 6th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference
Applications of Secondary Electron Energy- and Angular-Distributions to Spacecraft Charging, Neal Nickles, R. E. Davies, and John R. Dennison; Proceedings of the 6th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference
Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction of Layering Transitions of Multilayer Nitrogen Physisorbed on Graphite, T. E. Burns, John R. Dennison, and S. N. Ehrlich; Langmuir
Physisorbed CO on ionic crystals: An extended BEG spin-lattice model of adsorbed dipolar molecules, T. E. Burns and JR Dennison; Surface Science
Evolution of Secondary Electron Emission Characteristics of Spacecraft Surfaces, R. E. Davies and John R. Dennison; Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets
An Embedded Ring Approach to the Vibrational Dynamics of Amorphous Materials, John R. Dennison and T. E. Doyle; Carbon
Building a Competition Buzzer Set, John R. Dennison and Richard Davis; The Physics Teacher
Raman Spectroscopy of Carbon Materials, JR Dennison, Mark Holtz, and Greg Swain; Spectroscopy
Application of (e,2e) Spectroscopy to the Electronic Structure of Valence Electrons in Crystalline and Amorphous Solids, JR Dennison and A. L. Ritter; J. Electron Spec. Rel. Phenom.
Vibrational Dynamics and Structure of Amorphous Carbon Modeled Using the Embedded Ring Approach, T. E. Doyle and John R. Dennison; Physical Review B
Ultrahigh Vacuum Chamber for Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction from Films Adsorbed on Single-crystal Surfaces, JR Dennison, S. K. Wang, and S. N. Ehrlich; Rev. Sci. Instrum.
Corrugation in the nitrogen-graphite potential probed by inelastic neutron scattering, F. Y. Hansen, L. W. Bruch, H. Taub, V. L. Frank, H. J. Lauter, and John R. Dennison; Physical Review Letters
Lattice Dynamics of Nitrogen onGraphite Investigated by Inelastic Neutron Scattering, V. L. Frank, H. J. Lauter, F. Y. Hansen, H. Taub, L. W. Bruch, and John R. Dennison; Proceedings of the Conference PHONONS
Nature of Carbon-Carbon Bonding in Evaporated and Ion-Sputtered (Diamondlike) Amorphous Carbon from (e, 2e) Spectroscopy, Chao Gao, Yun Yu Wang, A. L. Ritter, and John R. Dennison; Physical Review Letters
Multi-layer Structure of Nitrogen Adsorbed on Graphite, S. K. Wang, J. C. Newton, R. Wang, H. Taub, John R. Dennison, and H. Shechter; Physical Review B
Anomalous Layering of Fe(C0) Adsorbed on Graphite, John R. Dennison, H. Taub, F. Y. Hansen, H. Shechter, and R. Brener; Physical Review B
Spectral Momentum Density from Graphite from (e,2e) Spectroscopy: Comparison with First Principles Calculations, Chao Gao, A. L. Ritter, JR Dennison, and N. A. W. Holzwarth; Phys. Rev.
An Spectrometer for Investigating the Spectral Momentum Density of Thin Films, A. L. Ritter, John R. Dennison, and J. Dunn; Review of Scientific Instruments
The Spectral Momentum Density of Amorphous Carbon from (e, 2e) Spectroscopy, A. L. Ritter, John R. Dennison, and R. Jones; Physical Review Letters