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Recent Developments in Ionosphere-Thermosphere Modeling with an Emphasis on Solar Variability
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Advances in Space Research
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The Utah State University modeling developments have led to new results in several areas of ionospheric research. This review will present the most recent of these results and their synergisms with both ground-based and satellite-based observations. Particular attention is given to new results associated with solar variability, a central theme to the TIGER program. The effect on the ionosphere of differences in solar X-EUV spectra will be demonstrated by studies using the time-dependent ionospheric model, while their effect on the coupled thermosphere–ionosphere system will be shown using a new model, the global average ionosphere thermosphere model. How the dayside solar-produced plasma contributes to sub auroral polarization streams, storm enhanced densities, tongues of ionization, plasma patches, polar wind jets, and polar cap scintillations, will be described via recent modeling results from a variety of coupled or driven thermosphere, ionosphere, and magnetosphere models. The review will indicate the need for improved solar output specification, whether via observations or models. These improvements need to be over the flare through solar cycle time scale, with particular attention to the short wavelength end of the spectrum.
Recommended Citation
Sojka, J. J., C. Smithtro, and R. W. Schunk Recent developments in ionosphere-thermosphere modeling with an emphasis on solar variability, Adv. Space Res., 37(2). 369-379, 2006.
Originally published by Elsevier. Publisher’s PDF available through remote link. Subscription is required.