


Caine College of the Arts


Theatre Arts Department

Faculty Mentor

Paul T. Mitri

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation


The purpose of this project is to gain further knowledge in theatrical production of a full-length musical. We will work creatively as an artistic team of two Actors and a Director, building our own personal craft to contribute to the show as an entirety. Then, as a group, we will experience the financial side of producing Theatre. We will learn the business side of production; applying and paying for rights, cooperating with house management, ticket sales and proceeds, and management of volunteer recruitment.We have chosen to produce the musical, The Last Five Years written by Jason Robert Brown. This musical will best serve our educational experience because it provides musical experience for the actors in a demanding only-two person cast, and also gives the director an opportunity to craft a directorial process in a state where undergraduate Directing programs are not provided. The Last Five Years is a transformative musical portraying the story of a modern-day couple who experience new love while pursuing their passions, and navigating the heartache that inevitably ensues. Because of its many themes, it will provide more opportunities for the students to navigate, and for our audiences to find touching.


Logan, UT

Start Date

4-12-2023 2:30 PM

End Date

4-12-2023 3:30 PM


Apr 12th, 2:30 PM Apr 12th, 3:30 PM

The Last Five Years: An Innovative Theatre Project

Logan, UT

The purpose of this project is to gain further knowledge in theatrical production of a full-length musical. We will work creatively as an artistic team of two Actors and a Director, building our own personal craft to contribute to the show as an entirety. Then, as a group, we will experience the financial side of producing Theatre. We will learn the business side of production; applying and paying for rights, cooperating with house management, ticket sales and proceeds, and management of volunteer recruitment.We have chosen to produce the musical, The Last Five Years written by Jason Robert Brown. This musical will best serve our educational experience because it provides musical experience for the actors in a demanding only-two person cast, and also gives the director an opportunity to craft a directorial process in a state where undergraduate Directing programs are not provided. The Last Five Years is a transformative musical portraying the story of a modern-day couple who experience new love while pursuing their passions, and navigating the heartache that inevitably ensues. Because of its many themes, it will provide more opportunities for the students to navigate, and for our audiences to find touching.